- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Very cool! I’ve only grown sunflowers a few times - I think some kind of dwarf variety 3-4 years ago. Should be a great learning experience and a good excuse to get outdoors and learn about nature w/ her!

Not sure yet , just throwing a lot of Cannabis plants outside which are occupying most of my pots at home. I’ll probably want to do a few flowers at least to attempt to attract some beneficials. Cucumbers and peppers at least when it comes to vegetables…

I almost want to grow a ton of males outside because I really don’t need the flower and it would be a cool way to observe them. Don’t have any other than the Triple Sunshine E at the moment though so that probably won’t happen.

Half tempted to grow some Dahlias, Buddleia or milkweed to play around with butterfly photography.


Same! Always cucumbers and peppers for me. Do you have any tips on cucumbers? For the past two summers, each plant would pump out like 10-15 large, great tasting cukes…and then the plant just dies. I grow them in 27gal SIPs. That might be why? I don’t pull off suckers or anything like that.


Often times here the people who lose cucumbers out of nowhere had planted them too early and lose them to squash vine borers. I think around the 2nd week of June is the appropriate time to plant them here and a lot of people are planting them early-mid May here. I’ve never grown in SIPs before but they seem like they would work great for cukes.

I grow mine in partial shade on a trellis and don’t do any pruning or maintenance really (lazy). I probably should be rerouting the runners for efficient trellis coverage but I’m pretty lazy with my home garden. Making sure they don’t dry out in the heat of summer is good to reduce susceptibility to PM/DM in my environment. Choosing good varieties helps as well.

Lately I’ve been doing 8 cucumbers in a 45GAL smart pot - 4 corners of 2x each. 2-3 pickling types and at least one long variety like Diva. I think I prefer the pickling types actually.

E: actually I have grown in some kind of budget SIP ~ 15 years ago in a garden I was helping out in. It wasn’t nearly the quality of the SIPs you guys are using though. Basically window box planters with a wick suspended over a 4x4 reservoir.


Hey syz I got some harvest pics of the SSDD f2. This is the #2 (#1 and #3 are coming down over the next 2 days):

The pictures don’t really capture how frosty it is. Very coated in trichomes, and oily too. Lots of amber trichs as well. Like all the trim leaves were super amber and small sections of the bud had lots of amber. Then other sections right next to it were still clear/cloudy.

The heat was also causing it to spit out some new white pistils and foxtail a bit.

This one definitely seems to have some blueberry influence. It has a blueberry hash type smell, with just a tiny bit of funk (maybe the chem? not sure. It’s not gas and it’s very faint). The shape of some of the smaller buds reminded me a bit of blueberry I’ve grown in the past too.

I’ll grab pics of the other 2 when I harvest.

I was so f’n happy to get this damn monster out of my flower room! lol. It was taking up soo much space. Now I finally have all the plants getting proper light. Once the other 2 come down I’ll be able to move my last handful of plants into flower. I have to be shut down by July, so it worked out perfectly.

I’m going to shut down for the peak summer heatwaves and rebuild my flower room. Super excited to finally rebuild. The dude’s house I’m at needs to have a new gas meter installed right next to the flower room and they’re doing it in July, so perfect chance to rebuild. I’m going to rip the room down before they come in then rebuild it much nicer quality.


The mom for me had that store bought blueberry muffin smell and a bit of hashy rubber or as some people refer to it as “butter”. To me it’s still rubber. Extremely dreamy / sedative / chill effects for me that feels similar to when you were a kid with a high fever - that kind of “dreamy” feeling. Good sleep meds.

Cool to hear you found some blueberry smells in the f2s! Hoping she’s similar to your keeper, but if not there’s still hope you’ll find something in the big ssdd project you’re starting (or the offspring from that). Thanks for posting all the pictures and growing it out!


Teddy those look very enjoyable :purple_heart: and sound great. Well done.

TS x SSDD venturing into flower within a week. 4-5 days really. Taking clones tonight or tomorrow.


This one doesn’t smell like the one I was after, but the true test is the high. That’s the real thing I’m after. I mean, I loved the taste and smell of my old keeper too but that was secondary to the high.

I’m excited to smoke it! Also excited to harvest the other two. They were both in the back of the room where it’s hard to access them (another reason I can’t wait to redesign + rebuild the room! lol). Plus with how packed the room was it made it very difficult to move anything around. I really haven’t even smelled the buds in a while. It’ll be nice to see them up close.


All the plants have been put in 1 gallon pots, topped, and put into 11/13. I will end up taking flowering cuttings of anything that catches my eye, but this will most likely just be an early pollination and then finish them out. Thanks again for sharing your X’s. Also, the ssdd that wouldn’t grow, naturally split itself into two mains and took off, so all 9 are still going.


I’m liking how that branching is looking - looks more TS than ssdd to my eyes!


Here’s my seedlings - tk x triple sunshine is first to open (no surprise - fresh seeds).

and the TS F2 / Baba Kush F2s. Front left TS F2 corner appears to be male - will cull when confirmed.


Here’s SSDD f2 #3

Not very proud of the way I grew these. I cut off the nitrogen too soon and they also had some type of imbalance/lockout that I never was able to fully correct. Then they got a bit stressed out by the heatwave (my room was hitting 88-89°). They were definitely not grown up to my usual standard. Anyway…

This one smells much closer to what I’m after! I’m excited.

It definitely has that buttered muffin smell, but with some acrid notes and a bit of a berry smell in there too. The buttery muffin smell stands out the most though!

It didn’t grow like my old SSDD keeper pheno. It had one main cola where as my old keeper grew lots of branches. But this one also grew nice side branches. Depending on how it smokes I may run it again and see how it grows under more proper conditions with actual training (I didn’t do any training on these. I wanted to see how they grew naturally).

Edit - also, you can see in that second last pic, on the fan leaves, how sections of the fan leaf had trichomes that turned heavy amber.



Structurally the mom of the F2s sound more like your keeper. OG-like growth more than anything and didn’t really make main colas.


I don’t really remember what my keeper grew like from seed. I don’t know the exact reason why, but I’ve found in subsequent runs they sometimes grow quite different than they did from seed. So who knows, maybe it grew more of a main cola the first time around.
I know the first time I grew my cheese candy strain from seed it grew one main cola and looked like a Christmas tree. But ever since the first run or two it grows a bunch of big, long branches - no main cola at all.

All I know for now is that this one smells much closer to my keeper. Definitely a similar smell profile to what I’m after.

I will most likely run it again at some point. I may even throw it in with the SSDD f1 open pollination. I would obviously keep those seeds separate from the f1 plants. It would be more for myself to hunt through the seeds.

Last one comes down tomorrow (I think). It doesn’t look quite as done as the other two but it freaked out from the heat more than the other two did. It started growing new foxtails from the tops of the buds and a bunch of new white pistils. I’m guessing when I look at the trichs it’ll be done.


This is how my wife describes the effect from the SSDD F2 #1 I got from Holy. Like pleasant fever effects. I don’t get that at all haha, I think having a fever feels awful. I think that may be what Holy describes as the warm blanket effect. That I do get, so possibly different perceptions of the same thing.


Seedlings looking promising still.

Love how prolific this honeysuckle variety is - blooms last quite a while too.

TS E has some flower clusters on it outside and the VN stuff seems to be revegging now.



VNs - decent amount of leaf frost on some of them.



Also when talking to my friend last night he mentioned he got into his pinesoul bag that I gave him and really liked it. He also remarked on the great smell (I said I wasn’t a huge fan of the dried smell). Just another example of us all having diff preferences.

Ya it’s not entirely the same - you don’t feel sick. Just that kind of at ease and fading in and out of sleep / resting type of effect. I’d agree it’s the warm blanket effect too.

That’s awesome - at least there’s hope still, if not in that one then in another (or f1/f2)… Agree with your comment on seed plants vs clones. I think I’ve only ever run that ssdd mom from clone, even on my first run with it.


Sunshine daydream f2 #1

And here’s some up close pics of the foxtailing I mentioned from the temps getting too high. I am battling warm temps earlier than usual this year. I usually never have to worry about temps in April.

This one smells different than #2. Both #1 and #2 grew quite similar but this one has much less berry and more gassy/spicy chemmy type smells with berry in the background and maybe just a hint of that buttery smell, but nothing like #3. Ill be interested to see how they smell (and taste) once dried and cured.

This one was very sticky/oily just like the other two. It doesn’t translate very well in the pics, but these buds are seriously oily. Like, I was having to clean my scissors after every few buds, and even the trim leaves I snipped off would still want to stick to the bud.

I have to say, I am way more impressed with the buds after trimming than I was while they were growing. lol

Good job on these seeds @syzygy ! Especially considering it was only a single male used. The mom must have been a winner. Thanks again for sharing them with me! Much appreciated brother.


Ya some of those shots look pretty frosty! I think the mom was pretty bland until week 9 or so on smells.

Looking forward to what you find in your new F1 project ! You going to do a sensi crop of the females first or you just going straight to the open pollination?


I do think I am going to try to keep the original seedling plants to flower out sensi. I feel like it would be a waste to open pollinate seedlings.

I’m still trying to figure out the best way to do this open pollination since I have clones in soil and a pack of seeds I need to sprout + I have to be shut down for like a week or two in July because the place I’m at is having work done in the basement. And it gets way too f’n hot in July/August anyway without a/c in the flower room. Plus I have a sensi crop in there until the end of June. So the soonest I could use that room would be July.

I am debating setting up a grow tent in the attic and do the open pollination with the 14 clones there during the summer, then doing the bigger open pollination after that. I don’t think I’d need to run the dehumidifier in the attic. But I’m still worried about tempature issues since it is a warm attic. I need to get a grow tent but I have extra lights + an extra fan & filter.

Or I might just waiting till like the end of august and do everything at once. Either way I figure I’ll be doing the big open pollination around then. Not sure if it’s worth doing a smaller one before that or not.

I also think I will use a grow tent to do it if I can. I wonder if a 4x4 would be big enough to do 26 plant open pollination if I kept them in 1 g pots? Or kept the females in 1 g and the males in 1/2 G to save more space…

If I use a grow tent for the open pollination I was thinking I could do the sensi crop of the females in my main flower room and do the open pollination in the grow tent. That way I could do both at once.


Nice, seems to make sense and like it would be more worthwhile than a straight OP (without knowing what the females are like). Flower them out seedless first so that you know which seed bearing females would be worth exploring. Could also cull any plants with intersex traits before a seed run as well if they show up.

Thinking about pulling my VN stuff soon and putting a better (single) plant in its place - maybe Irene or TS.

And some more shots of E including branch structure. I don’t have a “mother” of it anymore - just the outside plant and the one in a 1 GAL pot in the flower tent right now. I guess I could always attempt a reveg or take some clones of the outside one but probably won’t happen. Still worth documenting in-case I’m able to get some TK & TS x TS E beans made. If that falls apart though no big deal - I have plenty of other seeds to go through still.

Artificial lighting 1 GAL pot plant structure :


Another Triple Sunshine F2 male – Leaving only 1 or 2 left. Hoping I don’t have minitiger luck on these.

Baba Kush F2 showing male flowers - the other remaining is showing pistils at least

Fighting around the cannabis plants is a fun activity now for the puppy

Don’t care but I won’t be surprised to walk there and see it snapped in half any day now. Thankfully they don’t eat any leaves at least.


That’s interesting compared to the outdoor plant. I mean, it’s to be expected considering the sun is much better than grow lights haha, but still, that indoor one is definitely “viney-er” than the outdoor one.

I hope you do, too. The current grow really has kind of sapped my enthusiasm, I kind of just wanna get it over with, shut it down for six or seven weeks and come back with a fresh and positive outlook. Five females from 23 seeds planted’ll do that to ya haha…

That third pic is funny as shit, totally looks like a picture that could be used in an anti-dog fighting ad campaign. You should submit it to one of those organizations, maybe they’ll use it! It really does look like they’re about to kill each other haha.