- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Embrace the warmer weather haha. It’s weird, but it’s better than being shivering cold.


Hit 55 °F here in MI today. 20° warmer than average high on Dec 25. It’s just not right to feel like spring at the end of December.


Ya, I think it was 30 something above average here. Pretty bizarre.

Here’s the REJ today - Wednesday I think will be day 70 so maybe I’ll wait until then? not sure.

And the 2 different TS males.


TS (H?)

I like the look of the stretchy H growth more but am curious if anyone has any thoughts on the 2. I’d like to get the TSA backed up in the form of F2s with some SSDD phenos to explore seeing as I have a TK cutting now. H is looking to have a ssdd frame so far to my eyes


A lot of these are similar and may just have a slightly different angle or something like that. These were my favorite pictures from today. Going to re-post this elsewhere too.

Spirit Hashplant #2 (ghost OG x 88g13hp)

Around day 70

Smells I’m able to pick out : Sharp sour adhesive woody-pine forest spice hash coffee

Last picture cropped around trichomes to see how clarity is on upload

Triple Sunshine #A (tk x SSDD)

Around Day 60

Lower buds still look good to me. Love the calyx to leaf ratio.


Wanted to get a picture of the males again as well with my phone camera. They are slightly wilted because they were bone dry when I went in there today. They are rootbound as well. I poured water in the container to correct it and that’s why there’s standing water.

And while I had the pixel 3a phone camera out I figured I should get a Trip Sun shot to contrast between the full frame pictures. Still looks good to me though.


You as well!

Ya I was thinking 7 would be the max in my setup too. Something like this

If you have them and feel like doing it seems cool to me. Always a chance to learn something new, and if not it’s still interesting.

Are you running the humidifier for the clones you’re taking or is it really dry in your tent? I’d think 7 octos may raise the humidity a bit as well right?


I really get scared running the humidifier at a low enough VPD (0.6 or so) for clones just because I don’t have everything insulated, only waterproofed in case of spills etc. Also I find they do really well under pure 5000ks and 24 hrs so I use cheap clamp on lights in a cupboard and spray the inside of the dome like you do. When I was at that VPD I was using the tube that came with the humidifier (to keep it outside the tent) and I just could not get it to stop crinking and spilling droplets so instead of buying a solid tube for it I just gave up and put the humidifier in the tent lol.

Yea we have really bad Radon toxicity here, my home has a high powered mitigation system which keeps it bone dry (ambient is 30rh now and 20 in the summer months) so until they start forming buds I think the humidifier is staying in the tent. 6 of them at week 3 flower maybe I’ll need to pull I out, but hopeful that I won’t need to lean on a demudifier late in flower.

I think your diagram would work well, the thing that gets tricky is filling them when the hole for the res is next to the wall, without a filling tube of course. Something like what jetdro uses (and others here) could solve that though.


Yeah, I run mine 24h as well for cuttings. I don’t want to dig up a timer and the DLI is so pathetically low with those lights it doesn’t seem problematic for mothers even. Ideally I’d have them at 20/4 with that light.

I’ll have to check out more as to what they’re doing. I also used to be a lot better at environmental monitoring in my setup but I just don’t care anymore. With active exhaust in a small tent at least.

I really like having the plants semi-mobile so I can take them out of the tent, inspect them, take pictures etc. That will also be a consideration of mine going forwards (but not necessarily next round).


Oh man, moving those 6gal octopots is a nightmare. The plastic isn’t nearly thick enough, they bow in the bottom and the wick isn’t really secured to the bottom which somehow makes it harder to move than the micro pots where the wick (net pot) doesn’t even touch the bottom.

Micros are really easy to move. Don’t think I’ll grow with anything else inside for at least a long time. I’ve gone over doing the auto fill system many times and I think using a valve with tubes to fill (and be able to empty the res as well) is happening after the holidays for me. Transplanting is a little more tedious than regular soil set up but they do really just grow themselves once you set them in. I was surprised at how simple yet seemingly fully automated it was. The only problem is they could get huge, but the LEDs seem to help keep them compact indoors.

It’s worth a try for ~15 bucks all-in for each. I’ve been thinking about making one for outdoors using a kiddie pool for the res and a giant wick + plus custom size bag out of weed guard. Just dump 20 gals of feed in there once a week and kick back and enjoy the show :cowboy_hat_face:


No problem, man! Lmk if you need anything else tested, I don’t mind. You have good taste in strains! Don’t worry about the herming Space Monkey! That’s what testing is for, right?

About the SM, I did flower it out again and same result: nanners by day 30. She had to go…RIP. Everything about her was great except the nanners part. After curing for ~2 months, the flower from the first run smells very piney and is pretty potent. Taste is like a subtle combo of pine and lavender. I don’t know how else explain it. Tops are solid and the rest of the nugs are semi-dense, with a some squish to it:

Can’t wait to hear how your OG crosses vape for you.


Good call, I would have culled it after the first grow probably. The mother of those F2s I’ve never seen herm throughout the years that I had it, but that’s not to say that in certain environments she wouldn’t. Add in the unknown male and Fgen element and it’s not too surprising given the gg4 genetics. One of these days I’ll have to try GG4 to compare to my memory of it. Or more GG4 RILs.

