- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Mhm, I know what you mean. I can see that.

Do we know if Nobody’s a commercial grower? I have no idea, don’t know anything about him except what I’ve seen him post here and there, mostly on the Doc D thread. He invited me to join his discord thing a while back, but, uh… Nahhhhh haha. Nothing against him, but plenty against discord haha!


No clue, but I imagine most people in the seed making industry aim to have their seeds used commercially. Doubt most breeders are hoping to create “headstash” plants that are only viable in hobbyist setups. Nothing wrong with selecting towards favorable plant traits, I have my own set of superficial traits I prefer in my home grow such as high calyx to leaf ratio. I assume LJ would thrive in an indoor racking system but there are others here who have more in depth knowledge than I do about how varieties are selected in those sorts of setups.


In any case, it was the only plant that I had enough vegetative material on to take cuttings and so that’s what happened. I know a lot of people locally have grown my space monkey outdoors here in the past so I imagine another w15 cross like LJ will do well.


Alright here we go with the first of them! Hit flower tent today. Sprayed down, pot filled up, tied to pot level.

TS x SSDD #1 :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart:


Rosella! They’re flavorful and grow well in my area. I can’t grow the big tomatoes because birds eat them before I do. But they don’t seem interested in the cherry tomatoes.


Hope all’s well over there for you and you’re enjoying your late spring/early summer :sunglasses::purple_heart: had a couple days of anxiety that the ts x ssdd may have been showing intersex stuff but I think I was just staring at her too long. Pretty sure she’s stable but will report back. I don’t trust myself haha vigorous growth though. Incredibly so. I could’ve done a better job at keeping her tied down but it is a strong plant and wanted to keep pulling the stakes up so I let it. Branches really well and responses excellently to training. Forgot to smell it. I think they’re only day 14-15 of flower but already showing nice trichomes. I think it’ll end up really really solid.


Where’s syzygy, MIA?
Hope all’s well…

Grace and Peace


Hey, everything is OK thanks for asking, I appreciate it. Saw @DirtySlowToes post by chance last night on my phone and figured I’d take a few pictures and thank him for the update.

I stated a while back that I probably wasn’t going to log any of the current stuff much because I knew it would be half-assed. Been very busy with work, dogs, helping people get into gardening. Also dealing with some family health issues and a loss in the family so I haven’t had much time to post. In the event I ever am MIA though anyone who has recieved birdseed mysteriously should know that zero info has been retained on my end.

So without active logging there wasn’t much urgency to post. I was posting so frequently over the winter because I really appreciated (and still do) being given the opportunity to try the cuts out, and I wanted to do a thorough log of it all. Hearing more local feedback on some of the cuts almost prompted me to make a post a few times recently but I don’t really want to navigate those waters where I need to throw up disclaimers or any of that stuff. Kind of glad to be back to exploring seeds in my own little corner to be honest.

Nice to hear the vigor is there in those seeds. The TS in my experience has had high vigor and is really easy to grow. The potential for intersex issue is there always, but the mother has never thrown as much as nanner that I’ve seen so far within the last year I’ve had and ran her. If there were some intersex issues in the F2s or Crosses it wouldn’t shock me though. Be vigilant and don’t feel the need to keep anything that looks suspect! Won’t care if you cull for any reason haha… Appreciate you posting as always, very cool to see.

The Baba Kush F2 and 2 TS F2s look OK but they are a bit underfed and rootbound. Zero smell on the Baba Kush & one of the TS F2s. Would like to go through higher numbers of both of them at some point. I’ll try to get some cellphone pictures of them eventually if I can find the free time (pest prevention practices make it time consuming). Most of the CSI stuff is still alive but a few have been culled.

Here’s some of the outside stuff that’s currently on my SD card


Oh, man, that shot of the sweet dog running around in the water is so awesome, makes me totally envious haha. I sooooo want a dog that’ll swim in the pool with us, but it doesn’t seem like boxers enjoy the water. I used to pick some of ours up and walk (gently haha) into the pool with them, but they’d immediately swim back to the stairs and get out. The new-ish girl can’t even stand it when we swim haha, she totally freaks out and barks at us when we’re in the pool, running back and forth, so I don’t think I’m gonna try that with her…

Anyway, good to see you posting. The rest of the pics are pretty cool, too haha.


Thanks, I loved that shot of your pup with the bong toy you posted in your thread haha. My DS was actually terrified of water and never would willingly get near it but after seeing the GSD puppy jump in repeatedly she finally got brave enough.

May be worth starting with one of those tiny cheap plastic pools and getting her used to it with food / toy rewards on a really hot day. Not sure if boxers are big on swimming but may be the type of thing that you sort of have to condition them to.


Dude. Mini, I did too. I sent that picture to a couple people. Loved it. One of my friends hasn’t stopped saying ‘kong bong’ since then.

Those males look really nice outside. It is super nice to see your shots and know you’re well. The tomatoes and herbs have all been loving the recent weather :love_you_gesture:t2: should be easy to get folks to love plants with this type of start.

Glad you’re enjoying it all though.

This. Hah this plant is totally hands off. It just grows and looks nice and I take a few leaves and that’s it. The clones have taken really well. 100% success on them. I am almost sure I was being a paranoid freak when debating intersex stuff. I may even have pulled the trigger early on a different plant in the tent, so that sucks, but so far so good on this cross. Thanks again for making it available. It’s got a musty-sweet smell right now and that’s about as comfortable as I am in describing it. It seems like it’s a fairly even split genetically. Or at least is growing that way. I’ll have better comparisons as the rest of the seeds you made continue to do their things in my world. See ya :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart:


So you’re just gonna post even more pictures of your dogs in the water and rub it in my face? Haha, just kidding. That looks like so much fun!

We tried that, with the tiny pool. She wasn’t into it haha. That was when we first got her, though, almost a year ago, so maybe she might be more amenable to that now that she’s comfortable with us.

What’s that mean?


Kong like the ‘tough’ toy brand. Maybe they aren’t nationwide and I’m making shit up haha but they’re tough toys. We have them here. So my friend assumed it was a ‘kong bong’ even though it doesn’t say Kong anywhere. Humans :sweat_smile:


Oh, okay haha. Kinda like Tonka trucks or whatever?


Day 45 of 12/12




Looks good and frosty so far. Kind of interested to try out some SSDD (bbs) x TS (E/H) and see how the offspring compare in morphology. To me those look a bit more like the SSDD I’ve gone through than TS. I like the look of your #3 the most from the pictures. Any have any smell to them? Thanks for posting these shots. Love that you’re growing in small pots too!

I go multiple days at a time without seeing the plants so sometimes they get a bit dry. Very hot in there and they are rootbound so this is a pretty stressful run.

TK - FJ seeded with TS-e. That’s pollen clumps that got wet / dried on the leaves not PM.

TK - FJ not seeded

Chem 91 - will go if I spot a nanner when I’m in there this time.

TS seeded with TS-e

Baba Kush F2

Triple Sunshine F2 #1 next to Baba Kush F2 showcasing height difference

Triple Sunshine F2 #1 - 3.5 - 4’ tall in a 1 gal pot would explain the leaf issues

Triple Sunshine F2 #2 - Don’t like this one but it at least appears to have decent bud structure

Triple Sunshine F2 male - just haven’t culled it because I like the way it looks. Not doing anything with it.

Has lots of 9 blade leaves

CSI TK S1s - don’t know about the yellow on the leaves. May be variegation or something else. Will cull it if it doesn’t grow out of it.

Front left the only remaining TK x TS E/H. Rest are 5150x TK


Pretty sure they are. One of the most popular dog toy brands I think.

Haha ya but come late July-August when their plants start falling apart will be the real test. Can you believe they’re trying to come for our home-grow again haha… Insane they can’t just accept the will of the voters.


Reminds me of a lot of the leaves I’ve seen in the appalachia crosses :thinking:

Plants look great! Woo to TK BX1 beans cooking!

I just got my TK back finally so I’m gearing up to make a TK BX1 myself with the TriForce #7 male. Flipped him to flower a few days ago :muscle:

With both of us making beans with her, it makes me wonder about making a TK RIL eventually :sweat_smile:


Haha… it’s a task dealing with the public. Myself included.

Isn’t that absolutely absurd. At what point does it not become recreational? I don’t have to register with anyone if I want to brew my own alcohol, I just can’t sell it. I don’t even have to have it tested to give to friends. I’m 1000% not about any surveillance. They can get rekt. I sincerely hope nothing comes of it.

Two questions. Perhaps one is better for a pm but what’s it matter. Do you know where one can get chicken wire or something similar that isn’t galvanized? It seems like everything around me has lead warnings and the only lead free wire I could find to order wants me to pay 4x as much.

Two. Do you know this bug? Don’t mind the sad leaves. It’s an MMog x choc diesel I thought was a herm. I’m an idiot because it’s not and I was just being a spaz so now when I walk by it or see it, I get annoyed. Now it sits in the shade after being put out after 2 weeks of flowering. Seeing what will happen. Anyway, point of the story. What’s that bug? :v:t3:


Very cool, glad to hear she made her way back. No clue if we have the same TK but I really like the effects on this one. I am in no position to judge authenticity, but whatever it is it smokes nice.

Ya if there’s anything you ever want or need just let me know. I tried collecting some outdoor pollen a week or 2 ago but forgot about it and there was too much moisture (saw mold developing). If the male revegs though and you want some TS pollen next time it flowers I’d be happy to share…

Same. I’m cautiously optimistic that the house won’t go along with it. Seems like a nightmare to regulate what they’re proposing.

I feel like I’ve seen that before but I cant ID it off the top of my head. Some entomology community may be a good place to ask. I assume it’s not a pest. Would be confident saying it’s no common pest of vegetables around here at least. From the image it looks like it could possibly be a moth like

or some other one listed @

But I am no entomologist. If you find out let me know, seems interesting!

I’ve seen plastic / resin based chicken wire at tractor supply before. Tractor Supply is dog friendly so can always bring the pup along. If that has warnings on it I’m not sure. I had a friend who raised chickens before and would throw hornworms in their coop occasionally but that’s about my extent of knowledge dealing with chicken stuff. They used to add enzymes or lake bacteria to their water too I think. I remember the coop had the galvanized stuff on it though.

Is the generic vinyl covered stuff acceptable for your purposes?

Triple Sunshine E


Looks like it is/was a grape plume moth. Apparently they are an issue for grape growers. There is a vineyard not too far away so it makes sense. Did find this fun little image. We shall see if they come back!

Yes I’d think so. I didn’t think about tractor supply. That’s a good idea. Thanks! It’s quite literally just to protect a few pots that hang out by themselves most of the time, but they’re close enough to the beds and I care enough about lead to do my best to not put it in the soil lol

Truly. It’ll probably be enforced with the same tenacity they’ve enforced seed starting here with :sweat_smile: doesn’t New York do something similar? I think I recall reading about how ineffective it has been. Would you use the same metrc number for clones? Lol it’s all a mess. It is wild to witness how many changes have been attempted to a bill that the majority passed as is… anyway. Nice dog pics :love_you_gesture:t2: kinda nuts how tall that ts f2 is.


I haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in Ohio (because I don’t live there haha), but if I had to guess, I’d imagine that lobbyists are probably scrambling (read: throwing money at politicians) to alter the law to work to their advantage. That’s usually how it goes.

Either way, yeah, fuck them. It really is crazy how much those right-wing legislatures, in every state, try to subvert the will of the people. Same thing in Florida when people approved a measure to allow convicted felons to be able to vote again a few years back, so the politicians there added all of these financial stipulations that made it basically impossible for them to actually be able to vote.

It’s fucked up. I’m over it.