- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Ya, that’s insane. I’m annoyed by (potentially) zero females out of 4 triple sunshine F2s. Guess I have to just pop more - not yet though. Need more space…

Definitely! Looks like a completely different plant outside.

Ya for sure, or one of those marijuana - not even once ones.


I’ve gotten 0:4 ratios before, it’s happened to me! Haha. At least they’re just seeds you made and didn’t pay for. I guess… haha.

What’re those things in those pics? I see thrips or aphids or something that doesn’t look good. And eggs? Are those worm-looking things caterpillars? Or caterpillar larvae or whatever?

Be careful in the tent… haha. For real, though, be careful.


Aphids on the bottom of a Colacasia leaf - the worm-like things are hoverfly larvae. Voracious predators of aphids. Also a few parasitized aphids. I won’t go near my inside / at home plants until I take a shower and change.

Ya for sure. I really should have just planted like 15 and selected my favorite females and cull down to numbers that I want to run. Will probably do that in the future.


That’s what I like to do :upside_down_face:
Stuck with a bunch of plants for 1-2 months unless you do sex testing, but generally not gonna have an empty flower room that way. Also no worries about if you might’ve gotten the best or worst plant in the pack. You get to see the whole spread at once.


Oh, that’s super-cool. Gawd, I love Nature! Haha.

Just because you plant fifteen seeds, that doesn’t mean you’ll end up with any females. Take it from me! :joy::weary::joy::weary: haha.

Just kidding.


Didn’t anticipate so many people would be asking me for cuttings this year for their outdoor legal grows… Hacked down the LJ outside and took as many cuttings as I could off it. I think it’s probably going to be a better outdoor plant than TS or TK seeing as it’s not very lanky. We’ll see if any take…

Spare TK / TS cuttings to be given away locally…

Lots of tomatoes peppers and other vegetables getting started… It’s that time of year. What’s everyone’s favorite tomatoes to grow / eat?

VN variegation still coming through

LJ plant prior to cuttings being taken…

TS F2 males

Baba Kush F2 male

Seedlings doing OK. A bit spindly but they’ve been neglected. Not enough space to put a fan on them at the moment - it is what it is. One of the TK S1s are really slow to open up - probably a runt.


My favorite tomato to grow is Big Beef. This year I’m trying out some Cherokee Purple for the first time. I have six of each going right now. Still hardening them off to the elements.


I like Romas… haha.

For real, though, I do like them a lot, the texture more than the flavor, really good “sandwich tomatoes,” but I haven’t gotten too much into the “tomato scene” haha, so I dunno too much about other varietals.

When we moved into the new house, the plan was to start a little veggie garden in the planter outside, tomatoes were the first thing on my mind, but after one summer here I quickly realized that nothing’s gonna make it further than the first week in August, if that. Everything just fries up, flowers, ornamentals, doesn’t matter.

Having said that,

It is definitely that time of year haha. Our bougainvillea looks incredible right now. The rose bush looks like some sort of Award Winning-type shit. Love it. Love this time of year.


Verbena canadensis trichomes & vanilluna F3 trichomes

LJ post cuttings…

Cool! I’ve grown Cherokee purple a few times and a few of the others in the Cherokee series. The modern hybrids are pretty good.

I’d say my current favorites are

Large tomato : Chef’s Choice pink - Heirloom flavor with hybrid vigor and disease resistance.

Campari type : Mountain-Magic - If I was only going to grow one tomato plant I’d grow this one. Very healthy , resistant, manageable plant. Abundant fruits that are really versatile in usage. Really nice balance of flavor / sweetness when allowed to ripen properly.

Cherry tomato : Sungold - Amazing taste during the warming parts of summer- annoying to maintain though. Tastes good until frost but I think as it cools down other varieties taste better (ie MM). Probably has to do with heightened brix levels or something during warmer periods. Think any tomato gardener should try the variety at least once if space is available.

Yeah I know what you’re talking about with the paste tomatoes. There are a lot more productive and interesting varieties with similar texture and probably better taste. Black Plum would be one of them but the plant gets huge (if healthy) and that translates to more maintenance.

That’s awesome. I agree, every year I seem to appreciate this time of year more than the last.


Idk :thinking: The TK might need a tomato cage or something but it’s probably one of the most mold resistant plants I’ve seen. In the 5 day power outage I had last year with the 99% humidity that destroyed my triforce and other plants, the TK was the only plant that made it through pretty much untouched.


Oh, OK I wasn’t thinking about mold or pest resistance (both important obviously). Was just thinking about plant growth traits. I’ve never grown either outside, or flowered in general so I don’t have the experience to say either way with confidence. I do wonder if an 80~ day flower period will be achievable here on the TK. I still think that long term putting males outside would be the best use of space.

So my thinking with the LJ was that it will probably stay more compact but require a bit of pruning and shaping. I also felt like it was a bit of a faster finisher and had a better shot at finishing in time here.

I think Triple Sun A will probably be OK too but require a more substantial support system. Interested to see if it grows differently outdoors than inside - I intend to attempt to grow a small plant of it here (45 Gal Smart pot).