My grow area and style seems pretty stressful for a lot of strains as we’ve all seen here, but so far the Space Monkey mom, SSDD mom & the Triple Sunshine have all been run multiple times without issue. Interested to see what if any of the new clones herm in my environment. One thing is for sure, I do not want to keep 7+ mothers around long term, and would rather narrow it down to 2-3 total. Ideally no more than 4.

If I knew I’d be fortunate enough to be able to receive these clones when I did then I wouldn’t have started the Triple Sunshine stuff. I think that’s going to be the biggest issue right now trying to deal with everything in a limited space. It also still remains to be seen if I’m going to be able to revive the SSDD mom, though I don’t care too much about that for myself because I think the Triple Sunshine is a superior plant & flower.

I’m already looking forward to going through seeds again when I select a few mothers to keep in the future. Will probably start going through either my pollen chucks or some seeds I received from a member here whenever I reach that point. No idea if that will be in summer or fall of next year though.

Right now I’m thinking -

A week or so left on the Triple Sun A & Spirit HP 2. Hopefully that gives me enough time for the Trip Sun E / H to start flowering. If the males are flowering I can remove them from the area, completely clean it, and then move in the 5-6GAL pots. I can then transplant the new clones and whenever I see that the backup clones have rooted I can begin flowering the cuttings. If I fail to clone this round I guess I’ll have to do an extended veg and try again in the Aerocloner & more root riots.


Redeye Jedi

Final pictures - cut down and harvested at 70 days.

And here are a few shots I tried to get of a Triple Sunshine lower bud - no flash / stacked and resized for upload


Not very much amber there… I like it! Haha. Any particular reason you chopped her yesterday? Or rather, did you look at those closeups before or after you chopped?


Yeah the calyxes on the other branch were rapidly deteriorating. The areas with a higher percentage of amber are a bit harder to shoot with the camera for whatever reason, but I don’t know, it looked ready to me. Also smells ready. I still have plenty of Trip Sun left so I’m not worried if I pulled it too early anyways haha.


It’s kind of hard to tell with how the upload reduces quality but there’s a decent amount of amber there.


Yeah, I have no idea haha, never, ever got a good look at the trichs on any of the plants I’ve grown. I was just curious haha. Although I do hope that moving forward the new phone along with the macro lens thing I bought a few years ago helps. I’ve always been curious… haha.


One of those clip on lenses? I have a cheap one but I haven’t had much luck with it. When interacting with a bio-control guy I remember he had a magnetic one for his phone that was used to identify the type of whitefly that was present out here. Not sure if it was the phone or the lens but it seemed substantially better than the one I bought. Looked kind of like this


I remember him using it to show me the difference between a greenhouse whitefly and what we had which I think was a silverleaf whitefly. I had no idea there were different types of them and we were using an incorrect predator Encarsia formosa. The Eretmocerus eremicus he suggested did a much better job controlling them. Have been using them for years now as a preventative, in addition to flower plantings to attract beneficials.

I still couldn’t ID the various types of whiteflies from eachother, but still kind of interesting and good to know.

Here are some shots of the parasitic wasp Eretmocerus eremicus that I took with my Olympus camera (they are tiny!).

E. eremicus are smaller than encarsia and therefore are able to parasitize the smaller silverleaf whitefly species. Also, E. eremicus are also more tolerant of higher temperature and host feeds more than Encarsia.

No real point to this post other than a chance to repost my wasp pictures and add the anecdote that I’ve interacted with someone who used one of those lenses professionally - so I’m pretty sure there are good ones. The one I have sucks though.


Yeah, they’re cool pics haha. They don’t ever really get old.

But no, I don’t think that’s the lens I have haha! It’s one that Iamyou recommended a few years back, he got pretty good macro-ish pics with it. I’m not planning on posting any of the ones I take or anything, unless they turn out good; I just want them for my own benefit.


Ahh, I just searched his posts and found out which one he was using. Mine is the same style, but slightly higher magnification. Mine says 15x Macro & .45x super wide. I should mess around with it this weekend and see if I can figure it out just to see. Would be cool to be able to get better insect shots with my phone and not have to rely on the olympus.


I actually like using the real camera as opposed to my phone, both because of the way it feels in my hands and because of how much easier it is to get the pics onto the desktop, which is what I use for posting pics. I dunno why, but I just really, really despise using my phone for anything but texts and calls. I hate even having it in my pocket, leave it at home pretty much every time my girl and I go anywhere.

I took some nug shots with it a while back, when I first got it, and the whole process of getting the pics onto the desktop, resizing them for OG etc etc was just a total pain in the ass. They did look good, probably “better” than the camera pics, but they also looked… weird haha. They didn’t look “real” to me, but maybe that’s because I’m not used to it or something, I dunno. Maybe I’m just too used to the crappy ol’ camera pics haha.


For me the phone is pretty much the same thing as my camera for transferring. I have to resize my camera stuff too for OG because it’s too high resolution for this site (13 MP limit or something like that). I have a USB-C cable that I can transfer to/from my phone which I do for audio often. It’s basically just dragging the DCIM folder from my phone to my desktop. Similarly for the Nikon / Olympus , I drag the DCIM folder off the SD card to the desktop (or whatever folder).

I used to try to keep any Cannabis pictures off my phone for security reasons, but it’s definitely more convenient for certain things. My phone takes horrible pictures though so I still gravitate towards my real cameras… And I agree, phone pictures seem to look a bit off to me as well, at least my phone pictures. They look almost like a weird filter was applied to the image making it look waxy.