- syzygy's journal - the clown show

OK @minitiger , here are some trichome shots with the olympus. A couple no flash shots of the DHP and SHP using my usual Nikon too.

Devil’s HP

Redeye Jedi trichomes

Spirit HP #1


Gawd, I love those pics… haha. So friggin’ bizarre-looking. But awesome haha.

It looks like the Spirit and the Devil’s are further along than the REJ, right? I’m seeing more amber there, anyway. That’s interesting. They were all flipped at the same time, correct?

I think it’s probably because they just smoke more in one “session” than you do. It’s the same thing with me and something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but especially as I’ve been reading that OG thread. It’s like,”Well, yeah, I guess if you smoke an entire gawddamn blunt to yourself, you’re gonna get higher than me and my three bong rips. And it’s gonna be a ‘different’ high, too.” It’d be like wondering why you don’t get as fucked up when you drink three beers and three shots as opposed to drinking an entire bottle of Wild Turkey and a case of beer or something.

Still, I kinda feel like if I need more than three bong rips to get good and baked for a few hours, something’s wrong haha. I have no desire to smoke a blunt by myself. Or even an entire joint.

I document everything. And it’s not gonna be three months from now haha. I’m still adjusting to the new schedule, but something’s gonna get started in the next couple days. Those Oil Spills are definitely one I’m seriously considering. I’ll tag you.

Do you have some Oil Spill seeds? Or you’re just interested in that Mandelbrot stuff?

You should be following all of my logs anyway haha! How DARE you not follow everything I log!!! Haha.


Very good point that I keep meaning to mention and I think you’re spot on. I typically limit myself to 3-6 vape hits depending on how I feel the inhalations are going to hit me. I don’t smoke an entire joint of anything to myself and am pretty amazed by people who can do that. I used to do it decades ago but I definitely can’t these days.

Anyone reading any of my comments should probably keep that in mind… I seek an effective dose for me and then I don’t keep pushing.

Yeah that’s sort of my gauge for judging potency as well.

Tag me as well on the oil spill! Don’t know anything about them other than a quick search…

Also ya, everything was flipped at the same time.


Not currently, but that may soon change. Very interested either way.

Yes, yes, you’re right. I’ll try harder.


Yeah, I like to try to work from a “baseline” or whatever (which is either two fat bong rips or four good hits from a joint) and then go from there. Typically, though, either of those, the bong rips or the joints, work. Like I said, if it takes much more than that to get me baked, the weed’s just not good haha.

Been a while since the weed hasn’t been good haha…

I knoooowwwww… I was thinking about that the other day, actually, about how it was just like,”Oh, a quarter ounce? Okay, let’s smoke it all. Oh, two ounces? Okay, let’s smoke that. Oh, a QP? Okay, let’s smoke that.”

I actually like it better now, where I have to decide what joint I’m gonna roll for the day, because that’s all I’ll be smoking for the duration haha, unless I’m doing the smoke reports and trying to figure shit out. I mean, sometimes I blaze more than a j throughout the course of a day, but not often.

Yeah, I’ll post the link to the new thread in the most recent one, that Chocolate Blitz etc thread, once I start it. Should be in two weeks or so.

And since we’re all talking about it, yeah, fuck it, I’ll plant those Oil Spill seeds. Why not?


Yeah for sure. And gives you a pretty good consistent reference point. Not very good for determining the ceiling of a strain but that’s not how I use Cannabis nowadays so I’ll leave that to others to determine.

For me it really started to hit and change after I began growing high quality cuttings for a while. Probably why I enjoy weaker cannabis more, I can consume a bit more of it, enjoy it and fine tune the effects and intensity better.

I could probably get away with just doing 1 grow a year (if I didn’t gift or waste any flower) but doing this from an early age made me enjoy the hobby as much as consuming the end product. Feels weird not having a garden going…



Hell yeah.


Haha, right. I’m not worried about the ceiling. How high I get is high enough for me. I’ve thought about just sitting down and doing bong rip after bong rip after bong rip, for research purposes, but that actually kinda scares me haha.

Yeahhhhhh, I was wondering about that. Like, how much legalization has changed things, if it’s possible that the freedom to grow/breed has just made weed that much better etc etc. All’s I know is that I typically get high as shit from everything I’ve grown haha.

I get it. I soooooo get it.

One time my girl asked me about,”So you’re just gonna be growing weed forever? We have to consider what house we buy next by the good growing rooms?” and I was like,”If I don’t grow weed, I’m just an almost-49-year-old unemployed waiter. So, YEAH, I’LL BE GROWING WEED!” haha.

It makes me whole… haha.


I looked for the sign up wiki in your thread for the oil spill F2s @minitiger but could not find it.

Also the SSDD mom is pretty much dead at this point. I know I said I was going to retire it but I told someone I’d attempt to get a cutting off of it for an SSDD project they have planned.
This is my last ditch effort but I don’t have much hope for it…

We’ll see…

Also I moved the rootbound Trip Suns into flower just to see. Can always throw them out since I have rooted cuttings (that still have to be transplanted). So much gardening tasks lately, I’ll be happy when the flowering stuff is cleared out at least just to reduce the amount of stuff I need to focus on. I’m thinking I may want to collect some TS pollen to manually brush onto A, but not 100% sure I’m going to go through with it at this time. There are 2 new males and 2 new females.

At least there’s two of us… Wonder how many here are also in the same boat with modest consumption yet still growing.


I’ve never used them personally. They’d probably work fine, though. Does it say how much more magnification it gives you?

Could be cool!

For sure, I’d like to see the TK outside… or greenhouse at least.

This is high on my list for popping in the new year.

I don’t think anymore could fit on the surface are of the leaf in some places… impressive!

Yeah, if that doesn’t do it for me, then imo the weed is pretty weak.

Pinesoul has been a really touchy plant so far. I can’t seem to get her to grow more than three leaf sets unless she’s really happy. She will need some extra attention, haha. I want to say I’ve been underfeeding her so far, but we’ll see how she does in salts to compare.


I think it would go from 1x magnification to 1.3x with a 12mm & 20mm tube.

Awesome, interested to see how it stacks up against gg4.

Good to know, thanks! She is actually looking a bit happier the past few days, but still 3 blades here as well. The latest LJ that mysteriously and magically appeared here has already started to take off and are almost ready to take a few small cuttings.


Awesome! yeah I could tell that one was in better health… when they have a solid root system in place it really does help them take off after transplant.


Morning folks. Finally joined the party over here!

:coffee: :sunrise_over_mountains:

I’ve been meaning to review Irene. Thanks for the reminder!



Irene clones fast, but is a little slow to get established. She’s not super vigorous. For comparison, here’s Irene (L) and Bubba ( R) in the same pot, 30 days from rooted clone.


Irene grows kinda weird. Not sick or picky about food, just weird. She spits out a ton of suckers, her bigger branches snap easy, and she seems to trigger into reveg for no reason. A month after transplant into her own City Picker, at flip she started throwing foot long single blades and odd “fleur de lis” leaves. This continued thru the first 3 weeks of flower.


However, once that got sorted she was on cruise control and 100% stable, no more funny business. I saw no buds on leaf petioles or any other shenanigans.

In flower, Irene’s a striking plant. About a 2x stretch after flip, she develops respectable spacing to her golfball nugs.

Day 45F

Day 60F

Harvest Day 65F

Big bracts. Small yields.

Easy trim tho.


Smoke report

Smell & Flavor

Irene smells incredible. Full stop. Early in flower she smells like a Polish granny’s perfume bottle, chopped onions, and old pennies in the bottom of granny’s floppy leather purse. Later in flower, she added a sour note. Intoxicating.

:older_woman: :purse:

After harvest and drying, while trimming she smelled of black cherry soda. She held that in jars - couple months later, there’s still some black cherry perfume mixed with savory, oniony and leathery notes.

The smell translates to the flavor - savory perfume OG, sprayed on a big freckled bosom. Mouth coating. This profile is absolutely delicious and probably her best quality.


Potency & Effects

Irene is very relaxing, yet somehow functional for a couple hours. Potency is a 6 or 7, pretty good for after dinner watching a movie. Then it’s lights out. She ends with a very heavy crash, and leaves me feeling groggy the next day.


Bottom Line

Irene is definitely exotic, but she yields low and can be a little weird. Is she a keeper? I’m not sure. I feel like there’s no shortage of cute crazy chicks, but do I want to marry one?

:wedding: :peace_symbol:


@nube jeez man she is absolutely beautiful. Definitely going on my list of cuts to try and obtain…


That midrib on the first flowering picture reminds me of Swiss chard. Thank you for the write up!
She’s a beaut Clark!!


Incredible review, thanks for sharing! That actually sounds really good to me, including the 6 or 7 potency rating. The only thing that didn’t sound appealing is the next day effects but we’ll see if it hits me like that. Currently Irene is the slowest growing and most compact of anything in the tent, but still looks healthy. I’m excited to try it for sure.

Also found the smell description in flower funny. I think one of my OGx88 plants (dhp ?) actually has that to a small degree, but would never come up with that description on my own haha.




Definitely looks like a bubba cross to me :thinking:

Love the report and pics! As always though, you always do a great job on that :wink:


Great review as always! Irene sounds pretty darn nice aside from the hangover morning.


At least your Irene looks pretty OG-ish. It’s been a while since I even looked at one, but I feel like every other Irene grow report I’ve seen had weird plants with gigantic colas that didn’t look like an OG at all. Maybe those people didn’t have the legit cut or something?

That’s funny. I’m assuming you were joking haha.

That’s also funny. Because it’s true… haha.


Thanks for the kind words, folks. I really want to like Irene! Totally swiss chard-like leaf veins.

As for the comparison to Bubba, I don’t see it. Literally the only thing that’s similar is the large bracts. Here’s a comparison of traits:

Irene is very slow growing; Matt Berger’s Green Bubba cut is much faster by comparison. I’ve seen them both vegging and flowering in the last couple months in my garden and in person at @iamyou_youareme’s garden as well.

Irene stretches quite a bit more in flowering than Bubba, and has OG-like space between nodes.

Irene has a completely different leaf structure (much narrower leaves) than the Green Bubba, but maybe the Swerve Pre-98 has thinner leaves?

Irene has weird growth; Bubba is super predictable with no weird behavior at all.

Irene’s bud structure (much smaller, denser buds with calyxes that kinda grow in all directions) is completely different than Bubba, which tends to form flat topped leafy colas.

Irene’s smell and taste couldn’t be more different from Bubba. Like, not even the same ballpark. Bubba is clearly dark chocolate and coffee, and the flavor is sweet kushy rather than OG.

Irene’s effect and potency are that of a medium potency, relaxed but clear headed indica, which are traits shared by tons and tons of cuts. Bubba is a lot less clear headed for me.

To me, I don’t get the comparison to Bubba. Caveat is that my setup tends to bring out much more distinctive morphology than most people’s, likely because of the low amount of blue and extra far red in my strips. Maybe altitude, too, since I’m a mile high. Sometimes higher! :wink:

:rainbow: :sun_with_face: