Sour Diesel Thread

Ya i dont have a problem with him trying to make $ but hes a sponsor, and has his own personal forum for that. He actually has some nice strains but not the right thread is what im trying to say i guess. Id love to see more of his diesel grows minus the seed offering.


Gotta agree with Kraken and Nick-

Could you stick to your thread for advertising your beans @Connoisseur_Genetics ? It really messes up the thread.


Back to Sour Diesel please!


The Diesel-ism we all got a touch and I am not trying to be

@HolyAngel love you bro!


Man there is a ton of decent info in this thread. I feel like a complete newb as I haven’t ever really experienced the ‘legit’ sour d. I’ve sampled a fair bit of the chem line if only because my local dispensary is well stocked but most of that old genetic stock isn’t available to me personally.

I wonder what specifically makes a pheno have tart terps? There is a pcg cut going around called pineapple breeze. It’s a cookies cut, not at all similar to any chem or diesel or that matter. It’s not even a particularly fantastic cut but it does have this really noteworthy tart sour taste that is really pronounced. I haven’t experienced anything even close to that with any other pheno so I’ve kept her in hopes of breeding that trait to other lineages.

Was the legit sour d just an oddball pheno that has a recessive genetic expression that was hard to get true breeding seeds from? Why is it so rare? Comparing it to OGs, I feel like ogs are a broad family of plants with very similar traits. The sour d family seems all over the place, way less uniform. You can pretty much throw a dart at the og family and have predictable traits. Doesn’t seem the case for sour d.


Sour wasn’t bred it was found in a bag of weed and hoarded.

There’s been spin-off’s, like Rez’s work with the ECSD, but all required out-crossing to get there. As you get away from there it just gets more diluted. Karma’s and Soma’s for instance. Based on Rez’s work not the original cut(s).

JJ’s/TopDawg sour is at least based on one or a couple of the clones.

The other issue is the renames on the cuts. Over half the “Sour Diesel” cuts being one of the two Original Diesel cuts instead. And then people working those thinking it’s the ‘Sour’ when it’s not it at all.

Here’s a snippet from the cannabible


Just for clarity, Sour D wasnt sour at all. Sour started as a mislabel of “Our diesel” on a plant tags. I see that confusion a lot. There are tart strains for sure, but not Sour D.

And as HolyAngel mentioned, soooo much of what people think as Sour D are renames or outcrosses. Back when I was blowin it up, NY brokers would buy anything with a certain look or fuely smell, and call it Sour D. Seems like its an open secret, but the rename game is just the weed game in a nutshell. In reality, people are just trying to make a buck, they couldnt care about whats “real”. Thats only an online thing


Any tips or gotchas when drying and curing sour?


It’s the synthesis of most of elite cuts, beyond their dramas and fame.
Most of the time by accidental pollination of commercial crops of 90’s, when the basic genetic of only-reg releases were just kicking ass. I’m assuming this plainly ^^

In genetic, the exception make the rule only when a mutation is involved. Consider the SD as its own rule inside a set of rules rejected by the phenotype. Who know, maybe the initial lines of the SD were just mids …

I digress on this point obvious point to highlight the true challenge with this one, the unpopular equation :

  • The SDs and a bit less the ECSDs, are highly demanding on sexual stability during the process of selection (whatever it is or wich kind of release is aimed). Let’s make friends : Direct releases are quite packed with herms in general. The ones to be screened intentionally; there is a fews breeders enough smart and methodological to cheat the dices and to throw decent stuff. The phenotype’s weakness still there, sleeping. Chem91 is as intense and structured on patterns for herms … just saying.

  • The recessivity of “this cut” (understand its galaxy) in particular is all about what make the soul of the weed. Simply. It’s not so hard to work the floral shaper and to stabilize it, shorten or add some week on the flowering stage … but the smoke holly shit it’s quite a dance.

Imagine a plant that is so frankensteinized that it’s almost showing sequentially each of its fundamental compounds during the growth to the harvest. SD is a mozaic, it’s not like growing a streamlined skunk#1 or even an OGK cut. The OGK have a kind of homogeneity in being the same shit : an elite flower found in a crop mostly by luck and not from a real breeding plan.

It add a shit ton of difficulty to preserve the chemotype’s profile (scents/aromas/high) of the SD that suffer hard from any change or drift : it’s “no longer the thing”. If you fell in love with a specific occurrence of a motherplant … your personal reference become a standard. So imagine an unconditional fan of the “ECSD Chaco” VS an unconditional fan of the “AJ SD” discussing what’s worth … the human factor add more difficulties that it look for the tracking, referencing and shares about this galaxy of weed.

Many breeders like to claim loudly that they never fuck up anything, but the SD is maybe the pinnacle of the plant-mentors. It’s rare at the level always expected because it’s hard. ECSDs cuts are far more rare than SD cuts … go figure out ^^

Same shit buddy. A badly dialed OGK is as unrecognizable that a badly dialed SD ^^
By chance, the truth is always in the blunt for us lol

Let’s speak straight, more “worked” in any sense. The count of Diesel hybrids and BX is insane, even in the OGK galaxy ^^ Let’s say that it’s for me a question of POV mostly, the story of the “seeing a tree VS seeing the forest around”.

It’s not an absolute answer, just a leveraged factor i’m considering : working the OGK is a breeze aside a SD. Whatever is the plan : fems, F1s, inbred, bx … Like i don’t know why so much afghani crosses lol Simpler equation i mean.

Use your bulletproof method but it’s a thick, resilient, stincky final product. Not specially hard to process even in just hanging it. The real sport is between midflo and ~80days (depend on tastes), it’s where you can screw up (=>change) the smoke. Not so at drying or curing, the weed is too intense and “residual” in aromas for this.


Yes the 100 year pharmaceutical conspiracy against medical Marijuana stopped the day Future Cannabis Project started their youtube channel and started spreading nonsense about Marijuana.

*Out of all the lies documented in this scene, that’s the one that made me laugh the hardest… Sour isn’t actually sour… LOL…

LET’S SEE… Skunk actually smells like “gas”, “gas” actually smells like tennis balls, and Marijuana never actually addresses medical issues right. OH AND SOUR LEMON DIESEL SKUNK IS SOUR LEMON DIESEL OF SKUNK IT SHOULD SMELL LIKE TENNIS SHOES.

Who comes up with this shit? Big pharma spooks

Who falls for it? Boof overfed indica smokers? There’s obviously 2 different types of pot smoker. One type is smoking brain rot weed.

Sour Diesel is sour. You don’t feed your shit right. All weed is sweet or sour no clue why people think they look human talking about doughy terps n shit if they can’t accept the basic concept of sweet carboxylic esters and sour carboxylic acids. Weed is made of carboxylics yet the weed industry experts always misdirect away from them for some reason? No one wants to talk about anti tumor lactones until the tumor is inside them. Most selfish people I’ve ever met, where their personal narrative of poorly grown shit weed is more important that curing sick people.


All the best plants ive grown over years have been from random seeds from accidental pollinations usually from a hermi seed. Idk why this is, buts its been my experience. I can recall 10 outstanding keeper plants ive had in my 20 year plus growing career, 9 were random or hermi seeds.

Idk if this is common, but its been my experience. Very weird bc youd think it would be the otherway around. So sour d def fits into my experience with random pollination seeds having high potential sometimes. Heres an example from last run…random seed given to me turned out 10 x better than bought seed…


Lol what the schizoid rant is going on here? Im not sure if youre trolling, or really that dumb?

Funny I knew so many people growing Sour D in the day. From synth warehouse growers, to dudes like me blowin it up in organic dep greenhouses. All running the same cut. And it always came out the same. Not sour.

Thanks for proving to all of us you have no clue what youre talking about lol, I dont have a personal narrative. But I did actually grow organic meds that helped a ton of patients all over cali in the day. Seems like youre just another weirdo online thats all talk and 0 substance.


Nice to see everyone getting along so well haha


It is better than a morning cup of coffee.



Inevitably in the world of cannabis people tend to fall back to the classic argument…you don’t know or grow as well/much as I do and back in my day we had the best herb known to man haha


I’ve long wondered if taking herms out takes fire too…




This may belong in the unpopular opinion thread, but it’s amazing how much good weed was grown with simple setups. No constant monitoring of rh or ph
For years just grew with promix, worm castings and quanos. Product was great
I’m going to say it was as more about the love of the plant


This type has so many different people who like it that it is a type for everyone hmm? Maybe change the name to Our Diesel :thinking:


I highly recommend Tony Greens R.I.Lx Sowahh cross. It has some amazing plants in there. If you can still get these from him they are worth it. Not being paid to say that or anything it’s just a dam good cross. I grow Sowahh and also TD Sour BX3 both good. I like Karmas a bit better it’s a Lil stinkier but I have only grown a few TD SDBX3 phenos so jury’s still out.