- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Ya to avoid laced blackmarket cannabis from circulating their plan is to attack people who are actually complying with the laws. Won’t affect shady people at all… Makes a lot of sense.

I think it’s something along the lines of having to register with the state and sign documents stating you aren’t going to sell what you grow. I assume you are opening yourself up to all sorts of scrutiny and inspections as well. Almost certainly backed by the Dispensaries and Cultivators.

Anyways here’s some pictures again

TK 7 leaflet. I did not make a labeling error as it’s clearly not Triple Sunshine A. Can’t remember the last time I mislabeled a cutting really, but it always is a possibility.

I like the bud shape on this plant and it has a fairly nice calyx to leaf ratio.

Chem 91

Triple Sunshine F2 - high frost levels but substantially leafier than the mother. This plant is from seed so it’s possible from clone it would look differently.


Old rootbound TSA mom transplanted into another small pot (7~ gal or so). Putting out healthy growth again.

IRENE sitting under the TS-E male for a week or 2

runt TK S1 still being a runt

Candy Stripled leaf hopper


Haha, yeah, that’s what the critics of Prop 64 here in CA said, too, was that it was just gonna create a thriving black market again. And that’s exactly what happened.

No nanners yet?

That one’s so wacky haha. I love it. I mean, if I was growing it I’d probably hate it haha, but it’s gonna be fun watching that one progress. I hope you let it do its thing, I’m really curious to “hear” how that Vanilluna f2 turns out for you.

Cool-looking bug, for sure…


Woah. Very nice pictures.

1 Like


Ya, but it is a pest haha… Quite a few of them as well as fourlined plant bugs around. Here’s some examples of the damage :

Can see trichomes on the male flowers in that last picture. Doesn’t seem to deter them at all either way.

Put a really rootbound TK outside right next to the leaf-hopper infested plants. Pulled the IRENE that was in the pot previously. Wasn’t happy with it. We’ll see if it (TK) handles the light intensity change and if it becomes infested as well. I also hacked back my other TK mom which was about 3’ tall and didn’t see a single 7 leaflet on it. I’m convinced that IF I mislabled something then it was a TS-F mislabel as it’s definitely not a TS-A in flower right now. Will be clearer in the coming weeks.

Not growing many peppers at home this year, but did get a few started

Seeded IRENE

Seeing fresh excrement from the birds on this Triple Sunshine makes me glad that I’m not relying on outdoor plants to hold me over.


Dude those four lined plant bugs are the worst. Going so hard in my area this year on all my different kinds of mint. They usually find a couple outdoor cannabis plants and do big damage overnight. The colorful leaf hoppers are all around but don’t seem to damage my cannabis. Same in previous years.


I feel like I’ve seen similar damage on mint before, but it’s not a pest I have a whole lot of experience with first hand so I never made the connection at the time of seeing it. Good to know to look out for them in the future though on mint, thanks! Have you found any effective way to deal with them (“organically”) or biologically? Will probably delve into that a bit later on when I get some time. Was thinking maybe doing a few applications of Beauveria bassiana, but will have to research more before actually going through with it.



Only way I’ve tried dealing with them is physical destruction haha. I only see 2 or 3 on a plant at once so I just squish them. If the bassiana works on a stink bug or beetle I’m sure it would have the same effect on the plant bugs. The hard shell would probably make the oil based sprays useless.


Great shots! Hope youre having a great weekend brotha!

He stole some trichromes for a wake n bake. He must be letting the word out :grin:
trichrome stealing bug.

I forgot to tell ya I found some seeds in a couple buds of different varieties from the last run. In the future I will grow for smoke only and looking thru what they throw. Here

Potential pollen donors is either C91 SKVA x SSDD #1 or Stone Sour F2

Plants with a couple seeds found;
SSDD BBS F1 #1 (sweet berry like one) - 4-5 seeds
C91 SKVA x SSDD #1 & #2 - I think 20 seeds between the two.
SSDD F2 bx1 x OGC/CJ (berry pheno) -4 seeds

If it was the c91xssdd pollen that hit them, is that an unintentional BX on #1 and 2 of c91 x ssdd?


Thanks, you too. Been very nice weather here this past week and is supposed to continue until Thurs or so when it gets back up to 90.

I’m no breeder and have no extensive knowledge on the subject but to answer your question I’d assume if two F1 siblings are crossing then they would be F2s, even if intersex is involved. Possibly in-cross? Back-crossing would involve a parent of the cross to the best of my knowledge. Maybe someone who knows better reading could clear it up.

Good to know only a few are responsible for so much damage. I was only able to find 1 today and put it in a vial with some Mycotrol just to see if it gets fuzzy in the coming days. Will also spray some on the plants as a preventative probably. It’s a few years old so there’s always the chance it’s not viable anymore, even though it’s been stored in a cool dark place.


Glad to hear the weather has been beautiful. This week is suppose to be like spring mid upper 70s lower upper 50s at night.

I forgot IX was a thing. Makes more sense now. Thanks brotha. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Figured I’d do another update - I went in the grow area to water today and saw a nanner on the C91. I like how the plant looks, the buds are nice, swollen, and smell fairly strong. That said, my environment is clearly too stressful for the plant. Haven’t seen any intersex traits on anything else in there, including the more rootbound plants.


I was gonna ask you if that was an issue the last time you posted pics of that a couple days ago, but I didn’t wanna jinx you. Anyway, that blows. I wonder how she’d do outdoors…


Here’s one of the Triangle Kushes that had a fan or 2 with 7 fingered leaves. I’m liking the look of the buds on it.

Here’s a Triple Sunshine F2 - It’s actually pretty frosty in person. Leafier than I like but it would have been cool to grow this one from clone to observe. Probably not as nice as the mom still though.

Another Triple Sunshine F2 - I don’t like this one.

Baba Kush F2 - reminds me of the TS F2 that I don’t like, only it has a bit worse flower qualities.

Overall not happy with how this grow went, mostly due to my own errors. I would have liked more TS F2s & BK F2s to observe, because 1-2 of each isn’t really much use. I’m sure there are significantly better plants in those Baba Kush F2s and this was just a bad roll of the dice. I do want to pop more of both of these in the future when I have more space to take advantage of my allowable plant count…

Been out all day with the dogs today and had to water the plants when I got home without showering , hopefully I didn’t bring in any pests.

That’s it for now



Dang! The older dog went right under the water, huh? That looks like so much fun!

We got in the pool for the first time this year today, the pup didn’t bark at us like she did last year. Hopefully by the end of this summer, she’ll be… curious haha.

Plants look good!


Ya the puppy was diving into the water at full speed, really cool to see given how cautious she was about going in water a month or 2 ago.

Did a root pruning on the TK S1s, TK x TS E/H & 5150 x TK and put back in 1 GAL pots. They don’t look great but hopefully they rebound and it buys me a bit more time. If not I’ll just pop more seeds later on.

The coco tests weren’t looking great either so I up-potted them in to 1 GAL of coco/perlite.

The most annoying part about the coco thing for me has been making sure the jacks part A dissolves into water. I’ve even tried using hot water and it still feels like it takes me 20-30 minutes to mix up a gallon and get it PH adjusted. Half tempted to try those GH concentrated solutions that I messed around with ~20 something years ago. I’m probably screwing up the dryback / hydration cycle a bit too. Anyone ever mess around with making a concentrated solution out of Jacks A/B before?

Still have to repot the TK / TS moms in soil later but don’t feel like making until it gets cooler outside.


Are you just using the coco/jacks for clones/moms? I’ve been using 1 teaspoon of osmocote in 4 inch pots and kinda surprised how nice and easy it’s been. The bottle claims 6 months of feeding… we will see lol


I’m playing around with coco & jacks in small pots to see if I can keep moms healthy and for a longer period of time in small pots. With organic soil-less media I have to up-pot, take new clones, or do a root pruning every few weeks it seems and that can get to be a bit much. Up for trying new things for sure.

I still am holding my mothers “organically”, these are just test plants basically.

I also know that in my clone area the lack of height coupled with intense light is exacerbating the problems.


I haven’t made a concentrated solution before, but I have tried mixing the B and Epsom salts first, and then adding the Part A second. That way seems to work fine for me. But honestly, I don’t have many issues just using warm water, Part A, then Part B, then Epsom, usually. Are you having issues with sediment in the bottom after mixing? I’ve read that its normal to have a little bit, but if it seems excessive, that’s definitely not normal.

As far and concentrated solutions, I’m pretty sure you can do that without issue, you’d just need to confirm how saturated your solution can get… I think Peters has instructions somewhere… i"ll see if i can find them…

Looking good over here, and hear you about the Babab Kush F2s… i really think you’ll have to run a high number to find something really good (same with all F2s really). I hope to do that sometime!


Agreed, I’m all for any method that doesn’t require too much maintenance.


Have you tried mixing the solution and pHing the day before you need it? I use Megacrop 1 part and coco, and that works pretty well for my plants… and they veg in small pots for a loooong time :slight_smile: