Sour Diesel Thread

Clones are rooting for me (cloney), not for tomorrow. But i will post some shots at potency peak for sure.


@CruJones had posted pictures of the Albany sour. Looks like what I remember


I don’t quite follow what your comments about TC are referring to specifically but yes, companies are already using CRISPR to give known cultivars other desirable characteristics. It’s not a secret. Big AG labs have been splicing plant genes for decades and decades now.


We are talking about the same thing, just differently.
Not a secret at all off course, but the practical/guaranteed side is a bit more complicated that a wishfull thinking. Specially with cannabis.


i need some of these @JAWS …Sheessshhh!

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Do you know what companies specifically are using this technology?

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If I’m getting into headbands and diesels, who should I start off ordering from? The only thing I have along those lines is Sowabunga.


I crossed the path of an interesting little label, months ago, that sold out-crosses that look very decent. I say “look”, i’ve no clue how it’s smoking. Just to give an alt that is not Karma ^^


Lucky Dog Seed Co, Skunktek, Top Dawg, Melting Pot Farms, Duke Diamond, and many more.


Sam sour f2s were absolutely delicious, especially the purple phenos


Little… but with the same prices than the big ones :slight_smile:


Ajs Sour D from GMO day 69. When are people typically taking ajs? Week 11 and 12?


Actually I’ve discovered the label in being invited in a Discord server while he was “on air”. I checked more the tech/breeding part ^^ I’m glad that the good logic follow in the cones.

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Shoreline Genetic’s ECSD is even more killer than the Albany for that gassy funk. I’ve been pretty happy with it. I like the Albany’s flavor profile still, so I kept both. You may consider trying it in addition to the others.

Some people have said his ECSD resembles the Chaco cut but I have no way of verifying that they are the same. It is frostier than Albany for sure. The Albany is a more robust cultivar as far as actual plant growth goes. ECSD can get kinda spindly.

His Deathstar is the real thing also.


Ajs Sour D smelling amazing. Day 72.


What’s it smell like? The Cali OGs on Future Cannabis Project say that it’s actually called Our Diesel, was never sour. Supposed to taste like a Payless.


Can only speak about my two TopDawg BC3F4 girls, but since they both should be descendants from the AJ Cut it’s maybe interesting none the less.
[listed least to most dominating smell]

#1 = Chemical, waxxy/ burnt rubber / gassy, spicey

#2 = Chemical, waxxy / burn rubber / gassy / sweet

Also had a third girl, was chunkier and smelled more skunky, I got rid of that one.


I wouldnt take any of those Future Cannabis kooks seriously. I was in that scene, did all the weed cups. And they were literally the worst of the worst growers in that scene/era. But theyre the only ones that came out trying to capitalize on it. All the actual badass growers Ive known(and its been a LOT) dont want pubilc attention like that.

“Our Diesel” is what The Bro and the original diesel crew called it. Allegedly. Theres a couple Adam Dunn episodes where The Bro comes on, and even one where they have AJ too. The only real takeaway Ive found is there’s really a crapton of “diesel/sour diesel/our diesel” cuts, and they all claim to be the original, and most legit lol. The Bro actively admits to having a drug problem for years, and not growing at all. But they don’t specify who actually held it. Which is a massive detail. He also claims the Diesel he gave to AJ was intentionally not the real thing. Who knows for sure lol. Some diesels are one note fuel. The one everyone in Norcal had(including myself) was more complex in flavor. But also grew faster than any other cut Ive ever held, and jumped 4x in flower. It was truly a special plant.

My issue that noone seems to adress is arounf 2017 Diesel packs plummeted in price for growers. At the time I was growing a that norcal Sour D, buncha cookies/gelatos, and OGs. No exaggeration diesel got 1/4 the price as a decent OG or Gelato. So everyone got rid of the clone. Now years later all these people have come out of the woodwork claiming they alone held it and all these fancy stories. I think most of it is BS, and its probably pretty likely those originals people talk about are long gone. And all were seeing now is selections from seed lines folks like Top Dawg have created. Not even to say theyre bad! But very likely not the same plants people are talking about. Just a point of perspective on the whole thing!


That’s definitely how I’ve been feeling about the whole thing and why I stopped bothering with sour/diesel clones.

I think the original Sour Diesel is long gone.
Replaced by cookies :confused:


Resistance still active, and i don’t have a single clone in mind that lasted so hardly and constantly to all waves in the scene. I’m serious.