Sour Diesel Thread

I just cut one of my Skunktek Sowabungas today, day 56. I’m not happy at all with the handful I grew. Bitchy, sensitive plants with cardboard terps. Not a fair representation on my part, but there’s only so much room and so much time in the day.
I grew them next to LD Mazard which are very, very nice plants that smell and look awesome.

We’ll see how the Sowabunga smokes but I will not be growing them again.


My 2 sowabungas finished at 65 and 70. We’ll see how the terps are but there’s definitely some potential there, nice “sour diesel” phenos in there lmao


I have one left that’ll make it to 65 fairly easily I’m sure. It also smells better than the one I cut today and it has SD looking buds. The one I cut had very rounded buds like the M’brot’s HB but there were no living leaves left. I suspect it’s from the light, could be from early feeding. Dunno.
I’ve found anything I’ve grown by SKVA sets the bar high for any other contenders.


Agreed with SKVA for sure! Chem Fuego and Diesel Therapy FTW


I haven’t looked into it in a long time but I know it gets pricey. I’d love to see a non profit organized to do full plant sequencing and make it public domain. I thought there were a few projects started but am not sure if they made any real progress.
Would be neat to have some real data on the relations.


I appreciate the global insight.

Replacing the ECSD (if it’s a S1) by a new cut coming from an unintentional or an intentional S1 doesn’t look like a productive hunt if you take in count the decades that passed since. I don’t have any grief against the most serious theory, but the occurrence.

Accepting the occurrence of a SD isn’t a big deal, but it’s not the same game with S1 at all mathematically. Even if it’s a nightmare to reverse well, after years of S1s everywhere … the chance were on the side of the stoners to find not one another, but a few new ECSD even outperforming the standard.

Just brain fart. The tight relationship of all cuts of this galaxy and the presumed selfed iterations is a matter of acceptation for me. But this bug in the matrix : the occurence of the ECSD that almost destroy the theory.


Just my experience. The sour I got in Brooklyn around 2000 was sterile


I was offered the Covelo cut from someone in tight. He said it is the closest he has seen to real SD in many years.

Does anyone know anything about this Covelo cut?


Yeah you’d think something as good or better would’ve come up by now but nada.

If someone had that original mouth-coating sour diesel you’d think theyd be yelling from the rooftops which cut it is, but here we are, decades in and still searching.


I’ve had the same cut of ECSD since 2017.
A lot of my customers have ran it next to the Cloney Soprano cut and cuts from other sellers. Mine has always been the most potent and what people keep.

As far as a seed version, there’s a Katsu thread on Rollitup where they compare Shoreline Diesel to Katsu. Probably check that out before you waste money on the Katsu version.


We are all searching something indefinitively anyway ^^


Greenpoint and Useful seeds were breeding with the ECSD they got from me. They put out some strong , potent strains with it.


I’ve only heard of it occasionally. Would love to hear what you think about it after a run


NASC Sour Diesel x Pineapple Express. This one was outside for veg, moved indoors to flower. Super thick stalk.


So, when I spoke about Chaco, it was only because A friend received seeds It was sent by him , if his business is not real, that doesn’t matter much to me, I just think it’s fair to give credit to whoever did the work. Whether it’s the real thing, I can’t say, but I like the smoke and just the effect of that damn thing.The only thing I see that came from NH is the vigor and a slight taste of patchouli. And it comes with that sour without fruit, pure fuel.
In the end I only keep plants that I like to grow, smoke and get high.
And thanks for your opinion :pray:


In the end, the way I use to see if what I have is something solid, I look at “solid” photos to base myself on, but in the end it doesn’t say much, but apparently it grows like a diesel.
I like growing things like this, currently I’m doing SOWAHH from karma and Chem Fuego from skunkVA

Hay 1 Sowahh

Hay 2
The Biggest Head seems to be the right thing, the smell is of damp sour with lemon…


The Chem Fuego are coming strong, beautiful and fragrant

Hay 5

Hay 3
3 smells like Headband, while 5 has a good mix of sourD and chem. It’s the first time running them, I’m very happy so far.


Very nice, @Pajarito !!


I never said i forgive him.

I have nothing to forgive him for.

Dont paint me out to be the bad guy. Its called offering perspective. And yours is valued. So is anyone elses.

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What is happening in this thread man…

I think my eyeballs need hand sanitizer.