- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Thanks for reminding me, I should probably lightly treat my moms and the clones w/ botanigard as well today. Clones seem to really be recovering now so they should be able to handle some mild stress at this point.

Here’s some no-flash shots of REJ & TSA. Looked very closely and did not see any intersex issues on the TSA still. This is the 3rd or 4th run without issue, so things are looking good so far.


REJ - What do you guys think, about ready? Calyxes are starting to lose pigment at the tips.

Pinesoul leaves looked slightly droopy and unhappy yesterday, though it didn’t really show in yesterdays picture. Today the leaf posture looks much better in person.


Ummm, maybe. You’ve got that camera that takes incredible closeups, why don’t you take another shot or three and look? Haha. And then post them. Those pics are cool as shit.

Plants look very good, anyway. I’ve been reading that OG thread that greenhighlander posted a link to a few days ago; between that thread and your current grow, I’m thinking I may have to plant some sorta OG hybrid next, even though I was fully planning on starting another NLD-type thing haha.


OK, the light went off but will take a bunch of trichome shots with the Olympus tomorrow. I actually had to use it tonight to inspect a few insects flying around the clone tent and confirmed they were not plant pests. Was worried maybe I brought something in with my soil. I’m glad I have that camera, even though I can’t seem to get decent full plant / budshots with it.

You’re really making a lot of sense lately! What OG hybrids do you have on hand and what do you think you would gravitate towards? More of the Skycuddler, Rare Dankness or a Bodhi cross?

On the topic of camera stuff, was wondering @iamyou_youareme : have you ever used extension tubes or do you have any opinion on them? Wondering if I could get better magnification and trichome shots with my Nikon by using them.

This set of Auto Extension Tubes for Nikon Z-Mount Lenses from Vello makes it possible to capture close-up shots without requiring a macro lens, providing a practical solution for macro performance with less expensive, non-macro dedicated glass. The set includes a 12 and 20mm tube, which can be used individually or stacked together for greater control over decreasing the minimum focus distance of a lens. Extension tubes do not include any optical elements, so the image quality of the lens is not reduced. Electronic communication between body and lens is supported, so the convenience of autofocus and auto-exposure functions are maintained. In addition, image stabilization is maintained when using enabled lenses and cameras. This makes it easy to capture an image in the moment, without wasting time fiddling with camera settings.


How is that possible? Is it just, like, a specially-designed “closeup” camera or something?

What do you mean by that? Haha…

Anyway, I dunno what I might plant OG-wise. Definitely not more of meangene’s stuff, still have plenty of those Yesca x Jaro flowers. And I actually soaked a few different seeds of Rare Dankness gear like two months ago and none of them sprouted, never mentioned that, but that’s making me a little nervous about all of the other RD gear I have in the fridge.

I was thinking maybe nube’s Cheech Wizard f2’s, since that’s supposedly a Diablo hybrid, but since I’ve only been considering NLD stuff, I’ve just been glancing over everything but the NLD stuff when I look at my list haha. I don’t even know what all I have in the way of OG-type hybrids. Maybe the Oil Spill or something, really need to get to those. I dunno.


Yeah, it’s a pocket close-up underwater camera. The best bud shot that I can quickly pull up that I took with it was this SSDD shot

Not horrible but I’ve seen lower quality cameras and phones take better pictures. The ultra-macro capabilities are great though.

I don’t know, selfishly I just want to see more OG stuff grown out. Seems to make sense dropping some of the exotic sativa stuff for some tried and true OG crosses.

RD gear always sounded interesting to me, I just never felt comfortable ordering from JBC.

Lost me on NLD… Northern Lights Dominant? NarrowLeafDrug-variety?NetherLanDs?

Cheech Wizard sounds good too.


That. I’m off of referring to things as “Indicas” and “Sativas,” just because I don’t think it’s an accurate way to describe cannabis plants. So now it’s NLD and BLD haha…

I took a quick look at the first page of my seed list and I’ve got a pack of the Hollyweed and the Devil’s Hashplant and that Angelica, the Hell’s Angel/88G cross, along with a few other OG things of Bodhi’s that I’ve already grown. There’s definitely others from other breeders, too, I think.

I dunno. I’m not sure I wanna grow another 88G hybrid right now. First World Problems haha.

I ordered all of mine from Attitude, which I realize is so stupid, buying shit made in the US, shipped to Europe and then shipped back to the US haha. I’ve really liked every RD plant I’ve grown, though, pretty worried about the lack of germination on those few seeds I soaked and planted a while back. It makes me wonder how well Attitude stores their seeds, because I very, very rarely have issues sprouting stuff.

But yeah, maybe some Rare Dankness thing. I don’t care what anybody else says, I think their gear is good.


If ya wanna do nld/bld you also need to know/say if it’s highland or lowland :sweat_smile: highland bld can be “sativa” along with nld. And lowland bld is generally “indica”. Idc about using indica/sativa to describe things, but as soon as I see a number attached like “70/30 sativa/indica” or something like you see at all the dispos, that is 100% made up with zero bearing on the effects or anything else.

Then there’s the ones that start out bld but go nld in mid/late flower :thinking:


How do these acronyms come into play with the ultra hybridized stuff, or is it more applicable when talking about landraces?


Okay. I’ll look into whether or not all of the NLD/BLD stuff I have is highland or lowland haha.

Just kidding. I know what you mean, but I do think that “Sativa” and “Indica” is an inaccurate way to describe plants. NLD/BLD might be inaccurate, too (I’m thinking of that fucking Purple NL2 that took 82 days and should’ve gone longer haha, along with a lot of other stuff). And I only say that because when people hear “Sativa,” they think of something that makes them wanna clean the house, which hasn’t been my experience at all. And when people hear “Indica,” they think of something that makes them wanna take a nap, which also hasn’t really been my experience.

Longer-flowering and shorter-flowering might be the best way to describe plants, but what would be the cut-off, then? Who’s to say what’s “longer-flowering”? Eleven weeks? Twelve? Fourteen? I dunno.

I really think that’s a “Sativa” trait haha! Or maybe a lowland Sativa trait. I’ve got a theory about that, typed it on OG once before on some thread, I don’t remember where right now.


I mean, yeah, they’re probably not applicable anymore at all, just because most stuff is so hybridized or whatever. But that’s how I’ll be referring to everything moving forward haha.


Yeah, I mean, there are definitely a lot of “Sativas” that make you wanna move, but there are also a lot of “Indicas” that make you wanna move, too.


That’s how all OG’s make me feel, I think. Maybe not ALL of them, but most of them for sure. It’s been interesting reading that OG thread on thcfarmer. A lot of the people on there are like,”Here’s my blahblahblah OG! Couchlock City, babyyyyy!!!” And all I can think is,”I’ve blazed that one many, many times and it never made me ‘couchlocked’.” I wonder if they said that just because they thought that’s what people wanted to hear or something, like everybody wanted to be glued to the couch. Kinda weird…

Your plants look good and very OG-ish. I think you’ll probably find what you’re looking for in at least one or two of them. I mean, Skywalker never made me couchlocked… Coulda just been because I was younger and had more energy back then haha, I dunno.


If you grow these and document it, please tag me.
I know, who remembers to tag someone 3 months later, but if you do …


@syzygy what happened to the Secret Chiefs that you had? I remember you not being happy with them being lime green or something like that.


The tent was a bit too crowded and I made the call to just cull it, along with a few of the other early intersex plants (REJ 2, 3 and DHP 4). I like superficial traits in addition to good effects and I had two hangups with the secret chief that pushed me towards this decision (in addition to the other reasons to reduce plant count in the tent)

  • Very small & ultra leafy flowers on a tiny compact frame. This was easily the most stout plant of the group.

  • The mild odor it had I really disliked

I haven’t been consuming a high amount of flower and I vaporize so there’s almost always an abundance so culling for me isn’t really a difficult process. I know I may be throwing out gold when I do that and that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised it it turned out better when “dialed in”, but there was no mother or desire to rerun it and find out. I’m sure there’s fire in Secret Chief.


Nothing wrong with that. I am ruthless when it comes to culling plants out of my setup.
I probably would’ve done the same thing.


For sure. The growing/plant traits are a big deal for me. I’m not just a smoker, I’m a grower too, so I don’t really wanna keep a plant around that needs a bunch of work or training in order to get good flower out of it. I’ll cull mutants and plants with bad growing traits no problem. Herms always culled regardless. I don’t have time to be picking balls off for days every time I flower out a cut, much less go out of my way to make some magically perfect environment for it so it won’t herm. It either adapts to my jungle stably or it dies.

The whispy foxtail nature of the buds is, IMO, a nice blending of the SSDD and TK flowers. I bet it would probably do great outside :wink: Likely not gonna get any mold/budrot with that structure.


Oh for sure, and for me it’s mostly because I don’t want to feel like I have to lift every plant up in my small space in order to check for hidden male flowers under the buds. This is what I had to do with the OGx88 stuff, which a lot of it would have gone unnoticed had I not done that. Most of it wasn’t that bad, but I’m with you generally that any intersex is too much.

There’s almost always a handful of stresses in my grow area so I’d prefer something that won’t freak out because it dried out or got too cold. In 1 Gal pots it’s inevitable that things are going to dry out at least once per run haha.


No worries, man! Culling used to be hard for me, like it would ruin my day. Now I’m:

I hear you on the Secret Chief. I have a tiny one too that’s barely growing, sounds like the one you had. Unfortunately, that one’s female. I have second one that I’m assuming is SFV leaning: taller, a lot more space between nodes. Hasn’t shown sex yet :crossed_fingers:

Here they are right next to each other:

What are your other top 3 Bodhi experiences? Your Trip Sunshine sounds good to me and doesn’t sound like it would slouch in the potency department. It’s all subjective anyways, right? As long as it’s good to you


It’s one thing if I’m hunting through stuff to find a particular expression. I’ll cull like no more tomorrow. But if I’m popping a pack just to see and then they all herm or something :see_no_evil: It’s still a bit rough lol Got standards tho :yum:


It’s hard to narrow down to a top 3 for me, but in terms of favorite plant traits here are the ones from memory that stood out as impressive. I could elaborate on effects and how it affects my feelings about them as mothers as well but since I rated the Trip Sun as one of my favorite plants I’ll stick to just the topic.

Triple Sunshine - No obvious negatives that I see as of yet.

Space Monkey - Frost monster, ridiculously high odor

Criticism - a bit leafier than I like and airy buds. Requires some degree of vegetative period.

Sun Ra tall pheno - Extremely frosty and beautiful “SATIVA” hybrid or “NLD 73%” traits. I couldn’t reveg this one so I can only comment on the one experience with it. Cedar pheno had better effects too.

Probably in that order. If I could bring any mother from Bodhi’s seeds back it would probably be my cedar pheno of Sun Ra, which I considered kind of on the mild or weak side as well. Trip Sun appears to be pretty similar in effects but I may be projecting my hopes on to it.

Honorable mentions :

Redeye Jedi from last run and this run - I love the way these buds look. Intersex on this run killed my excitement for it a bit but I still want to find a good and stable pheno one of these days to hold.

Lav Jack ‘sativa’ ‘nld’ whatever you want to call it

Goji OG golf ball flower looking pheno - very low odor, great effects

Goji OG NLD totem pole - very low odor , bland effects

Granola Funk F2 A - beatiful and ultra frosty purple flowers. - Medium low odor - very bland effects and potency.

I’m probably forgetting something but I can say it’s at least my favorite plant from 2022 or 2023. Just want to re-emphasize that we’re talking about plant traits here. Got pictures taken, have to go through them and then resize them so am going to post again soon…