- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I’m questioning the cuts that I took because half the cuttings look completely different from the other half. Could be just where I took them on the plant or it’s also possible I made a labeling mistake somewhere in the process.

I’m really just jotting it down for my own ability to recall and look back on if it presents itself again in the future.

Here’s a Trip Sun A from the same batch of cuttings taken in march. This also has thinner blades and 7 leaflets. It does seem like a probable labeling error - we’ll know for sure when flowers develop.


Yeah that TSA pic looks like your 7 bladed pics. That’d be my bet ^^

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Agreed - I’m definitely not replacing the TK or TS moms with fresh cuts until I’m certain. The TK mom that I put in a 3 GAL pot is looking pretty happy anyways so I’m not under any pressure to replace it with a smaller cutting just yet.

The space issue is really just making things awkward and it was worse in March. Should start to get much better now that I’m freeing up space by culling moms and the redundant backups.


What’s up everybody. Update on those TS x SSDD.
They have been in 12/12 for about two weeks.
Three males and three females.

I will keep you posted.


Really appreciate you going through those and posting pictures here!

One of the advantages of trying the clones was it gave me a better idea of what direction I want to explore when it comes to seed selections. Since I enjoyed the TK above everything else from last clone run I’ve been wanting to explore a few more TK beans to see how things stack up. I also wanted to go through some pollen chucks and this lines up nicely too. I like doing these types of runs also where there’s similar enough genetics to compare against each other (like the og x 88 run).
Triangle Kush S1
5150 tk x tk
Triangle Kush x Triple Sunshine E/H

Maybe a few other things – not sure yet. Just got my CSI order when I got home from work today and saw he sent a 2nd TK S1 pack as well as the 5150 x TK, which I considered buying instead of the s1s… Planning on getting some beans wet tonight assuming I can make a concrete decision on the lineup.

Pretty nice amount of freebies packaged with my 1 pack of TK S1s.


Nice!! Yeah he definitely hooks it up if you buy the S1 pack ^^
Always get two for the price of one on those too.

He did say to take clones of all the TK S1’s as some might be “better” than the TK. I find that arguable but ymmv :sweat_smile: For sure can find some stinkier better yielders in there, but I wouldn’t necessarily call that being “better”. It’d have to have all the multifaceted nuances she has, all of the high plus more, for me to personally call it better. Regardless, gonna be a great run :fire:

I’m definitely interested in seeing how your own TK BX1 turns out. Possibly more interested than the CSI packs :sweat_smile: That’s definitely something I wanna make myself too.


Better or not it will be fun to explore. Will be fun to compare it against the TK and the TS as well. It will be for the run after this one, but the goal will be to get them vegged out so they are ready to go in. I already culled my Triple Sunshine F & G moms (not coco test) and the Chem91 mom was moved to the flower tent. Space has finally opened up a bit other than my coco tests and confusion on my TK cuttings.

Well the good thing is that if nothing strikes me as being on par with or better than what I have now I still have the mother I was gifted!

I want to make more of the TK x TS E as well. That’s my hope for this current flower cycle, and then I can “retire” the ts male at that point. I only have 4 beans of TK x TS E/H and I’m planning on attempting to pop all of them tonight with whatever else I decide on.

I was considering Black Triangle and or Phone Home from bodhi, but that was before I knew he was going to send the 5150 tk x TK. A bit more interested in that one than the other 2.


100% gonna be some nice plants in those beans!

Are you hoping for anything particular in those 4 TK x TS E/H beans or just gonna see while you make more?


I can’t make more of anything x TS/EH because H is gone. I would like to make some TS and TK x E though just to have for storage & exploration. E is the more “TK” structurally of the 2 males and smells pretty strong as well. Noticed it when flowering them both out in December and now every-time I get within 8-10ft of the plant outside I smell it. It’s the only plant outside that has a noticeable aroma actually.

I do have hopes in mind for both the TS and TK x TS-E but time will tell on that front. I am certainly no breeder. One thing about the TS chucks though is I have a feeling there will be a higher percentage of high quality plants (or plants that I like at least) than say a random SSDD male. Every plant that I went through in my F1 pack was nice. Compared to the females in the SSDD F1s that I’ve been through it’s night and day. Feels like the odds are more in my favor with a pollen chuck like that. Either way, this (tk project) isn’t going to be a pollination run, just exploring females here.

Got some soaking now - may add more later depending on germination rates and all that


No doubt about that. I sent back the last F1 pack I was given after running through 3 of them and coming up with nothing. Not to mention the mass of F2’s I’ve been through too, plus my own work. Finding that magical SSDD male is a chore for damn sure. Not to say there aren’t good plants to be found, but the one’s I want are really hard to find in there. TK can up the quality for sure, and it does seem like bodhi’s ssdd male there is much better than the cross itself. Ya think that TS cross used bodhi’s first SSDD male that he lost? I can’t remember :sweat_smile:


Ya I would have liked to just S1 my ssdd mom but that was going to be way too much effort for a plant I wasn’t crazy about in the first place. I think the SSDD x TS that was made prior to letting the mom go will probably have some nice plants in it. I’ve been scattering ~50 Goji OG x SSDD seeds at a time in the woods on dog walks lately…

All I know is that the Triple Sunshine was a 1 time release for 2017 emerald cup. Think there was also 1 log I found on breedbay that I posted in my older thread too.

2017 tester list

It was given out at the 2017 emerald cup with the normal Bodhi label so I don’t know if it would go from tester to retail pack that fast or if it was from the “original” male, with the 2017 testers never being released. Maybe someone in the know could find out but I’m not connected to any breeders so I’m clueless.

Everybody that I’ve seen online that said they grew it out seemed to really like it from what I could tell. Think it’s just a really nice cross with a high percentage of keepers. Gives me hope that the amount of quality males has to be pretty high as well.


Forgot to let you know ended up with a female with the field trip hopefully she’s stable going to be flowering her out in a few weeks :+1:


Nice! I know we’re supposed to hate GSC but that’s one of the GSC crosses I’d like to try when I eventually get around to it. Forget how many seeds I sent you but I think I have at least 6 or 7 seeds left in the pack so that should be fun someday. Only GSC cross I’ve grown before has been Granola Funk (gsc x wookie). I’ve read nothing but positive reports from people who have grown that one (field trip).


You hoping to find that 5150 leaner that makes people “a little crazy” as CSI describes? Haha


My thinking was that maybe the 5150 x tk will be more refined with less phenotypic variation. I only popped 3 (for now at least) but am excited to see what it’s like. If it’s too strong or disorienting for me I have a few grower friends who would appreciate a cutting at least, so nothing would be wasted. IAY said in his thread that he may germinate some of his sometime this year too so that will be really cool to see if that remains the plan.

We’ll see what germinates and makes it but what I put in paper towels was

5 TK S1
4 TK x TS E/H
3 5150 x TK

If there’s any males in the TK x TS I’ll cull and probably replace with different fem seeds.

Timestamp of nspecta on 5150 (0:34:30 in case it doesn’t work) : https://youtu.be/twRHHQqVH48?t=2068


Lav Jack overgrowing the pot and tiny tomato cage already - will probably take cuttings later on and replant. It’s only in a 15-20GAL pot so that will be an issue for sure.

E starting to look a lot better too outside. 20 GAL smart pot. Similarly, I want to take cuttings and get a few more of these going outside.

Mutants staying mutated - eventually I’ll want to pull the VNs from that 45 GAL smart pot and put in a “real” single cutting of something. Probably wait until mid-may for that though.

As someone who’s had to creatively sneak out and dispose of cannabis trash for 25~ years just having vegging plants freely outside is incredibly therapeutic. Feels great. I know the pots are too small for the plants but it’s still an awesome feeling for me to just be around plants outside.


I look forward to seeing the 5150 x TK I plan on popping my pack of 5150 x TK as well. Soon if the TK S1’s are a success.Be nice to see what everyone finds


You got just about every pack I’ve been eyeing from CSI for free! Holy moly!


That’d be awesome to follow along and compare to what you and IAY find. Love when multiple people are exploring the same strain (but different seeds).

It’s awesome you were able to reverse your TK - I hope that works out for you also. I considered making an attempt after reading your process that you posted in your thread. Factoring in time (and money buying materials) this felt to be a better option for me at this point in time.

If I get the urge to explore large numbers of TK S1s in the future I may give it a whirl as well.

Ya I was going back and forth on the 5150 vs TK S1 but with the 20% off or whatever it was the TK S1s dropped to the retail cost of the 5150x TK. Glad he simplified it by sending both & an extra TK S1 anyways…


100% germ rate, nice! A sign of good things to come.

The only fun thing outside this year is me and the little one are attempting to grow/naturally pollen chuck sunflowers. So awesome to she her checking in on her seedlings every morning :smiling_face_with_tear:

What about you, syz? Very cool to see you growing outdoors.