Sour Diesel, Blue Tooth & White Widow (Automatics)

Hi. If I understand right, then you want to grow regular feminised seed together with auto seeds in one tent? You already put the seeds in those 3galon pots? I hope you dont make the same mistake as your grow here :frowning:

You need to start with smaller pots and after good roots develop then you need to transfer them in to bigger one. generaly you start in small pots like 0.5 litres. then you transfer to 1galon a then in to 3galon pots(3galons is for really big plants tho…I use 1 galon and its just fine for me :slight_smile: ). And you do it so you dont overwater them and have enough oxygen in roots. Its not like outdoor growing where is 36C and full sun, so the pots dry out very quickly.

ANd one rule for growing: You can alwas ADD nutrients, you can always add water, you can always add more light and everything wiil be alright in 48h. But if you overfeed them or too much water or too much light, you put your plants uder stress and they never grow to its full potencial.

LESS IS MORE! :slight_smile: Keep growing man :slight_smile: