Suge nite pure kush

Cool. PNW has a cut he advertises as Pure Kush that was sourced from Washington back in 2013. I have that cut from him, but have yet to flower it out. I respect PNW’s calling it Pure Kush as he admits that he has not yet received confirmation from other hunters in the community of the exact provenance of his cut. PNW seems to trade with many other strain hunters in the community who all help each other in determining who has similar cuts so good on him for holding off on claiming it to be LAPK without definitive confirmation from known sources! I know that his cut was rumored to be LAPK when he bought it, yet without proof of provenance he can’t just name his cuts what he would like them to be, so I don’t mind his naming his cut Pure Kush until it is determined otherwise. I think the plant we all know and love as broad-leaved kushes…call them Pure Kush or some other city name near Los Angeles if you like… are all just myths backed by ego’s trying to garner attention. There are dozens of such cuts, many whose provenance’s are still being argued about, and all are claimed to be “the one” by all the people trying to make money off the name and who also just happen to be the most vocal opponents to admitting that anyone else has the same cut :roll_eyes: In my opinion, if it can’t be bought and isn’t shared it doesn’t really exist because if it existed the people who had it would prove it by sharing :v:


I honestly believe suge had no idea what his pure kush was and to me it has always looked spot on for a bubba kush or bubba kush variant.

I was already smoking bubba kush and the kush aka ogkush in 2002 , I challenge anybody to find any online discussion of pure kush bubba kush og kush etc prior to 2002 that was not from orgnkid, or ghost1.
A lot of kush came down from Canada in the 90s- 2006 era that was everywhere from new York to los Angela’s , same time frame a lot of these strains showed up, there was a Canadian named jimmy dude moved a lot of hydro. I’m sticking to the Florida origins as it is collaborated by many but it’s always going to be a mystery, what matters is if you have a cut you like keep it and dial it in , you may not see it again or have a real hard time getting it back. The Canadian is interesting though because that herb was in New York , Florida , los Angela’s and a lot of places in between, same dude liked to hang out in the Hollywood scene , one of the first places kush gained so much fame…
Also pre sb420 med scene in San Francisco definitely saw a influx of Canadian strains like mighty mite and big bud showing up from somewhere.


A pic from suge of his pk around 2005

Some of Matt’s bubba kush I pulled down not long ago

Definitely some similarities and a ginger headed fellow I know was spreading tons of bubba cuts and s1 versions he grew out from 2003-2005 in the Russian river area, I could speculate for a eternity lol :joy:


Dude I’ve grown all of these fucking cuts and then some

I’m telling you the suge shits on every bubba cut ive ran period

read the thread in entirety is my only suggestion ive already covered everything I care too

When I say broad leaf kush I mean that it is a bubba type

It’s amazing this thread has somehow killed my enthusiasm for my favorite broad leaf kush cut lol

To me all I see a lot of speculation on a cut you’ve literally never smoked am I correct?

you can’t tell almost any of the broad leaf kush clones apart just by picture so that’s irrelevant

also grows back in 05 weren’t all that far along so that’s not a great way to reference beyond leaf morphology etc

Here’s just some more of my pics of the suge I think all of these were from like 12’ or so
The one guy said that his suge can be lanky like an og which I think by these pictures it’s apparent it’s not lanky at all but instead a squat bush o kush
Internodes are almost on top of each other
And there’s no way the suge finishes in 8 unless your choosing with all clear no cloudy heads

Don’t mind the actual OG kush there on the far right in the photo

This is earlier in flower then the rest
Eh I fucked it up
And I don’t feel like finding the pic again lol

Speaking of 8 weeks tho
I was mistaken, the 56 day headband I’m grabbing is actually an OG pure kush not a broad leaf
Here’s some pics from my homie of his mom
It had absolutely nothing to do with loompas
I’ve never had a worthwhile growing OG that didn’t finish earlier then 9.5/10 weeks so there’s a lot of promise there
9/10 OG cuts don’t even start bulking until week 6
He says it’s the strongest OG he’s came across


Yeah pictures are defiantly not the best for comparison with all the variables involved. The ghost cut and many others all look like the more lanky ones and there has always been discussion about the squat pure kush vs the Hollywood pure kush that is more og in structure. Speculation is all 99% of it has ever been, to me that first pic looks more like master kush then bubba or og. Odd this thread has killed your enthusiasm for a strain when others peoples opinions and speculations are just that. I’d hope everybody enjoys there time here conversing about cannabis and the many possibilities around various strains and there origins. Things may not always line up with what you believe to be or know to be true but that’s life you know what you know and think what you think there will never be a time or place when somebody doesn’t think differently.


the ghost1 pk isn’t great ive had several friends offer me it before ultimately tossing it
I have the topanga, Hollywood and Malibu as well…
they’re all different
When I say OG pk that means OG kush type PK

Then you have the broad leaf kush PK (bubba types)

it’s not speculation when you get to grow them all side by side

Excited about this new 56 day now that I know it’s another OG pk
only OG pk I’m still looking for is the squat more almost broad leaf super marshmallow PK

I’ve ran thru about 200 S1’s of OG pure kush’s as well
Which gives you a pretty good inclination into the genetics that made it etc
there’s a difference between informed theories from first hand growing experience and outright speculation
I’ve made no absolute claims in this thread about anything. Beyond suge being the best broad leaf kush


I agree with 90% of that but some is and will always be a matter of opinion. I’ve grown many of the ones you mention also and yes most are different some more then others.

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I hope people get to grow the suge I’m not saying various things aren’t it because I want to be the only one with it

I don’t want fakes being passed around diluting it’s “brand”

I just made the most money by weight I’ve ever made in my life this last harvest with the sour diesel

I wanted to see how far I could take it and I literally sold an oz for 750$ haha

Beyond that I’ve mostly been doing QP’s at 500 a zip

there’s people that pay well for verifiable shits and I’m thankful for them

An Incorrectly named clone then passed muddies the waters and just makes things more confusing down the line

however I’ve grown tired of this thread for some time now.
idk which one of you is the pleb that talked a whole bunch of shit on Reddit and rode LMC/NMC’s dick all over the place but I suspect it’s one of you here in this thread

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Yes the mislabeling and false claims of many have definitely added to the confusion and disagreement about several strains especially the SoCal kush lines. I have grown two different og plants that fit the marshmallow smell and taste but not the shorter structure you mention. One was a fake ghost cut from San Diego the other was a batch of Jew gold that came out exceptionally creamy.


All the OG PK’s that I’ve ran have it to some degree
As well as being on the lime side of OG not lemon

But this is a squat more broad leaf type of marshmallow PK.

it’s around I just think it’s been mislabeled as one of the other PK’s

8x outta 10 most people have the Malibu when they think they have any of the Og PK’s in my experience


I wish you luck on your hunt for the marshmallow kush plant , I’ll be continuing to hunt down the master kush myself and hoping to add the chems to the stable soon. I’ve been interested in the suge and Hollywood for comparison to others I’ve grown but getting a verified cut and not wasting ones own time is harder and harder these days.


Thanks I hope I can track her down as well

good luck finding the master these days ive seen it around but I’m not convinced it’s the same of yesteryear at this point


Really appreciate the read, your knowledge ! And mouthwatering pix ! Damn
I stopped looking for any authentic cuts(can’t afford) so I just keep cracking seeds and learning to finish them the best I can
Seriously grateful and best regards !


Thanks man
I’ve never bought a cut and I don’t trust people who sell them, I’m rather against that whole practice on a fundamental level to begin with

Best advice is just keep at it, run as many seeds as you can with the space you have, find something special, network then trade up from there. And just keep going and going until you got what ya want ya know.
That’s what I did a long time ago and now I’m to a point I only have 2-3 friends I share with and if I hear about a clone I want I can almost get it no trouble within a few weeks just asking for it from the homies.

so many fake and mislabeled shits out there just have to be careful with who you trust and who seems credible. a lot of folks put on a good front of seeming genuine but really aren’t.
Just gotta weed thru them.


The Kush as mentioned


Anymore back story

Looks more like an OG over a broad leaf kush



Irene is bagseed off this

I don’t know much my homie has it. Ask your homies buddy’s stepdad


I’ve never heard any concrete evidence of where the Irene bag seed came from.

That’s a pretty bold statement so you’ve piqued my interest

I have no idea what you meant by buddies friends stepdad tho

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I’ll message you

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Makes sense now haha

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