- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Thanks & you too !

Oh, well I just assumed we all do that. I’m going to be one of the first to sign up for his upcoming seed giveaways.


Ha. That’s hilarious.
I almost made a wiki signup in his new thread, just as a joke. But I don’t know him well enough. I had to be content with the thought that it was funny.
Oh, and “polyploidy”


I like the following quote for that

Though I have observed that offering some of his seeds to other people may be a step too far haha.

Also I entered the Lav Jack shot into the OG picture contest for 2023 and after winning I was half tempted to redirect the seed prizes to him. I didn’t do it because that would be more annoying than funny but I did have an idiotic laugh to myself about the idea. Sometimes it’s hard to know how people are going to take things - as is evident by the unfoldings in the B thread (as always). I feel like people who I’ve interacted with enough here aren’t thin skinned thankfully!


Awwww! Such a sweet looking girl! Make sure you give her lots of treats and pats from us!


After those triple sunshine photos you shared with me in the bodhi thread i had to come find your thread @syzygy gonna spend some time reading through it.

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I start new logs for every grow, just because it makes it easier for people who aren’t members on OG to find that information, like if they Google “Bandaid Haze grow report” or whatever. I don’t like those “continuous” sorta grow logs because it makes it difficult to follow (for me haha). It also makes it difficult for people looking for information about a specific cultivar.

My point is that you’re following the latest one and that’s where anything I plant for the next few months will be logged.

Maybe haha.

I’m not sure if I should start different ones for the stuff that’s gonna be planted later, just because it won’t be in the title of the current log. Either way, I really did remember that I needed to tag you when I started those Oil Spill seeds. But I’m glad to have you along for the rest of the stuff, too! Haha. The more the merrier.

You totally shoulda done that, I wouldn’t have minded at all. It’d be pretty funny to see how many dickheads sign up for a nonexistent “seed giveaway” without even reading the thread to see that I am not, in fact, giving away seeds haha. Just all like,”Oooh, a wiki a wiki! Name added!”

Go ahead and do it, I really don’t mind.

Uh…. What? Haha.

Dude, the people who I like here know who they are, so if you wanted to do that, I’m sure I’d be like,”What the fuck is this?” for a second and then be like,”Ohhhhhh, it’s just syzygy fucking with me…” haha. If it was just random asshole, then yeah, I might be a little irritated and wonder why the fuck some random person signed me up for their “Picture of the Year” prizes haha, but otherwise, it’s fine.

Congrats on the win! Haha. What’d you get? I don’t ever look at those things, so I’m not sure what the prize is. Still, though… Picture of the Year? That’s pretty good! Haha.



A bunch of seeds and some other stuff. I just said that I don’t want any prizes and asked that they donate them to a server auction or something. You know, the typical ‘I have a lifetime of seeds’ response we always find ourselves giving to others.


Well, I’ll have to look at it anyway, see what pics you beat out. I’ll try to find that thread now. You have to admit, that is kinda cool.


I just checked out the contest thread. Its pinned at the top of the page for me.


Oh, okay, yeah, it’s there. I never look at that stuff. I mean, who looks at the top of the page? Haha. I was searching “picture contest” and then just “contest” and all I saw was a bunch of shit from 2021 haha.


It’s just one of the “sativa” lav jack pictures from my old thread that most people here have already seen.

I intentionally entered it because I like that picture a lot and didn’t shrug off the prizes to insult the people who are making an effort to donate prizes to the site or anything like that. Or take away from others entering. I think it’s cool they contribute to the site like that - as well as anyone posting pictures which is helping keep this medium alive. Encouraging more people to post pictures is a huge positive in my eyes. Still I don’t want seeds (or anything else) haha. Still a fun thing to participate in and more feedback on the pictures is nice as well.


Yeah, I just looked through them, kinda enjoyed the “other” pictures more than the weed stuff. There were a couple of great pics of just “regular” flowers and the cat in the sink photo was kind of funny. I’m always gonna enjoy dog pics and there were a few of those. Some dude posted a pic of his chick’s rack, too, which I always like haha. I’ll have to check that contest out next year. Not to enter or anything, but just to follow along.

For sure, dude. I mean, if you have no intention of growing them, why accept the prize? Better to let them go to a good cause.

I did notice that there were, like, stickers and posters and shit as prizes, which… How come you didn’t want those, syzygy??? Haha…


Because they’re valuable as you know.

I have a lifetime of stickers that I’ll never get to as well!

Here’s one that I have within arms reach as I slowly start trimming this OG x 88 stuff.


Finished trimming everything from earlier. REJ isn’t dry enough yet to trim.

Devil’s HP 1

Devil’s HP 2

Devil’s HP 3

Spirit HP 1

Going to also try to get some Triple Sunshine pictures later. The buds are looking really good to me. I plan on pulling the Spirit HP 2 tomorrow as well.


Triple Sunshine A - no flash - first 3 are focus stacked

normal no flash shot


Males are going to start dropping pollen within a day. Wonder if anyone has any opinions on the difference of the 2 at this stage structurally. The tops all looks identical but H is throwing out larger flower clusters at the mid level and has substantially thicker stems.

red petioles

And another Trip Sun A shot since I’m posting again


Are you trying to decide which male to use?


No, I’m pretty sure I’m going to collect pollen from both and mix them - and attempt to manually brush the pollen on the Triple Sunshine A next round. This is assuming a lot of things go my way though. I do have backup clones of each of them and I’d like to narrow it down to 1 for a future higher effort pollination. I was thinking outdoors may be a good use for that later on.

These are the last 2 males of the pack. I have 2 untested females as well to make F2s with if deemed special enough. I’d like to pollen chuck at the SSDD mom (if she ever recovers) and maybe a TK cutting as well. I really don’t want to keep 2 males long term though because I’m a bit overwhelmed as is. Was looking for opinions, even if they are partially nonsensical. Anything to shift me in a direction haha.

I’m thinking E resembles the A more structurally and that the H is more SSDD-like growth. I could be completely full of it though so I’m all for outside opinions.


Hard to say :thinking: The right one structurally looks a little more TK-ish with the slightly wavy stems. Thinner too. Thick sturdy stems make me think bubba or maybe appalachia. You have the TK now, how do the stem rubs compare?


To me they all smell pretty similar on the stem rub. My tk has thin stems but they are harder and pith filled. Could be plant health related though. The TS stems are more wet noodle-like.

I guess another question I’d have is would pairing thin stem & thin stem together be ideal or would I (potentially) get more diversity by mixing with the thicker stemmed pheno. Neither TS A or C had thick stems, they seemed pretty similar to the TK.