Sour Diesel Thread

Yes, that’s what I saw as the winners in the IG story of one of the judges.

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She ls hungry.

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thought about it lol

I just got the Wing Wang Sour D! My buddy hooked it up with 13 cuts, can’t wait to grow it out.


AJ’s Sour D from GMO House of Clones by way of @HighTilliDie
Day 46 of 12/12


Is this a known trait? My "Albany cut is loaded w 3 fingers. Especially after taking cuts. She is a thirsty girl as well.


Thats a good question, I haven’t grown it enough to know yet. I was just pointing out the difference between the two in the picture I shared to clarify which was which. But Good observation, and definitely something I’m taking notes on.
Hapi growing


Thanks, it does reassure me that mine is likely the same cut (Albany) as yours as far as one could tell at this stage. My timeline was delayed early this year with pwm so none flowered yet. Plenty of them out in the wild now tho. Have to wait for fall to see the end game. Here she is on right… prob pretty pissed off living in a 1g pot too.


Curious what area you have sour out in the wild

@tresbundles how is the mystery sour?


The one plant I flowered is hanging, took it down at 65 days, should have gone way longer. I’m running two more now…More nitrogen in early flower as suggested by someone here and will let them go as long as possible.
The smell is there, but mine never swelled like I see most people’s sour. I’m starting to dislike not knowing if I’m wasting time with this one. I just potted up the AJ’s, so probably next run on that.


Im in WNY, some are in PA, TN. Not expecting a full finish here but we have had some good runs with columbian and acapulco. Just will be too hot to run inside in current situ. Will be tents full in late fall. One will be well kept and attended w light dep. Hope to get pics, we’ll see.


I was going to try one in a hoop house in an effort to get it to finish. Delaware county, otherwise I don’t see it even coming close to finish

@tresbundles what temps did you have?


got up to 85 some days, that’s another thing that I don’t think I can pull of with my current setup. I need to keep them temps down, but it’s a losing battle. I may just have to resort to doing sours in the winter. Such a pain in the ass. I just want some Sour Diesel lol!
I have plenty of Bx beans and crosses that I should look through, but I wouldn’t want to get rid of this cut without giving it a fair shake.


Don’t get rid of it. Don’t waste your time with sour if your temps are going to be hot. It changes density, greasiness of resin ,smell intensity overall I’ve found it to be extremely disappointing since I know how it should come out


F*ck! I suspected as much. Looks like I’ll be shopping for another air conditioner, lol!
I have a hard time getting rid of anything, so I’ll have em for a bit. I think getting the temps down is a better option than waiting till Fall.


I’d run sour in fall/winter because it loves cold temperatures. Gg4 in the spring summer because she loved the warmer temperatures
Missing my sour cut :disappointed:. Got caught up in trading and lost her trying to take care of to many clones


When I veg out my backups, I could send you the ones I have if you’re interested.
I’m just about at my limit for clones, it’s starting to get hectic dealing wit them all especially with multiple backups.


I won’t say no :grin: I’m at the hectic point also​:rofl::rofl::rofl:. @tresbundles your running led?


Yes, LED, even have the driver outside tent.


Thanks @SCJedi for doing this for the community. Its something I am super interested in myself and may register an account with them to get some of my mothers verified.

How do they “certify” it for you? Do they already have dna sequencing done from samples sent to them from trusted sources? If you sent in a sample of an unknown plant would they be able to tell you what it was if it were something already in there database? Would they be able to tell you what the parents are in a cross if the parents were in their database?

Sorry for all the questions but I just find this stuff super interesting!