Sour Diesel Thread

I’m just hoping it’s not the aj sour that is going around , that has the stretch and stacking but was not the flavor profile I’m after at all.


Katsu is having a sale on his Sour Diesel Line 50% off for a limited time.


Phylos’ entire dataset is worthless due to them deciding to use the cheapest sequencing method possible that randomly selects a ~1% portion of the DNA. Then they tried to compare the random 1% snippet to other random 1% snippets and called it the phylos galaxy. They’re a bunch of clowns. They couldn’t even identify a plant, her s1, and a cross of her that nspecta sent in. Said they were all the same plant :joy:


Rez gets a lot of hate. Not only from people who were around back then…. But also people just randomly hopping into it. So its all around bad for him.

But everyone makes mistakes. And if snitching is where a person draws the line thats their thing.

Obviously nobody supports that type of behavior. But people can grow from their mistakes. Jesus would be ashamed of our abilities to forgive if he was around.

All that said he definitely made some good stuff during that time. You dont make that many seed sales at $200 a pack if youre putting out boof.


Definitely not pick time as i run it all different times as its a favourite, and ive made many seed projects using many of the we’ll known cuts and run them for years , and smoked the said persons own grow before receiving the cut , and many friends version’s since sharing her.

It must be our own perception of taste/smell and il leave it at that

JJ from topdawg seeds confirmed our Original Diesel clone only cut was a legitimate cut when he was in Europe around 10-15 years ago and sampled it from someone else who showed it to him.
Our cut has never been passed out so doubt its the same cut that goes around ( we had it for around 15 years , and also had at the time these ECSD clone only’s

Hazyfontazy/bachus cut

Captain krip cut



None of these were Rez seed cuts as way before he really started to try pump out the Diesel seeds


The guy ruined so many lives , we will never forget.

Some people went to prison, others didnt but lost everything they had , some had to move away and never been seen again , many many lives were ruined



Who can forgive someone for completely ruining many lives , shame on you .

Imagine your whole life and whole life of your family RUINED by a lying stealing RAT CALLED REZ


I wish more people understood this , to many people take what they provide as concrete fact when it is and always was a scheme to get people to pay them to collect valuable plant data they can use and sell to people with much bigger pockets.
It cost around $8000 dollars to have a plant completely genome/ dna profiled last time I checked and it takes time and only a few places can even do it.
So 8k for the first one and then another 8 every time you want to check something against it.
Phylos is like at homes science kit for kids in comparison and they lied and ripped people off along the way.
Sorry rant over back to sours lol


A lot of people were not around the old forums and don’t know who he is or are not aware of the drama around him , I know a lot of people don’t like swerve because of it all but I’ll tell you what , I have a lot of Cali connection gear and zero rez beans.


If you all want full genomes I can get it done but the fingerprints are where my personal wallet draws the line. I am pretty sure I can get MFD to do full genome for far less than $8k. T


Swerve did nothing like Rez( snitch and ruin many many lives , not just 1 persons life) did and shouldn’t be considered the same at all.

I don’t know the swerve story but I think it was to do with cuts etc , nothing at all like Snitching , so make that clear if that is the case

My man… I definitely understand your position on somebody ratting. No one wants that, even if we all know the risks we take playing this ILLEGAL game. But we’re talking about the plant here and quality of said plant. The quality of the sours that came from the turn of the century were out of this world. Unfortunately Rez had one of those cuts. So again, if Karma was trying to preserve the quality of the genetics, he did it because of the PLANT, not the person. I think everybody can agree on the perspective of a snitch, but we can’t punish the plant for it.


Phylos is unreliable as they don’t verify authenticity. Anyone can say their plant Is sour d. also phylos fucked over the entire community.

Seems people forget easily.


The legend say that the Rez line is in fact an ECSD line (post S1). Then the backbones of Karma at the start, that he smartly re-chemized to overcome what Rez failed.

Just to probe the opinions of the members of the sect over there ^^


Never forget Kevin Jodrey was their poster boy too. These are people who can not be trusted. Quoting Phylos as a legit source means youre completely ignorant. Or a legit terrible person. Which one are you @medmanbrand ?


Who talking Karma ? , not me

Im not punishing or commented on anyone growing even Rez strains ? , why karma getting brought up ?

but the world needs to know what a Rez Rat Fuck did and how many lives he ruined not just the 2 most famous 1’s people know about , there were many people who got caught up in the sewer Rats net.

WE DONT FORGET , and if you do Snitch you better run down in the sewer and never return , or expect Rat catchers out there warning everyone that this guy might of cut those RAT wiskers off but we wont ever forget that rat storm you caused and lives you ruined.

All his new stuff looks shit nowadays anyways :laughing: :rofl:, 60 days SSSDH ?

yeah Rez Rat defo had some good shit decades back, for sure, but you ruined all your good work when you snitch on any Canna brothers/Sister

Most people used Rez Rats work for Sour Projects as he was 1 of the only people releasing Sour Seeds.
I use loads of his old strains but as someone said not the strains we mad at , its the Reservoir Rat who let the side down to save his own whiskers


Little diesel auto ready for curing… nice gassy terps


I thought about the S1 theory after the test results came back from MFD. I presume that if you selfed anything DNA fingerprints would show a high level of marker similarities because the mom and dad have the exact same DNA.

I imagine that at some point, most of the Sour D cuts flying around are probably identical or from selfed (intentional or not) seeds. (same genetically, different phenotypically/morphologically)

Of course, the primary caveats are that A) Cuts are what they say they are, and B) Two of what I tested came from FarmerJoe (ECSD and Skunktek) and he has since DROPPED his Skunktek from his offering and I am pretty sure mixed up some of his cuts at one point but I seem to recall it was his Irene OG.


Swerve is a great guy in my book , there was some super negative comments back and forth between them but it’s because he knew Rez was throwing people to the sharks and was threatening to do the same to him. Rez def ruined life’s and destroyed reputations. Most of it started over cuts, who had them who should etc.