- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Haha, yeah, I think you’re right there.

I’ll just say that these things, the grow logs, the smoke reports etc are just a “baseline” or whatever. I’d also take into account who it is that’s actually saying the things they say. Like, if somebody is clearly a moron, I’m not gonna listen to them, no matter who they are and how much weed they’ve grown.

Priorities and all that… What are their priorities? What’s their motivation for posting?

It’s why I love our little group on OG haha.



I actually haven’t looked up any Jack grow logs - it’s really rooted in nostalgia and looking up seed listings that I never really had access to way back when I was new to indoor gardening. Sensi’s description of Jack and SSH sounded good and a nice change of pace from the devastating (dutch-genetics) indica clones I was given at the time. There were a few others that I was really interested in that probably aren’t that great either. I remember looking at sweet tooth #3 on marc emery’s bank often too.

Thanks for helping me figure all this out to everyone who’s commented. I feel like I have a decent feel for what I’m going to do this round, going forward, and as a summer project.


Hello @syzygy,

Your name is on a mushroom spore that I have is that any relation to you? I kept looking and realized why your name looked familiar.


Hello @Rmevet ,

No relation other than where I chose my name from. Syzygy was the name of one of many spores that I may have purchased for microscopy purposes in another life in the early 00s from ralphster.

When Shroom pioneer Terrence McKenna first opened his online store, many years ago, the name of the site was Sysygy… it carried one type of un-named cubensis, This One… hence the name. We were able to collect a few of the original Sysygy prints (over 15 yrs old) and successfully revive the strain thanks to a few, expert (or just Really lucky) trusted growers.The original, or actual name or geographic location origins remain a mystery now, as they did then. But… They are McKenna originals.


I couldn’t think of a name when registering and just went with that. I think ralphsters is still selling it so you may be able to find more info on their website.


That’s what real jack is like. The jack I had back in the day was soaring, everything is great, daytime herb. Not a drop of Xanax type effects. This I suspect, is not the Jack used in the Lav Jack and other crosses.


I suppose it is a root to the word yoke and eventually zygote or fusion of two organisms without losing identity. Interesting choice, I am from Az so it took me a long time to come up with mine :joy:.


Thanks. Pretty cool information and history.

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Thaaaats where I recognize the name from! It’s been eating at me for a while.


Cool to hear others have dabbled in that hobby and come across those spores. All in the past for me - just herb now a days! I still find it interesting and would like to maybe try to grow edible mushrooms sometime when i have the space to set aside for sterility.

Coco came a while back shortly after we were talking about coco / perlite / ph pens. The TS-G that I put in coco seems to be responding fairly well.

TK hasn’t made much progress but I checked and it is rooting out the container at least.



put a new tk cutting in straight coir a day or 2 ago.

and today a tS-A cutting in a few different containers. coir, coir perlite , soil, etc

here’s a coir/perlite mix with a high percentage of perlite

I’m not good at reading the colors of the GH drops and I don’t really trust the accuracy of my PH pen. That’s making this process a bit annoying. I think I’m watering with nutrient solution at about 5.8-6.0 ph…

@HolyAngel do you have to store your meter in a kcl solution or anything like that when not in use? Was thinking about upgrading soon.


I do store mine in kcl solution, always. The apera comes with a small bottle of it, along with bottles of calibration solution, so you don’t need to buy anything extra when you buy their pens. You can get more bottles on Amazon though if you need, for cheap.


I feel you. I’m in the same boat. It’s been more than a decade since I’ve even partaken. Fond memories though!

I agree. I just keep a little bit in the bottom of the lid. Any time I use the pen, I shake out the old stuff and put just a few drops of fresh in. Keeps your pens alive and accurate for far longer. I also second the pH reference solutions. I just use the 4 and 7 for reference and calibration. That way you never have to question the accuracy.


Thanks! Will definitely go that route then if I stick with coco for moms.

Was also given some TS-A and (earlier-harvested) LJ samples today. Both smell and taste great.




Did you find that the high was any different from the ones that you’ve grown?


Gorgeous grow, mate!


Maybe a bit weaker. Not sure about how long it lasts because I smoked the TS about 30-45min after the LJ. Was cool and good timing to have the question answered for me directly like that. Discussing it w/ him afterwords we both like the effects of the TS more and he described the LJ as “indica dominant”. Not sure how he’s comparing TK to TS but I still think TS is a bit weaker and more calming / chill. I’m keeping both for now. That said after smoking the LJ the TS felt a bit energizing and cut right through it.

Thanks! Those were grown by a local grower friend here in a pretty nice “no-till” bed setup. If I had the space I’d love to do something similar, but with my height limitations I think 1-3 GAL pots are the best for my setup.


Day 1 of 12/12

IRENE was root trimmed and repotted back in a 1 GAL pot

Probably going to pull the Lav Jacks for spacial reasons but they are still there for the moment

TK and TSA are suspect at the moment - seeing a few 7 bladed leaves that are making me question if there was a labeling error. Other TK cutting is throwing only 3s and 5s with completely different and lankier growth. Could also be where on the plant the cutting was taken from. None of the moms have 7 bladed leaves for me on the TK. It’s possible TS throws them but the moms there don’t have them either. Just noting it for now. It’s possible but very unlikely there was a labeling mistake. Time will tell as they flower out - TS morphology is pretty obvious by week 3-4.

Starting with the outdoor pictures

Honeysuckles are starting to bloom - they usually get hit with aphids so we’ll see if that same species of aphids likes Cannabis… The climbing Hydrangea next to the plants could possibly host mites also. Don’t care either way - I’m just throwing the plants out there for fun anyways. Temperatures have been dropping into the mid 30s at night and the plants are handling it like it’s nothing. 80F today.

Triple Sunshine E - male

Triple Sunshine E male structure & Irene behind. Dog as well for scale.

Plus I’m always taking dog pictures as well - good place to inject some.

“normal” looking TK (to me)

Questionable TK

Another questionable TK

TS F2s first picture. Top TS F2, Bottom BK F2 second picture

Top Baba Kush F2 , Bottom TS F2

Don’t want to commit to a log or these plants in general - any may get culled at any moment. If IRENE doesn’t handle being root pruned for example it will just go outside.


Maybe the 7 bladers are lav jack?


I considered that and I don’t think they are Lav Jacks. If anything, I’d think they would all be Trip Sun A plants. I don’t want to claim that I never make mistakes but labeling mistakes would be very unusual for me. It is possible though, especially lately with all the soil accidents, so I won’t rule it out. We’ll know for sure come flower time as everything has pretty easily identifiable morphology and smells. LJ branching is pretty different from everything else as well.

forgot to post the LJ picture too

Here’s the TK moms - 1 generation from the cuttings from November/December. Been pinching every other day or so.

And a side by side of the 2 different looking ones in the flower tent (front left/right). Lav Jacks are in the back row.


Ah gotcha. Yeah TSA makes sense. The blades look too thin to be TK imo :face_with_monocle:

The front left plant looks like tk in that last pic there, but front right looks like something else.


Maybe I missed it but why are you questioning your TK cuts?