- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Yeah a small amount of sediment after mixing A. Good to know it’s normal.

Using an old 1 GAL jug with cap I fill it halfway with warm water & add the part A -

Then I

Shake for 3-5 minutes
Pour into a container and stir.
Using funnel pour back into jugg and shake

repeat until dissolved and I don’t see any sediment on the bottom of the jug. Then I proceed to do Part B and PH when all is mixed and filled up.

It’s not excessive, I’m probably being overly cautious.

100% agreed - Once I saw all the males in the TS F2 & baba kush seedlings I already felt like the run was a waste. I think 8-12 females would have been much safer of a bet. Still wouldn’t be “ideal” but would definitely improve the odds and give a better look into what to expect.

For sure, kind of interested in your Osmocote strategy as well. How long have you been able to hold moms and in what size pot with that strategy? I take it you haven’t hit the 6 month mark yet based on your earlier comment, but at least a month or 2?

Yes because for these small 4" pots I really didn’t need a whole gallon of solution anyways. PH seems to hold or drift slightly up over time. I think it was 6.3 when I measured it today (from 6.1 or 6.0).

Will have to check that out if I end up not being able to nail the Jacks.

Thanks for all the input everyone!


Right now, the original cuts I took are about 1 month going strong, just rain water + 1 tsp osmocote in 4 inch nursery pots. Recycled soil I amended with a bit of extra rice hulls cause I like aeration.

I just took a test cut to try the same method in 3.5 inch pots.

They’re under only 25 watts led @ about 2ft away and produce too many cuttings so I’m basically pruning most of the time to try and cut down on their water/nutrient uptake.


I know you probably don’t need another gadget in your life but my magnetic stirrer was a game changer. Some warm water in an erlenmeyer flask, add your part A and let it go while you work on something else. It saves a lot of time and hassle. Then you can either add your Epsom salt right to that and do the same, or dump the part A solution in your reservoir and start a fresh round with your Epsom.


I use a small 80-130gph fountain pump, currently some from vivosun, in a 5 gallon bucket to get everything mixed up.


Back when I used to play around with liquid cultures I actually made a magnetic stirrer out of a computer fan & hard drive magnets haha. I was thinking the same thing actually the other day, and they aren’t that expensive on Amazon now. I think I even saw a few that have a hot plated integrated into it.

Submersible pump is a good suggestion as well if I want to make up more at a time and keep it aerated.

Thanks for the ideas both of you!


Man, I would love one of those. I bought a cheap one on Amazon 3 years ago and I almost wish it would fail in me so I can replace it. :laughing:

I don’t know what the limitations are but I’ve mixed up 40+ gallon batches in a 2000ml flask. Works like a charm!


I use my all the time, mostly for infusions and what not.


Very hot in the grow area lately and seems to have really accelerated the deterioration of the plants. No clue what day we’re on but probably getting fairly close - maybe day 50 or so?

Triple Sunshine F2 - Looks very frosty in person. Removed some of the bigger necrotic leaves. Would be interested to see how this one would perform when not rootbound. Currently it’s over 3’ tall in a 1GAL pot.

Triangle Kush Nice attractive calyx to leaf ratio on this one. Not as frosty as the TS - F2 but good enough trichome coverage

Clouded Plant Bug coming from nearby honeysuckle plants.

Looks like the TS-E is beginning to reveg outside -

Also all the pistils have turned brown on the Chem 91 placed under the TS-e.


More Triangle Kush pictures - we’re at that stage of flower where it’s most interesting so I’ll be taking pictures as frequently as time permits… Hoping to get enough time to set up tripod / rail and attempt some stacks before chop date.

These are all from the 3-5 plant - just mostly different buds or angles.

What do you think @HolyAngel , similar look to your FJ cut? Regardless I’m loving the look of it and the calyx to leaf ratio seems a bit better this round than last. Probably because the plant is smaller and closer to how I usually grow things I’m guessing.


So hard to tell honestly :face_with_monocle: Some of the flowers remind me of the RB cut though :thinking: Some remind me of FJ’s…
This cut from rarebuyer looks ~99% the same as FJ’s cut.

What’s the stem rub like on it?
FJ’s is a sharp, acrid, woody scent to me.
RB’s is wet wood and rubbery. Not sharp, Not acrid.


I get the woody smell a bit with a bitter component and something else - smells like a lot of the 88xOG crosses to me. Maybe slightly coffee (sour / bitter)? It’s fairly complex and I struggle with anything that isn’t ultra simple, IE pine. I’m not good at smells, and especially stem smells. Will have to try to get one of a vegging plant when it’s healthier - I assume that will give off more fragrance with less flower contamination.


eh, I haven’t really noticed a difference with the stem fragrance from late veg to late flower. Can get a bit more pronounced in flower :thinking:

This is telling tho! Black Triangle(TK x 88G13HP) was the first cross I thought of when I wondered what this RB plant might actually be due to the scents I get from it and the stem rub. Also, the flowers from it are pretty damn piney when breaking up. I get a lot of, specifically Pinesol scent, from them.

Breaking up the flowers of FJ’s TK cut i get a gas filled bouquet. Not really pine.


I’m horrible at smells but I think the topic is a bit complicated. Medium, environmental factors, plant health, as well as a whole host of other issues can affect how the plant smells. I don’t think I’ve ever been around an indoor cannabis plant grown organically that smells nearly as strong as what I’ve experienced in a DWC setup decades ago. Sometimes the vegetative matter can smell stronger on actively growing plants in veg than in flower in my experience too.

My 3-5 leaf TK & the one that threw 2 fans with 7 leaves look identical but the shorter plant that had 7 fingered leaves smells significantly stronger as well. Cedar (not pine) , menthol, rubber , citrus? maybe some other elements… Looking forward to seeing how things change as environmental conditions become more favorable and I get better at growing her.

Here’s some pictures of the TK that had 2 fan leaves with 7 blades.

Triple Sunshine A F2 shedding leaves fast - has a strong sweet rubbery smell at the moment. Don’t think it’s long for this world at the rate leaves are going.

I’ve never grown the RB cut but I’d say that the FJ cut doesn’t resemble anything that I saw in my pack of BT. Smell, flower shape, plant structure or effects. Definitely closer to the Triple Sunshine A but there are still some obvious differences. All of my black triangles were on the narcotic side whereas this FJ tk is alert and “up”.

Would be kind of cool to do a side by side grow of all of these cuts (and s1s) this fall and rule out environment / media.


Yeah can’t say I’m surprised to hear that :sweat_smile: I think Bodhi, StrayFox, and Nspecta, all have the same TK cut FJ has and I think it’s the same one I have. And that cut breeds pretty wide IMO. It’s why I don’t exactly buy that she’s an S1 of something, despite the difficulty to reverse her. I think if the ‘TK’ reverses easily with Sebring’s STS recipe, then it’s a different cut, but regardless; I’d think if this cut was an S1 then she’d breed more like the SkunkVA Chem91 cut does. e.g. a lot more dominant in the offspring. She does not do that though.

Most of the TriForce(FJ TK x NL2/NL1HP) have all been significantly more narcotic than she is. In two packs I’ve found exactly one plant that was ~95% similar to her. Rest were all markedly different. We also know Bodhi’s SSDD male is pretty dominant in all the crosses he’s been used in. And from all my research and recent seed popping, it seems the ghash male is that way too.

Your overall description of the smells and pics makes me think we either have the same FJ cut, or you have a different cut than both the FJ and RB cuts I have :thinking:


That may be true, I know I’ve read that from plenty of people before about the SSDD. Not to be contrarian but I feel like I’ve seen the most mom leaners and ‘hybrid’ phenos in the SSDD crosses than the other males from B that I’ve tried. I definitely feel like in my experience the 88g13hp has been more dominant. Don’t have huge numbers though.

I kind of want to go through more BT at some point just to see if my first pack was just bad luck.

I think for me part of my interest in this isn’t really tied up in the authenticity so much. I’m wondering if the differences being noted in these cuts is the result of a pathogen or something like that rather than a relabel. Something tells me the standards and practices of these clone dealers don’t necessarily match up with the fees they charge. Testing for hops latent viroid may even be giving a false sense of security as long as that comes up negative.

I intend to try running her side by side with salts as well if I can get some healthy plants in time for next run. Took some cuttings the other day - hopefully they root.


I don’t think a pathogen is going to cause a completely different stem rub, flower scent, and flower structure though :thinking: Not to mention, High. I ran the RB cut the same as I ran all my other FJ TK runs and it’s a different plant 100% despite it looking 99% the same.


Ya the earlier chop & narco high does sound weird for sure. I really liked my day 63 sample of the FJ TK last round : it was very up with focus boosting alertness. I wouldn’t consider the day 75-77 flower I have to be narcotic at all either.

Are all the pictures on tk origins website supposed to be the TK he holds? Purple flowers included ?


Ah you see the problem I found too. Dude has a seedline of ‘TK’ and he seems to call it all the same. I’ve been going over all of it the last week with a friend and I think there’s two Triangle Kush.

Marty/TK_Origins has his own Triangle (Kush) cut he found from his own beans he kept from the seeded herb him/his crew sold. CornbreadRicky bought/got seeded herb from Marty’s crew and found his own Triangle Kush cut. I think he found his first and marty popped the beans later after hearing the plants coming out of the beans. Marty always just called his Triangle but others attached ‘kush’ to it so he kinda just went with it. I think Ricky always called his Triangle Kush. So at best, they’re sisters. Along with OG Kush. The White is likely an S1 or Cross of Marty’s Triangle cut or maybe the “Emerald Triangle” cut that was just a rename.

That’s about the best I’ve been able to figure out.


I’ve only grown one SSDD hybrid, the Mendo Purps cross, but those plants definitely leaned mom. Very “purple”-smelling, floral, a little grape maybe, possibly incense… That was a few years ago, so I don’t remember exactly, but I did also take a male from that round and put it in the planter in my backyard, just for fun. He must’ve selfed or something, because for like four years afterwards a random weed plant would sprout every spring. The last plant that grew there I just let be and it eventually flowered. Same thing: very “purple weed” type of smells.

All of that is to say that I agree with you haha. But, again, I’ve only grown that one SSDD hybrid, so…

The two Black Triangle plants I grew were not narcotic at all. Both were total “classic hybrid/up-then-down” sorta smoke, but even the “down” portion of the high wasn’t necessarily sleepy or anything. Honestly, I would’ve really liked both of those plants if it wasn’t for the very strange physical pain the smoke caused haha. It made me feel arthritic, made my bones hurt, but the mental portion of the high was very enjoyable.

It might be worth it (for you) to revisit those seeds, is my point haha.

Sorry, I guess I’m feeling long-winded today.

I enjoy going down the rabbit hole as much as the next guy, but all of this TK Talk does seem very tedious haha.

Somebody posted on the Lucky Dog thread yesterday about some new “genome project” thing, where multiple breeders (including Skunk) were… like… I don’t really know haha!, but from what I gathered, they’re joining forces to sell clones and also offering up 100’s of “elites” or “originals” for genetic testing. And then they’ll be using those plants as the sort of “baseline” for what’s “real” and what isn’t? I guess?

It sounds cool in theory, but… but… but…

Anyway, yeah…


Isn’t this what most of the Ghash crosses are reported like? Sounds reminiscent to me :thinking:
The TK I have doesn’t do that and I can’t say I’ve found that from running her crosses (yet).

Super :joy: