Sour Diesel Thread

Oh i see the kind, it was quite lefty lmao ^^ I’m never against a friendly contest, at all.

It can be cool to present the “most genuine of the world”, real expertises but more important : to transmit. The SD is without any pity for this, it’s not a docile cookie.

Here’s reportedly an AJSD, from the Clone Conservatory, that I obtained from Johnny. It’s under a scrog net so I can’t really show you structure,
D30 of 12/12.

I’ve never grown SD. What you guys think?



Looking good my friend lol.


This is NASC Sour Diesel from my 2nd grow. I was just learning how the plant grew at that point.


That, like the NASC Diesel, it look very good, but quite skunky.
Actually they look very close to be honest but synapse look like to be a defoliator, i can be lured ^^

In showing a zoomed ECSD hybrid ^^ Admit that you’re playful sometimes lol

Everybody (not so fresh) “on the other side” know these shots, not much debates or dramas on their origins. from a board used to rename cuts in circulation, in a couple of circles ^^ And it’s why the “Jag-club”, initially, to give a counter-weight.

I consider this one perfectly dialed, and not pushed to be harvested too early (it kill the duration of its kick imho, but it’s a matter of personal taste).

This one is also perfectly dialed, but with another kind of strategy. The SD just eat whatever you give while in flowering stage, if the goal is to maintain a max level of nutes until the harvest, and to cut “for the streets” … the chance to express these hues are less than minimalist.

Just my 2 cents. And a shit tons of fems F1 made with both over a decade ago.


Top Dawg released the Sour Diesel BXF6, but it has a $200 price tag on it. Anyone gonna be buying it?


By the speed he is releasing the F Gens I doubt there is any real testing going on. That’s kinda sad if you think about the price.

It gets even worse when I think about my 12 F4 Seeds of which six germinated and one did not have cotyledons.

Respone was:
„Yeah I got mixed reviews regarding germ rate.“

Two Months later the F5 dropped.

I like his gear, but I really dislike his style.


Sour Diesel was never stabilized, at least the SD seeds REZ released as IBL are not. I think most if not all SD originated from REZ?. I’ve found instability in his IBL seeds. Not all plants from the same clone will show intersex traits. Stress is a big factor. It seems these genetics are unpredictable. The quality is so good well worth any problems that might show. Daily inspections are a must. I prefer outcrossing SD as these do not show the same instability issues.

SOWAHH. She will show instability randomly. Made from REZ stock by KARMA


Let’s be brutally straight : the Karma crew outperformed by far what Rez have done, and from his own line.

Now take in count that today, it’s looking like a game to dodge Karma’s release sold as SD clones … in the native land of the cut. And it’s a testimony, PITA to hunt. I find it crazy honestly. I don’t fundamentally disagree overall, just on the identification of the consequences and the causes. The blunts win at the end anyway ^^

It’s why i find interesting to get rid of the usual authenticity wars and trolling with such a thread, then enter full throttle in documentation of the cuts traded (whatever they are) and direct hybrids (SD or ECSD). I find it more sane.


What do you think of @MG_Canna s work. With Sour d


I love Karma’s work. Lots of killer plants are found in his lines. I’ve used his lines in my work. Killer work from Karma. As far as I know, there is no other Sour D than rez work? Everyone’s Sour D is based on REZ SD. The 2007 clone Karma uses came from him or Karma found it in his seeds. I’m not who found it or who she was shared with. All Karmas SD outcrosses have Biker Kush in them.

Sour Diesel bx2=Sour Diesel IBL x Biker Kush Bx2… I think the 2007 clone was used?
Sowahh= Karma Sour D 2007 x Karma Sour D BX3 #A2.


I took the time to watch around, i discover. Focused on his BX4 ^^

He’s talking to me in his digressions and he’s obviously able to recognize the ECSD from jars. That’s the kind of He’s quite aware of the game on clones too and the necessity to hunt the hard way. Overall it look like a good horse for me and a serious alternative to source some diesel in seeds. I particularly like his episode on the Jealousy he got that was in fact another stuff that he used because enough good. Blunt’s grade over smoking names, that’s my poison ^^

On the plants, it’s where it’s becoming problematic ^^ I only like the BX4 (Sour d bx3 x Wing Wang Sour d #3) he’s growing himself. His testers are maybe stubborn idk, they don’t dial it the way it should. I don’t know the context but it’s looking quite complicated to best expose his stuff. Desserve more.

The making of is quite complicated to follow ^^ But I understand his strategy and it’s not usual, i like it.
I’ve to smoke the weed for everything else.

Pondo bx1- ((Lavender Frosting x Animal Mints bx1) x (Sour d bx3 x Albany Sour d)) x Sour d bx4) x Sour d bx4)

This one is an infamy for me but i’m sure he will be the first to laugh friendly at this comment ^^
Only good vibes as far as i can tell, and in discovering in real time.


Rez is not the patient zero at all. On the SD and on the ECSD.

He’s the one that bring the SD-weed on the table, but available in seeds. No debate on it and all honor given from my side, on this exact point.

It’s very abusive to say that everything revolve around the Rez IBL ^^ It’s implying your sales, we can talk about it in private to keep it clean if you want. I’m raw and blunt, but I don’t bite and you already know that I’m respecting you for various reasons.

He may not be patient zero, but he was the first to bring SD (not ECSD, which is completely different) to the masses via seed.

I was one of those people crashing the Seedbay server when Rez would make a drop. There was nothing like it anywhere.


Not sure why the hostility. I think you are not understanding my posts. I never said anything that would imply everything revolves around that scumbag. REZ is the person who brought Sour Diesel whether you like it or not. Most of the popular seed brands used his work making their Sour D. I’m no fan of rez. My original post was about the instability of Sour Diesel nothing more… i’ve been around longer than most. Before REZ or Karma. Not much time left for this old bastard.


Ditto. He was a certified d*ck, but I’d run his gear. There’s so much hype around it and he took advantage of that. If you remember his drops, they started out as drops of 10 packs. It really built up the anticipation and hype surrounding it. A great marketing strategy.

The only pics of gear claiming to be the original SD that I’ve seen that even remotely resembled Rez’s were Jinglepots. When I saw his thread here, I thought I was looking right at the plants I remember. Obviously, I can’t smell or taste them, but you know them when you see them.


No hostility at all but the reverse. My message box still open if you want to discuss without implying your label.
I don’t invite people to bite them. When i feel hostility i hit the profile and I just click “ignore forever” directly.

It’s the third time i show you openly and very clearly my respect, if it’s just an opportunity for you to invent tensions that don’t exist … it’s pointless for both.

From my memory, it never happened again in any place at this level of heat. The end was at the image of the start btw. Extreme.

He get out the “diesel” from the backwoods, i’m clear with it and i wrote it. Now letting think that his line is even an equivalent of an SD cut, hard to hunt today but not as confidential than 20 years ago … it’s not a move i can do, even to please.


This is what he’s taking offense to. I think it’s just a communication misunderstanding. If I didn’t know you, I’d assume you were implying that he was hyping Rez gear to boost his own sales.

I do know you and I know that’s not what you meant. You’re raw and blunt, but you’re not a d*ck :wink:


I’m thinking topdog is not based on rez work. Not seeing him in the conversation


Oh ok, damn. Thanks for the hint/help, appreciated @Coda

It was just fair precaution. I done it with sincere empathy and care.
I really need to pay some English lessons lol

@hammerheadgenetics : just what he said far better than me ^^ If it looked like this, i’m sincerely sorry it was absolutely not the point.

Still … i was right about keeping this thread on the documentation of cuts and hybrids ^^ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: