Sour Diesel Thread

Is it Bubba? Haha


Welllllll, I’m not looking for a cut or anything haha, I don’t bring clones into my garden, ever. I have grown a few hybrids, but they’ve all turned out pretty disappointing as far as the smells/flavors were concerned. I still have a bunch of different seeds of various Sour hybrids, including a couple of JJ’s/Top Dawg’s, so… I dunno. Maybe something’ll turn out good.

One day… haha.

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Trimming suuuuucks! Especially this super tight trim everyone expects now. It’s really does induce anxiety :laughing:

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I’m just going to say run cooler temperature for the sour crosses you have. Winter run before any other time or at least run a cut in the colder temperatures before deciding on keeping it or not


Cold dry air after week five. Ramp it down if you can control it. Last two weeks if you could do 40/40-30 at night things would be ideal. Then, the biggest thing is moisture on the roots. It hates wet roots, but run is shot if they get too dry as well, so dial that in and you’re good to go.

Edit: It’s a bitch of a plant.


I had high hopes for the SD x Dragon Energy from Doc D. She definitely looked the part and was for sure grown in cooler temps (ran her last winter, which was by far the coldest, shittiest winter I’ve ever seen in LA, reminded me of when I lived in Portland). The flavor was just not there at all, though.

Anyway, I’ll get back to that one and some of the others I have eventually, but at this point, I’m not holding my breath haha.


I’d be excited about that one also @minitiger. Sounds like headband to me, definitely would revisit it

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I’ll also say, I never ran it under LEDs. I’m not saying that should matter, but just putting it out there. Mostly ran it in Santa Barbara, West Hollywood, and Silver Lake.

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I never ran it under led either. I’d love to see the difference between the two lights in how the product comes out


I too am looking for that old sour diesel. There seem to be endless interesting theories, it being extinct, genetics weakening, its still around as specific cuts, growing conditions needing to be perfect. There have been a few I came across in recent years that were close but still were not it. I have a few crosses from seed going, maybe one will get me something close.

Only one in flower is Ghost of NYC from humboldt seed org. Description states it is “uncirculated NYC Diesel x Geist OG (4-way)”. It has strong pine and grapefruit, could be nice.

In veg I have the only seed found in a great batch of sour from around 2018. It went the first few days above ground with the shell almost still completely shut so I was a little worried considering I only have one seed from it but it worked its way out slowly.


I think your bag seed will be nicer for you of the two.


I think it depends on what brand of LED it’s run under. I really have to say that the Apaches I use blow everything else outta the water.

Anyway, here’s that SD x Dragon Energy I grew last winter:

There’s a few sorta “markers” that I always associate with Sour Diesel: “bulbous” bright green calyces that kind of “swirl,” for lack of a better word; dark green sugar leaves or whatever you wanna call them; and a plethora of super-wiry pistils. That SD x Dragon energy had most of that going on, with the exception of a lot of wiry pistils. They were there, there just weren’t a lot of them.

In any event, like I said, the flavor was lacking big-time. I still have a lot of those seeds left, though, so I’ll get back into them again eventually.


She looks great! I’d definitely revisit the seeds of this

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You probably had AJ’s cut. That’s what JJ used for his Sour d bx3. The JJ bx3 x Weasel’s Sour D I have has mouth puckering pheno’s that are the same as the Sour d I moved in the 90’s. Some plants are heavier leaning towards Tresdawg, but 1 out of 5 is weed that tastes like pure Sour d every hit of the joint till my finger tips are burnt. If my cut of Weasel’s Sour turns out to be legit, I’ll be knocking out some great BX’s.


It was an awesome cut. Looks like I should get the weasel/ Albany cut. Please tag me with your posts. I’d love to see your adventures


This is the Albany cut of sour.

It’s easy to cook the tops. I like her better under CMH than LED. I like her better with salts than organics. She is a hog and likes her calcium and magnesium. Just try to keep her happy as long as you can. She can eat herself if you can’t dial her in. Don’t judge her on your first run. Give yourself a couple tries at least. Best of luck, she’s worth the effort!


That picture looks on point


Looks excellent any chance you made S1’s of it?


How was she under led. I’ve been super curious about this, since I’ve only run hps

That definitely looks like a lower or side branch of Sour for sure. Nice!! Down in that cold basement, huh? I’m jealous down here. Haha

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