Sour Diesel Thread

Here is just the pic of the quick result of my search, i know english is not my first language but it says CBD level rise when THC one lower

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Link that article. Is that even from a reputable source. Im pretty sure they are confusing cbn with cbd.


Yeah, but it’s wrong.


Id appreciate that link since its too hard for me.

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Sorry brother, brave is my ALL time favorite browser, but their search function sucks ass sometimes :sweat_smile: You should try perplexity out!

If you take a look at the chart @CocoaCoir posted above. You can see that the cbd molecules have additional structure to thc. When a molecules degrades, it means that it’s losing bonds. Thus “reducing” itself. You can clearly see it in the transformation from thc to cbn. Since cbd have additional bolds then THC, that make it so that thc can’t degrade to it. Only upgrade to it. In cannabis, molecules are upgraded though enzymes and if the cbd constructing enzyme isn’t present in the trichome, cbga won’t convert into cbd. Leading to a cbd free bud.

Dunno if it helped, but I hope it maybe added some logic to it all.

Pz :v:t2:


You can use ChatGPT or Copilot for any questions. It will have links.


Ok that’s not the THC becoming CBD but all the sources I can find online say the CBD levels rise in amber trichomes when the THC become CBN, and with the type of answers I get from this guy I don’t want to have a discussion.


Post the links.

Let me get caught up.
You made the statement

Peanut gallery tried to correct misinformation

You double down on misinformation

You were wrong in your original statement, shown a bunch of evidence to help you clarify your understanding, and instead of saying “oh, yeah I get it, neat” you said


In bud without the cbd constructing enzyme, cbd levels can’t rise.

Cbd is constructed from cbga and when the trichomes are milky nearly all cbga is converted to other molecules. In the ember stage there is minimal cbga and the chance of cbga transforming to cbd is very very slim. It’s also because the trichome doesn’t produce more enzymes at this stage.

No harm ment, I just try to explain the process for you so that you have more perspectives.

Pz :v:t2:


Why have a discussion with someone who insult me, no thank you.
From what I read on chat gpt the CBD level seem to rise because the ratio change as THC degrade. All the sites I red were stating a rise in CBD levesl and all other did was saying no your an ass not very solid argument


@kro-magnon That would only happen in bud that have both the enzyme for cbda and thca. The levels won’t rise, the ratio between thc and cbd would change.

Pz :v:t2:


Don’t trust the robots bro.


That’s what I meant the ratio change only but many will interpret this as levels rising that’s wgy I found it written on so much places

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Nobody’s insulting you. He’s just trying to correct your misconception. As @LonelyOC has demonstrated, it’s basically not possible under normal conditions.


He edited this comment to include ratios after Lonely posted. I seent it!


Really you must have seen the posts from the asshole that is cocostuff

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You did say they rise

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The skeletal formula chart that @CocoaCoir posted is so damn cool it made my pants tight.

Did you pass up all these other knowledgeable growers and I’m pretty confident @LonelyOC is an actual daytime real life scientist, to let Buck pissed you off with his usual Buck-like crunchy shell?
:face_with_monocle: You should put Buck on ignore. That was his polite setting.


As i originally stated. Thc does not degrade into cdb. Its not possible. Im not being an asshole. You got snippity about it when you said you would post the link if i could not search. I have not insulted you once.