- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I mean, kind of, but there’s definitely differences. The Clusterfunk didn’t smoke like the Golden Hashplant, which didn’t smoke like the Imperial Majesty, which FOR SURE didn’t smoke like the Black Triangle etc etc etc.

I’d say that just generally speaking, a lot of weed, no matter the parent plants, tend to smoke “hybrid-y.” But some don’t. You know this haha.


Yeah, I don’t care about any of it but I do find it interesting. I’m happy with the cut I hold. Now is the time when I actually have the ability to take pictures and it’s the only healthy plant I have flowering so it’s just something to talk about.

I know Holy is at least mildly interested in things concerning TK, holds some firm and controversial opinions, and can handle a back and forth like a reasonable human being so just bouncing thoughts / pictures off him. I know we’ll never get to the bottom of it and even if origins_tk or CornbreadRicky came out and clarified things you still have to question their motives seeing as they are both making money off of this stuff.

Yeah, it’s on my internal list of things I want to pop. CSI stuff first, but there’s a handful of bodhi stuff I still want to go through as well. Like you, I also wasn’t thrilled with my BT pack.

Maybe narcotic wasn’t the right word. It was kind of stony and I remember feeling like I didn’t want to do anything. Maybe couchlock would have been more appropriate. Felt almost the opposite of TK / TS to me in many ways.

Of course he does haha…


Clearing my SD card for today and figured I’d dump some of the recent shots I liked here.

Trying to get a live “pollen dump” shot but not happy with the results. Will keep trying - a bit hard because there’s no do-overs if the timing is wrong.

Flowers / bee

Dog / trip Sun E in bg

Mutant Vanilluna - pruned this one a bit. Insides were getting pretty congested. The branches I removed hardly even looked like Cannabis. Tons of leaf hoppers in the general area - may get some Lacewings next week.


Yeah, I’m not sure if I saw that growing somewhere I’d think it was a weed plant. She’s pretty bizarre-looking for sure.

Those flower pics are awesome. I’m so envious of your camera haha…


Got the field trip girl in flower about a week in will start throwing some updates here soon as she develops hope she stays stable got a rooted clone of her too if she ends up being a keeper :pray:


Very nice! I’m still tempted to pop a couple of my remaining Field Trip beans this year. Looking forward to seeing what you find!

Over here the inside stuff has been very hot but seems to be doing OK.


Triangle Kush fj - no flash - light stack - I really like the crown shape of this flower.

Outside the leaf hoppers are going crazy - Will be getting lacewings hopefully this week so we’ll see if that helps at all.

TS leafhopper

VN leafhopper

TS E starting to reveg in both the 1 GAL and 20 GAL pot. 20 GAL was falling over earlier so I had to stake it

TK (LEFT)) outside next to TS A (right)

Pulled TS-G out of the pot it was in and put the RUNT TK S1 in its place. We’ll see if it does anything…

If not I’ll put my last IRENE in the pot instead - still hanging on…

Finally got some cukes planted - a bit late but should be fine

Trip Sun A - pruning this one a bit more than the other


Man. Love this whole post really. Hah I think you are hard on yourself about the pollen shot. I think it’s well done. Lovely flowers. Had some sort of squash pop up at the start of the season and I ran with it… had it’s first blossom this morning.

Some chocolate sprinkle tomatoes should be ready shortly so that’s cool. Also thought I had a pepper pop up but it turns out to be(I think) black nightshade. Oh well.

And I know I’ve posted a bit in my thread but since I’m roughly the same day that @Uprangewilly was when he posted a while back I figured I’d toss a couple down. Hard to really compare because his is in maybe 2 gal? Compared to 15 gal for me, but mine maybe looks like his #6 or #5 to me but everyone’s eye is different. Here she be. Day 44 I do believe


Interested to see what you think about that one. I remember growing it last year and thinking it was decent but don’t remember specifics. All a blur to me…

From the pics that TS x SSDD looks fairly frosty & grown well! Hopefully it’s good enough to justify the space / time! Appreciate you not only testing these out but throwing pics up here as well!


This I understand well. Haha I’ll report back. The plants themselves are pretty sturdy but the Cherokees are loving life and are much more vigorous. The whippersnapper and San Marzanos have also recently started taking off. I’m curious what weather July and August will bring.

It’s been a pleasure to grow! Has a hashy sort of smell settling in with the others I talked about the other day. Seems to be a deep hashy/creamy/berry type thing that is really enjoyable. The other two females of this cross will get their time soon enough. Likely flowering all three side by side to check them out. Thanks for being generous with your chuckery. Always like your shots. That tk looks really good this round.


Thanks for the TS pollen Syz!
I Painted a couple small lower branches and 330 beans came out!!
Going to order some more washers next week if you would like a card let me know.
Also have some Swazi Red/Malawi Gold/ Blueberry x Thunder Gun Express pollen from 7 males, dryed and ready to go. If anyone is interested who has been following this thread or DocD’s page hit me up in a DM. Have a great day fellas :sunglasses:

Grace and Peace…


Awesome, nice to hear that the pollen was still viable to some extent! Appreciate the offer but I’m so overrun with seeds it makes me feel uneasy taking any more in. I’m hoping to pop some more TS F2s when the current batch is done (this batch is 1 male only) - I kind of want to narrow it down to the TS E male to see if more “tk leaners” pop up. I feel guilty still that I haven’t sorted through any of the recent chucks over here.

Very cool of you to offer pollen to others, hopefully someone takes you up on that! Love the shots too (and the other shots you posted in the trichome thread) by the way. Is that 2nd picture focus stacked or just very tight aperture? Cool to see you having fun with the camera either way.


Some of my updates :

Place I get beneficials from made a mistake on their order and didn’t get enough lacewings. Still unsure what I want to do about all the leafhoppers - there are tons of them.

LJ - a few people have mentioned their LJs throwing single bladed leaves and noticed a cutting I still have is doing it too. Assuming it was just put out too early and is revegging but if I’m wrong and someone knows let me know. Will probably pull it out and put something else in that pot anyways.

TK and TS outside have been pruned pretty heavily last night. Didn’t like the high density branches, especially with as many leaf hoppers are in the area right now.




TS -E - this thing is drinking an insane amount daily. Wilting again tonight.

TS-A seeded by TS-E




Great color on those buds! bro

1 Like

Ya it’s a nice cut for sure!

2 of my TK S1s (not including the runt) aren’t doing much but was able to get a cutting taken of each. Thinking I may just toss all the moms and hope the cuttings root - if not start new (same) seeds. I’d prefer to flower from cutting on this next run. We’ll see how the cuttings look in a few days… I’ll probably toss the TK S1 #1 and #4 mother plants regardless because of how pathetic they look compared to the others.

Also don’t really feel comfortable with the jacks still. None of my tests look anywhere near as good as the plants in a do-nothing organic mix. Using full strength and aiming for 5.9-6.2 PH. Possible the lights are too bright so testing some TKs under less intensity…


I’m anxious to see how the TK S1s compare to the 5150.

I’m doing about the same as you. A little CSI mixed in with my usual Bodhi grows.

I harvested a 5150, 677 and Sweet Pink Stink about a week back. The buds are just dry enough for a sample. So far I like the 5150 over the 677. I never had straight TK, so can’t say how it compares.

I will be cutting down those three TS x SSDD this weekend. They are some of the best looking plants in the tent.


That’s awesome you’re doing a tk seed exploration as well. I actually was half tempted to buy the 677 a while back thinking I may find something I like more there, even though he described it as a frosty commercial selection. Ultimately settled on the S1 when the sale popped up. Interested to see what you think of the 2 after you become more familiar with them.

It’s cool to hear that the TS x SSDD appears to have some potential too. The TS mom has quite a bit of vigor and looks great in person so hoping a lot of her traits are shining through. My TK x TS plant was the most vigorous of the group today, with 5150 x TK #3 close behind. For all I know the TK x TS is a male though so I’m really excited about that 5150 x TK #3.

There are quite a few of the CSI freebies I want to go through as well - probably won’t explore any new stuff from Bodhi until fall or winter at earliest. I did also germinate a few seeds recently to test the Jacks on… Unsure if they will stay or go but some GG4 RIL from TG’s 2020 release. I’ve only grown 1 before and it was very frosty and potent. Was half tempted to pop some GG4 x SSDD but I’m not that confident they’re gonna stay…

Kind of interested in these other freebies from CSI

FloRida OG Kush x Pure OG Kush
Sour Diesel x Obama Kush
5150 tk x Irene Kush
Sour Diesel x Obama Kush


Definitely stoked to see all the csi stuff you’re doing… can’t wait to see the TK S1’s. All those freebies sound good too especially the Obama kush cross.


If it was me I’d probably prioritize the 5150 x Irene. Irene is potent on her own and the tk should open her up a bit and help with the slowness. Im just not sure on his selections. Most seem to pick more narcotic/less functional plants in my experience, but idk what Caleb chose for those.

Also, if he has the same cut I/we do, I’d think the s1’s that takes longer to root and/or lankier, would be more like her than any that root quick and whatnot. Can’t say for sure as I’ve not seen her s1s myself to know, I just know the cut I have, has those traits. Can take forever to root.


Recipe 2 - Hot Pepper spray pesticide: image foliar/root during veg only
2 tbsp Crushed Garlic
2 tbsp Cayenne Pepper (I did not have Cayenne so I replaced with fresh diced Habanero, 1/2 c worth)
2 tbsp Red Pepper Flakes or Crushed Red Pepper
1 L of Chlorine free water (I used 56oz of Water as I wanted more of a concentrate to store and for later use)
1 tsp Olive oil

Add all ingredients to a pot with the water and bring to a boil to break some bonds and release the capsaicin. Let cool to room temp then put in a container to steep over night. Strain off solids and store in a cool dark location in a sealed bottle.

I dilute 2oz to 1/2 gal for application.

WARNING: Wear gloves, goggles and a mask when preparing/applying the Hot Pepper spray. If the capsaicin gets on you and you touch a sensitive area (eyes, nose, mouth, genitals) you will regret it for a long time🤣

This recipe for me works great in veg for leaf hoppers I hit surrounding areas and the plants with it in general a good organic ipm spray to keep in rotation @syzygy


I still use your citrus ferment recipe :green_heart::sunglasses: