Sour Diesel Thread

Nice thanks for the info. Im in the process of sourcing the rez cut of ecsd and just wanted a little info on her. I appreciate ya my friend



Run her in salts under HID


Very nice here are my grapefruit diesels:


you getting insane grapefruit form that piece ?.

very nice …


I’ve been kinda looking for a good sour d lately Any difference between the weasal cut, notso cut, AJ sour cut, nyc diesel? And what would you guys say would be the pick if you could choose. Had the AJ already and was nice. Wanting to try something else.


Yeah the back left looks like it picked up a lot of grapefruit traits. The front left one is more diesel.

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Id highly recommend nextgeneration seed company nyc disel, or their purple gas.


Front left more sd trait back left more grapefruit trait.


Weasels and AJ’s supposed to be the same but it does seem like there is two different AJ cuts. I’m trying to find the old one.

Ecsd/nycd are crosses at best and raunchier/skunkier.

Notso’s :man_shrugging: I wasn’t gonna pay $500 to find out

Either the original mouth coating sour d is dead, or it’s being extremely hoarded. Haven’t seen a single person say they found it in the last ~13 years. Now there’s 10 other sour cuts.


True that, and yeah $500 lol no. There may be some clone only versions of its legal in your state to sell clones


On a side not here is the latest blue dynamite i have in the same tent.


Man you guys are making me feel bad for getting the notso cut :sob: hahahaha jk, I know some one who has it and am trying to trade him something. Let’s see how it goes!!!


Well hopefully it goes well and your dm will explode :joy:. Seriously good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Lol well I hope I get it then!! But wondering which is better and what cut is the notso cut?


It’s tricky since clones express differently according to light, temperatures, food and all the little variations in growing. Can’t wait to see the notso cut, it’s supposed to be a great yielder to boot


The sours are notoriously tough ones to expertly grow, could be that as a whole we are loosing more expertise than cuts.

“Nobody can cook better than grandmothers” :wink:


I don’t mean to be a dick, but, uh, I call bullshit on that whole ”The conditions need to be PERFECT in order to achieve True Sour Diesel-ness” idea that seems to have become prevalent in the last few years. I’ve already said this on another thread a while back, but up until about 2011 or so, it was not difficult at all to find super-tasty, mouth-coating Sour Diesel. Sour Diesel that tasted like, yes, Sour Diesel. I find it impossible to believe that every batch of Sour Diesel I ever bought back then (and I bought a LOT) was grown in these mythical sort of Perfect Growing Conditions that apparently nobody can achieve these days, considering every description of “Sour Diesel” that I’ve seen people grow online in the last few years doesn’t sound anything at all like any SD I used to blaze, as far as flavors are concerned.

Maybe it needs to be “expertly grown” in order to achieve awesome yields, but the flavor of real-deal Sour Diesel is SO strong and SO unique that it seems to me to be almost impossible to fuck the grow up to the point where it doesn’t even taste like SD anymore. And again, I can guaran-fucking-tee you that all of the Sour I used to get back in the day was not grown “expertly,” yet somehow it all tasted just like Sour Diesel…


I think growing technique has changed. I think most people are running grows to warm for sour. I only grew it during the winter in my room, because by July it was as to warm to finish properly. The summer sour was a pale comparison to the winter grows I’d do. I was dropping temps into the 50 at night.


10-15 years ago you had to prove yourself as a grower to get a cut of pretty much anything that was held. or some really insanely deep pockets & connections. now all you need is a hundred bucks grow skills not required.

here is some flavorless low odor Sour Diesel that i grew in may. she suffered from stupid high humidity and some unintentional drybacks in bloom in an earthbox. she is the hardest strain to get right for me because i do not necessarily keep the most stable envrionment at times and i’m also nowhere near as good a grower as others, especially those who have mastered the sour.


She has the correct structure! I’m guessing wispy, low Oder and not greasy at all! I didn’t have great climate control either in my space. A couple warm grows and I realized it wasn’t worth it at all. She absolutely loves colder temperatures than people realize
What cut by the way?