Either way, the LJ was the largest plant outside so it provided a lot of vegetative material for cuttings. Keeping them outside in a dome and am not bringing them inside so we’ll see if they take.


Rocking some bush beans(and way more to come). It’s not much but two 4x8 beds and a few pots do me well. Also have some sun gold and chocolate sprinkle tomatoes. Cherokees as well and some various herbs and greens like dragons balm, shiso, cilantro, etc. :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart:peace! Plants looking good. Loving your outdoor space. Very vibe-y


More garden space than I have at home, that’s awesome! Don’t want to take away any of the dogs space by putting in beds here.

:star_struck: the OG of the tomato world in my eyes. Sadly in undesirable growth as well haha…

Grew that one last year but don’t really remember it. Think it was from either territorial or somewhere like that. Is it any good (assuming you’ve had it before)?

Don’t think I’ve grown either of those before, sounds cool! Appears both are in the mint family if my search led me down the right path.


Zero clue! First time with it. Just sounded weird and a nice contrast to the sun gold. Also planted a few litchi(spelling may be wrong) tomatoes so we will see what comes of those. Have never grown them either.

Am also trying to do a little breeding between chocolate habanero peppers and piquillo peppers, but I don’t have experience with how peppers mesh so it may be a waste of time but that’s alright

Yes the balm and shiso are both minty but shiso is a less pungent and more of a mint/basil sort of mix. Works well with lots of things or will turn pickles/liquid a bright pink. Dragons balm is supposed to be good and medicinal but now its more for the bees. I made a lotion out of it a few years back. Ended up being a lot of work for my messy self so I just let the bees enjoy it ever since, but it’s nice to look at.


I wonder if growing the TK outdoors might shave off a little bit of time, though. Would 70 days be doable?

I know that that higherthought dude grew the TK he reviewed outdoors, so I just revisited his writeup to see if he mentioned how long he let it go, but he didn’t. I know he grows in Colorado, though, pretty sure it’s like high up in the mountains, too, where it starts getting cold pretty early on. I’ve seen him mention that some of his plants have endured freezing temps when they were finishing, so it definitely gets cold early there, but he seemed pretty thrilled with the TK he grew haha.

I dunno. Just a thought…


Yeah, that’s another thing. I did like the early indoors 60day sample so I’d probably be happier with that than LJ anyways for consumption. I just feel like LJ was selected for production purposes and retail markets so it may be a bit more reliable outdoors. LJ would probably be a more attractive plant from an ornamental or landscape perspective. We’ll see - I don’t care either way as I get enough bud indoors to hold me over.

Yea, probably just depends on where in CO. If he is indeed in an area like that it seems like it’s about 1-2 zone differences (colder) than here. Other parts in CO are 1-2+ the other direction though. I’m in 7a. Other thought is does he have a high tunnel setup or does he protect his plants in any way.

Sungolds are really prone to cracking around mid-season and a lot of people struggle with that here. Even moisture levels can help with that but when growing in a pot that can still be challenging. I’ve grown 100s of varieties of tomatoes to harvest and it’s in my top 5 probably. We usually grow them in 45-65 GAL smart pots and that can be a bit challenging with watering in July-August. Plant can get huge like many cherry tomatoes and is very productive though.


Are you talking about Nobody’s cut specifically or just the LJ seeds from Bodhi in general? The sample I tried, which was Nobody’s cut, was very tasty, I dunno if that’s what you mean by production (because there’s so much emphasis placed on flavors these days) or if you mean, like, “production” production haha, huge yields and all that.

I’m pretty positive he doesn’t. He seems to just plant things wherever, in pots, some in full sun, some on his porch where things don’t get ideal light (he’s mentioned that multiple times in his writeups), kind of wherever. He doesn’t post enough full plant shots, but on the rare occasions when he has, I’ve never noticed any plastic or anything in the background.

Anyway, yeah, just a thought re that TK outdoors. Here’s that review of his if you haven’t seen it (and for anybody else, too): Triangle Kush (Outdoor) — Higher Thought

He’s a good and thoughtful writer, wish he would get back on it.


Definitely talkin about that NN LJ cut ^^
I could definitely see if it being “for production”. it yields great, looks great, smells great. No idea how that’ll translate outdoors though. The TK should do fine though. TS being a TK cross could go either way. I’ve seen some budrot on SSDD’s outdoors but not the TK herself. My TriForce is a TK cross and the added density from the kryptonite generally means mold/bud rot but gonna vary on the plant. Here’s a Spring shot of TK outside from last year.


Crazy how different she looks outdoors, in the sun, compared to indoor…


My honest reaction to growing both the NN cut and my purple pheno was “this seems like high end dispensary weed”. I think the NN cut was a better plant than my purple pheno and smelled better, but that was my read on both of them. NN cut appeared to have much larger flowers that could be manipulated for production purposes.

Yes by good for production / retail I mean : it tastes great, smells great, looks great and is pretty much “instagram weed”. I think one that is satisfied with what they buy at the dispensary and is trying their hand at growing just to save money would probably be happier with it than a finicky plant.