Sour Diesel Thread

This :100:

Prior to ~2008, from the Carolinas to Missouri I could find the same mouth coating, loud AF, Sour Diesel. Now it’s just gone.


Sometimes the recipe is more valuable than the cut.

We’ve all seen it, around the forums and in our own grow rooms… from run to run and room to room, it’s hard to get a uniform smoke. Some cuts just are that much of a bitch to get right.

Recently I read a post by dank frank where him and his friend are running the same cut, very similar setups, nutrients ratios, environment, all very close, yet Danks buds come out tastier and less potent, his friends more potent and less tasty -everytime-.

My mentor was one of those magic green thumb guy, no matter where or if it was the first run with a cut, the damn thing would come out better than the guys that gave him the cut.

I’d guess few held the cut/s for many years and even fewer held the market by the balls.


Gordon Ramsey had a cook off with his mom, same oven, same recipe.

When Gordon took his dish out the oven, all proud and about to plate it, his mom told him just by looking at the pan from 10ft away “it’s still raw in the middle”

Gordon checks and surely it’s raw. Puts it back and ask his mom “how did you know it was raw, you didn’t even touch the thing”

Mom “that’s because you can’t cook for shit you little twerp”


That’s hilarious


Where did the cut come from?

But that’s the point I’m trying to get through to y’all, is that Sour Diesel is so uniquely-flavored that even in the worst of conditions, it seems (to me) to be impossible to fuck up. Maybe it won’t taste AS strong, but the Sour Diesel Flavor is still gonna be incredibly noticeable. There’s nothing ambiguous about the way it tastes. And regardless of growing conditions, grow medium, whatever, it always tasted the same.

Like I said, I bought it many times from many different sources and I’m assuming from different growers, too (I doubt that there was one person who was vending to dispensaries all across LA over the course of many years) and it always tasted the same. Now it doesn’t even come close. Not to mention, what other strain have you heard about recently (or ever) where people are like,”This one needs to be grown PERFECTLY for it to taste the way it’s supposed to taste,”? I’ve never heard of any seed, cut, whatever that came with that caveat.


He failed to learn from his mistakes*


i swapped some cuts with a few buddies. same thing. one gave me a cut that was frosty and dank, the other was not frosty and lemon smelling. for me the dank one came out not frosty and lemon cheese, the other was very frosty and lemon. different smaller similar light, similar everything else. another guy gave me two cuts. one was about the same for us, but his nannered more than mine (it nanners). the other was completely different. he had wispy weak buds on every plant of that cut and mine was chunky, potent and psychedelic. there are some differences in setup. in the case they were pretty close the setup and nute regime were pretty similar.


The cut doesn’t preform in warm/hot rooms. The density, flavor, smell resin is a pale comparison to when it’s grown in its preferred way. It’s a massive difference. This is why I told @supershitfuck to run his sour again in colder temperatures


What cut are you running? And where/when did you get it? I’m not being skeptical or anything right now, I’m truly curious.

Again, though, like I’ve said over and over, I used to never have a problem finding Sour Diesel that tasted like it was supposed to taste; now I do. Or rather, it’s been so long since I’ve found any legit Sour that I gave up like seven years ago.

I did stop into a dispensary like six years back, it was next to my dog’s vet and I had some time to kill. Bought an eighth of outdoor Sour Diesel just outta curiosity and the flavor was there, but it faded fast. It was like Sour Diesel Lite or something haha: all of the flavor in a tiny window. The flavor was the way I remembered it, but it was gone in like a minute or so, nothing like the old stuff where the flavor would linger and evolve for thirty minutes after blazing it.


I got my cut in Brooklyn in 2000. It simply came labeled as sour. That was it. I never had a “named” cut I was aware of. What I do know is that my circle and jj circle intersected somewhere. I had that cut until about 3 year’s ago when my appendix ruptured. Lost my entire library at that point.
So I understand how difficult finding a legit cut is.


Haha We got it brought down from Brooklyn in ‘99. Small world.

Edit Still preferred the stuff he brought back before and called Diesel/NYCD. He called it NYCD, because he was one of those Brooklyn dudes who believes Brooklyn and NYC are the best, but didn’t live there any longer. Haha Grateful Dead tattoos and stuff. He was a trip.


It’s a small world. I know I’m going to catch shit for this, but whatever. My sour was done at 63 days….none of this 12 week flowering time

At one point we were running sour and nyc diesel. The nyc diesel was a larger yielding plant, but wasn’t as good in smell, quality. Most people didn’t see the difference


The Diesel/NYCD was best around 70 and the sour one was 77-84. 77 usually had a stronger smell when popping a bag, but 84 smoked better and had more taste in the smoke. Plus or minus a day or so. The one I’m talking about looked more like the ECSD stuff I see sometimes now. Really swollen bracts or calyxes, always get that wrong, and that Chem neon green. Was floppy. Sucked when that became all people wanted. Haha Temps or humidity not right and it’s bunk. Get the watering amount/frequency and/or feeding wrong and it’s bunk. Just like you said, needs cold dry air.


We had a big fluffy blueberry that everyone was running just before sour. Once sour hit nobody wanted it anymore. Yes big swollen calyxes. A floppy nightmare for sure. Every time I hear someone say sour is just okay I laugh. Real sour tasted good all the way to the end of a joint and was potent
Cold air was critical for every run I did. I started hitting even 80 in the final part of flower I just knew it was a b at best


I was young back then, but they had a Jack that was easier to grow and yielded insane. Then, I found a nice Early Skunk #1 from my first packs bought and right as I was starting to run that and make my own money, Sour really took off. Sucked. Haha Was so glad to toss that cut for HPK when I finally did.

Ohhhh yeah, did you notice Sour off-gassed, not sure that’s correct terminology, super easily? At least here in hot ass FL, you’d be using coolers and stuff to get it to where it needed to go or else a good bit of the smell would be in your car.


I really wish I still had my cut whatever it would be called. It was fantastic. I’m actually looking forward to going through the co-op sour. :crossed_fingers: I find a close version in them.

Everything stunk if you didn’t double turkey bag it.


Best of luck on the hunt!! I don’t want that thing back ever. Only stayed around, because of the insane prices you could get for packs of it back in the day. I’m not doing that these days, so I’d douse that thing in gasoline and burn it if it showed up at my door. Haha


That’s hilarious. We’ll see how life goes with it. The people I know still love sour.


It’s great smoke, but I never thought it was that much better than many things. I prefer Bubba (just wasn’t worth growing for money and having to trim), HPK, and Sour Grapes or whatever you want to call it. But, it’s killer smoke. I just personally have nightmares from that plant. Probably where my anxiety came from. Haha


Bro…I grow this plant that can help with your anxiety. :wink: