Sour Diesel Thread

It is most likely just a chem mixed to a skunk. You can feel the head high behind the eyes yet the headspace isnt boring like most skunks. Everyone is different but I remember the few times i’ve had pure Sour D, it made me really paranoid and racy etc … all the bad sativa side effects without all the good. Like too much Goji OG.Of course us talking about what something did to us so long ago is no way to define anything as all of our systems are different but most people do say Sour D causes these things.

Not the best source but it is collective for instance…


You guys smokin cookies all the time or something?


If your used to smoking indicas and heavy hitters I could see sour d giving someone anxiety. None of my friends will touch any of the hazes I grow for example. All say it makes them paranoid, I dont get that reaction so maybe it’s a body chemistry thing too.

Speaking on cookies my little brother just dropped off 5 diffrent cookie varieties. Early lemon berry, mandarin cookies, booberry cookies, and gsc s1 something. All look great smell great but seriously lack in the buzz department. Shits like crack or something, every 30 min rolling more up. It’s not just internet folklore, really effects were nothing after half hour. After a couple days I went right back to some ak47 and ssh I got lol. If yall are interested I’ll throw up some pics of live plants and flowers. The older classics we were growing at the same time blew em out of the water.


That does make a lot of sense. I’ve always leaned indica. Only grown one pure sativa (Moroccan Beldia.) Grown a ton of sativa leaning og/chem hybrids though. I appreciate the nuances of feeling, mood and perception but most pure sativas are too “light” for me.


See? Wuachuma gets it. Thank you for explaining it clearly, because I wasn’t following the logic at all.

How am I “stirring shit up”? By asking questions? And expecting coherent answers?

Anybody who’s followed any of my grow logs knows that Sour Diesel matters to me quite a bit.

Uhhh, because I’ve smoked the original many times, loved it and would like to find it again? I didn’t realize one had to have actually grown a strain to be a fan of it.



The Sour resurgence was around 2007-ish when Ras Truth was killing it with Sour and started breeding Sour.
For a while, Headband took over, but that cut got lost and then Sour or “Sour” popped back up
These west coast Sours got passed around the country and maybe people assumed that the west coast ones were better (because Cali) and the originals disappeared.

JayPlantSpeaker has a great Sour. I cant remember if its from Ras Truth. But its the best one I found on the west coast. Not many run his because it goes so late into the season and its easier to run a “Sour”.


Thanks for proving my point quotemaster. Lol I’m just messing with you man, I love sour diesel too. I’ve never ran yhe clone only either minitiger, I’m in the same boat as you, Just ran many hybrids of it.

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Rite now I got Sowahh x 95 Silver Haze, Sowahh x Black Triangle, Sowahh x GG4RIL Sowahh, Sowahh x Old SilverThai x G13 and a few Columbian Blacks I will hit with the BT x Sowahh when I get a male. Def go for Karmas Sowahh you will not be dissapoint!!


What was Mojave talking about when he said during an interview on The FCP that Headband was just renamed Sour diesel?He says that Sour Diesel was passed around Him and Sour Silicates crew and some of the cuts were renamed Headband.I could be having a stone moment but im pretty sure you can pull it up on YouTube


I just got this and damn is it sour


This seems like a good time to drop in this excerpt from one of my favorite cannabis reads, by Mandelbrot/Ras Truth:

Breeding Strategies

There are many styles of breeding that you can practice, it is not as simple as it may seem. Like I said before I am interested to reconsider breeding strategies and their affect on the cannabis seed market. Many companies out there would have you believe that stability is king, that uniformity is a necessity. Many breeders strive to create “in bread lines” (IBL’s). I agree that if you buy a package of ten seeds and you are expecting a certain strain you want the seeds to express the traits that are expected from that strain. Let’s take Northern Lights 5 as an example, NL5 is a stable, true breeding line and shows little or no variance in it’s offspring, it has been used as a progenitor (parent) to a lot of other strains, there are some that say Headband is a Northern Lights/Diesel cross. Many of the strains in today’s marketplace are poly-hybridized and only exist in clone form. The Sour or New York Diesel is a perfect example, many breeders (myself included) have so loved the Diesel that they have tried to re-create it in seed form. The literature out there would have you believe that you can take any clone and “cube” it, that is take a clone and cross it with a male of similar taxonomy and then back-cross to the mother a couple times and voila, you have a population of seeds that are just like the mother. I am afraid it is not that simple, an IBL like northern lights which has true breeding dominant traits will probably cube easily, and in 3 or 4 generations most of the progeny will show all of the traits of the parent strain, however a highly recessive poly-hybrid strain like the Sour Diesel (13 different distinct traits) has a 1 in 64,000 chance of getting the allele alignment or “linkage” to occur for all of the traits to be expressed. If you have ever grown the true Sour/New York Diesel, and those who have know, it only comes from clone. So the question remains, how do you get your favorite clone strain to grow from seed? Especially a strain with highly recessive characteristics like Diesel. The answer; develop strategies that are conducive to achieving the linkage necessary for the expression of the desired traits in subsequent generations.”


I saw that and thought why so many walls.

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I don’t understand what you mean


Just one large wall of text.

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What’s the word on 7 east genetics? They have a strain called back seat preacher. It’s (sour og x purple urkle ) x (gmo x chem). Got a few stinkers in their collection. I’m just hesitant bc they have alot of afficionado stuff too. I really dont wanna support anybody that has there stuff, I mean 500 for seeds…gtfoh lol


Karma Sowahh x 95 Silver haze. Big stretcher !


Who’s got “The Real” Sour Diesel though?:joy::rofl::joy:


Hey brother, I just want to clarify with you: you know I popped 4 of your beans and I’ve got 3 females. Here, the female/ male order is reversed from what’s on my seed packs; they say 95 Haze x Sowahh…did you do both?


flower-co-just-weed-sour-og.pdf (411.6 KB)

Here’s some test results for some recent Sour Diesel x OG KUSH.

ND CBD levels.