Suge nite pure kush

Ogpk with a splash of chem
this was my first run growing again after a decent hiatus
that run bought everything that built the room I grew the sours in
Now I’m building a new more permanent one


After being wowed by TK x Lemon Thai, I did a lot of digging and networking last night.
Things I was told last night vibed with what I was told last year by a military guy in Lake County, which is that this all goes back to Oliver North. North realized that the Black Ops missions weren’t being funded by Congress so he had to use drugs and civil asset forfeiture to fund these Ops. BOEL, Pranksters, and other circles were an extended arm of this scheme to make and sell drugs to fund black ops (why do you think the military gave out those crystals of LSD to Kesey and others)

Triangle Kush is “Secret Sauce” and is the original. Paki brought back in 80’s by a military guy, crossed to Lemon Thai from Hawaii (BOEL/military).
Master Kush is Hindu x Hindu.
NL2 is NL x Hindu.
NL is Kabul x Kandahar (military).
NL5 is Kabul x Kandahar x Hawaiian Sativa.
Hawaiian Sativa is strongly Thai.
NL1 is Kabul x Kandahar x Ghani.
And then theres SuperSkunk, which is an Afghan Bx or IX.

Now, these are what have created all the rave strains in the 80s and 90s like PK, SD, Chem, Bubba Kush, OGKush.

Bubba ‘seems’ to be NL2 x NL1 and maybe something else. But the bud structure where the bracts curl upward and inward can be seen in Hindu/Master Kush.

Im thinking Chems and Diesels come from TK x SuperSkunk.

So, the origins come from military ops. Then these branch out into outlaw ops in OR, CA, AZ, FL, NY.
I was surprised to have to change my mind that the Florida story is true, but the origins if what they used go back further and, again, are tied to military - though Im not sure if they just didnt know, or if they knew well enough to shut the fuck up about that fact.

Im curious what Heritage Farms and Shamus think of this conclusion


In the 50’s it was sent from Sweden for psychiatry research
And was relatively easy to obtain for a while there after

I think that’s too concrete of a statement as there’s no way to know that for sure.
flo rida is arguably just as old as well as a few others

I think it’s a fun theory, and like most I’m sure there’s some truth in it while not being wholly complete

I can’t say much about dog bud without digging myself a hole

I don’t think joshD is entirely full of shit, just partly.
he was there and involved in the early days beyond that I’m relying on second hand information from trusted homies


Either way ive got 5 packs of black triangle x lemon thai to hunt from doc d

thats gonna bang :sunglasses:


Nice seeing everyone talk about his gear I hit him up hearing he was going to Mexico for a while

he was gonna send me a nice smorgasbord of his work before he went but I forgot to send an addy

Im sure those will be dank


Sometimes I think the amount of partying going on back then has made it hard for people to remember every little detail the kush fanatics are looking for.The Florida story goes back to a mystery plant from the pnw crossed to nevils Hindu Kush which wasent a pure Hindu but rather a mix of things he had acquired. Many people back this story but I was not there in Florida so I can not say 100% but I tend to believe it based on several different things.
I heard once that it all came from a guy on a base near Santa Maria but that falls into the grass valley story and there will never be agreement between those two groups. I’ve also heard it was stolen from a retired HA member who was growing it under flourecents out in the desert and doing his best to lose it so nephew stole it from grandpa and passed it to six people making seven original growers. There are so many story’s that all cross paths in some way but also contradict themselves. It was highly frowned upon back then to be growing herb so not many made habits of documenting what was what or where it started. Lots of assumptions were made and friends lost over these genetics. The history of what they are is neat to think about the real important thing is keeping them around and healthy so they can be enjoyed for years to come.
LSD was legal for some time and I do believe you can find pictures of Timothy hanging around some sober looking dudes in men in black clothing , that era was much sooner then the kush craze though. Crazy to think how much mk ultra had to do with the counter culture movement , weird things amidst in the Bay Area San Francisco night life to this day.
Speaking of Kandahar and Hawaiian strains those are the next two on my list to be grown and hunted threw, Kandahar from Afghan selections and a Kona gold that has been kept pure sense the late 70s. Germinating the Kona in the next week or so…


Buncha criminal pothead, who would’ve thunk they can’t remember shit /s

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He said he weill send once he gets unpacked and settle in down there. No worries.


Addy up and ill get BOEL 72 Hawaiian to you. It may be earlier than that, but that was the last year this chemist bred with it before it got outcrossed and Bx’ed to other Affies to make the commercial HI strains.
And, from him and his buddy who middle-manned the seeds to me, they were cooking acid in CA and CO while it was legal to do so there, but then those states banned it, so they moved to Hawaii - where cooking was not yet illegal. Colombian, which grew well in California, did horrible in Hawaii so they started over with coastal Mexican, since its the same lattitude and can handle both the humidity and odd season changes of Hawaii better.

Flo Rida being real old also fits into all this as SEALs (well, red squadron) were based out of the Florida coast.
So, its fits in with the MK-U thesis.
The one operative brought back the Paki in 82, so thats prolly when Flo Rida became different than the rest of the OG breeding projects throughout the States.
As I was told, the OG project started with North when he got to the DIA. Which is the same agency that did LSD in San Francisco, Laurel Canyon, and a couple other places…which are also hubs of cannabis breeding.

Before DIA got the 3 recipes for organic LSD from Sandoz, OSS was using THC and Mescaline for interrogations and MK (Mind Kontrol).


Oh shit no way that’s sweet

I didnt think he was still beanin whilst meandering for some reason

haze is next in the list of Fuck arounds as is.
Has been for a long time coming


Do you have any Hawaiian flowering now @Wuachuma

I’ll send you some pollen from one or two in the old bean male plot if ya want for your Hawaiian
There’s two I’m particularly interested in

there’s a squat more indica seeming male that’s very fucking skunky and doesn’t show any intersex traits

then there’s the suspected Hawaiian pictured above
Also doesn’t exhibit intersex traits

Skunky one a while back


Thanks, no, no pure Hawaiian going now, but a few poly hybrids i made.
Ive got some plants going, but its a guerrilla backyard suburban op, so they’re very small and just doing it to make seeds - and hopefully to take cuttings fir the next run.
This was really just a last minute addiction to popping seeds than a propper op.

Next run, yeah lets coordinate


Those sound very interesting , I see some members of boel who are still around are starting to publicly work genetics again, I have so many beans I need to get to first though I feel wasteful taking in anymore that would likely just sit in the fridge.
I’m not after much these days besides a few cuts I lost long ago like the master kush , I have beans but the SoCal cuts were tested and fire.
Chems but a homie has them down south just have to make a long trip, I also have the boss hog beans and stardawg (fine Colorado birdseed )beans stashed away.
Original hash plants like the pnw but few are willing to share.


You grow kush well , not something everybody can do dependably :love_you_gesture:t2::fire:


@Wuachuma most of what I’m collecting is for longer term storage anyways

So for the next year or so it’ll still be around.

nice, what’s the first one there

Speaking of,
I saw mention of the hells angel.
That and the SoCal pk were the first super solid OG’s I was able to try and smoke consistently
The hells angel to me seemed almost like kush pickle thing going on.

The SoCal pk just tasted and looked like an amazing og at the time it’s true glory was wasted on me at that age
idk ive smoked a lot of fuckin og tho

I think it’s only something you can at best do like a top 5 of and some good names get left off the list at that
And this is only in my limited experience. and in no way are they like best to last.
1.skywalker G cut
4.triangle kush

Couldn’t even keep it to 5 lol

Archive and lnkognyto make the best kush stuff imo
and csi is an obvious choice as well


I wanted to mention that my koffee f6 x chocolate chunk, I feel like it has some of these kush golf ball nug traits


Which I definitely like with the frost going on

Speaking of csi I still have bubbas bad bitch it’s bubba with irene I expect to that to be some killer stuff like strayfox said


A dude I knew thought he had pre 98 but then later found it was a chocolate chunk, it was a really cool kush.

Koffee also has always looked kushy n what not.

From how I see it used it seems like it’s well suited for the PNW as well.
is it mold resistant?


no idea on mold resistance yet but i know @Berserker7205 grew the koffee f6 outdoors

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