- syzygy's journal - the clown show

TS-A F2 looking very frosty in person. Shame it wasn’t grown better.


Ya we’ll see how they grow out with time, but so far none of the S1s seem very lanky. My TK x TS has more internode spacing than the CSI stuff currently, but anything can change I guess. My TK seems to take 30~ days to root on average over here, so I hear you on the rooting. Sometimes sooner but if that happens it isn’t uniform rooting across the tray, just an outlier usually.

I actually checked a cutting today, saw roots and was surprised. Looked at a label that read “TK ? 6-18” (14 days) on it. Then rotated the tray and saw it was actually from the Triple Sunshine A part of the tray… So ya, may be plant health or whatever, but where normal cuttings root in 2 weeks consistently here the TK is taking 4-5 weeks.


Yeah that sounds like my cut too. The quickest I’ve seen is 9 days or so but I’ve had her snips take 6 weeks before. Definitely average in the 3-4 week mark for me.

Edit: pics look great! :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Thanks! Thinking probably this weekend I’ll take down the TripSun-F2. Will wait to check the trichs on the TK before that comes down. Mix of pictures coming up. Left (first picture) is the one that had a few 7 leaflet leaves at the start - right stayed 3-5 like the mom / outdoor plant. Don’t notice a difference in flower morphology or smell type really. Both look good from the top to the lowers.

Triangle Kush (FarmerJoe)

Triple Sunshine F2 (E/H batch)


Well I’m thinking tomorrow I should probably take everything down. Checked the Trichs tonight on the TK and seems ready to me.

Going off my notes I believe I’m around 75 days right now, give or take a few days.

Seeded by TS-E

Seeds appear ripe and should have plenty of TK & TS-A x TS-E. Once confirmed and shucked I’ll feel more comfortable culling the TS-E.

Irene seeded by TS-E is revegging outside and appears like the seeds are ripe there too. Not too interested in this one since I have a tk (5150?) x irene cross from csi now… Love the smell on this irene though.

Single stemming this TS-A to see how tall it’s going to get (partial shade). Don’t care about harvest. Currently it’s a bit over 4’ tall.

TSE in 1 GAL is revegging and looking decent

TSE in 20 GAL is revegging and looking like a monster. I need to prune this soon and clear out the inner leaves / flowers. Stem is huge too.

Also playing with the idea of trying a coco / salt run of the TS, TK, & csi stuff (if it roots). Picked up a magnetic stirrer for the coco tests and it’s definitely made the process less annoying. Thanks for the suggestion @Trimeresurus .


I know I’ve said it multiple times before and I’ll probably say it again, but I fucking love those macro shots of yours (and everybody else’s, too). I showed them to my girl right now and said,”These are the kind of shots I’m trying to get with that fucking clip-on lens thing,” and she just went,”Oh… No.” haha.

I’m not seeing too, too much amber there, but if I had a way to observe the trichs haha, that’s probably where I’d want it, too, no matter the cultivar.

That’ll be fun to watch haha! You’ve still got a couple three weeks before she and everything else even starts flowering, right?


Thanks! Those were taken with the olympus TG6 - I wish I could get shots with that level of clarity on my phone or nikon even as well. Just a really good point and shoot camera for checking trichs. I’d guess amber is somewhere around 5-10% right now, maybe slightly less. Good amount of cloudy trichomes though regardless.

I actually have no clue, never grown outside before at all. Friends and relatives have shown me their plants and they look like they are revegging to me. Lots of single - 3 bladed leaves popping out. A few of my plants did as well but I pulled them and replaced them with new / later cuttings. My TS-e male fully flowered and is now revegging, so I assume I just took everything outside way too early. I have no idea how long the growing season here is but it looks like we don’t hit 12 hours until late September. I think @DirtySlowToes or someone else told me they thought maybe end of July they start flowering? I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep the buds clean throughout the high humidity of August-September coupled with the cooler nights. Not willing to spray any nasty stuff on the flowers either so if the genetics / cultural practices / environment aren’t agreeable they may end up trashed before hitting the finish line.

Either way, I don’t really care because I don’t need the flower and after seeing all the bird crap on the leaves I’d rather consume my indoor herb anyways. It’s been interesting enough for me to observe how these plants grow in the sun as far as plant structure goes. I am pretty interested to see what the Vanilluna flowers look and smell like on the mutant though…

Have you put any thought into what type of seeds you’re going to gravitate towards after your hiatus?


Yeah, I think it’s around late July/early August outdoors, but I guess it depends on where you live. Is it the further north you live, the sooner they start flowering? Or is it the opposite? I think it’s the further north. Maybe.

Gross… haha. Probably be a good idea to wash whatever you end up with, even without the bird poop.

Not really. I was reading pdf’s of old seed bank catalogs yesterday, 80’s and 90’s SSSC and Sensi Seeds stuff that Holy posted on that “Old Seed Catalogues” thread. That got me thinking that I’ll probably plant Doc’s Malawi Gold x Dragon Energy, but other than that, I haven’t thought about it too much. I’ll start looking at my list as we get closer to August 15.

It’s weird, because I’ve always considered myself a Sativa Guy, but this new job just makes me wanna blaze heavy shit an hour after I get home, take a shower and crash the fuck out.


Everything is looking good, as usual. I can’t take a picture to save my ass, so it’s always nice to see how good trich photos are supposed to look :sunglasses:


Thanks! The camera has nice stabilization so even with shaky hands and no tripod it still manages to come out pretty clear.

Yea, I hear you. Life changes can shift preferences for sure.

I love how you have a set date for it and everything haha… I’m much less disciplined and focused with my gardening - I just do things as I feel like it usually.

Some rambling / thoughts to add - where I’m at right now

Long ago I came to the conclusion that it would be smarter, cheaper, and easier to avoid the hydro store and just grow organically with easy to obtain inputs that don’t draw any attention or raise eyebrows. I also never was a fan of the whole paper trail element of ordering hydro supplies online or risking a lack of stealth shipping on one of the shipments.

This was a different era though and now that I’m legal I find myself re-evaluating what I’m doing and why. Not sure how many people here can relate to that but I know there are at least a few people reading this thread that have been growing longer than I have. Legalization has been a blessing for sure when it comes to this aspect of gardening.

I’ve always acknowledged that the way I grow Cannabis indoors isn’t ideal but is more-or-less done for variety sake. I think the whole smaller pot thing clearly lends itself more towards soluble fertilizers rather than living soil with insoluble food. I will never be satisfied with a large bed setup or 4 large pots in my grow area - the lack of variety just isn’t as interesting to me. The ability to “reset” also has appeal to me and having large pots or a bed just complicates that. I’d like to take full advantage of my legally permitted plant count!

Spatially the amount of room my soil amendments take up is quite annoying as well. I try to have at least 30-40 GAL on hand at all times of “ready to use” soil and being able to eliminate that seems like it would be a huge positive.

I’m thinking maybe next run I’ll throw some TS-A & TK cuttings into flower and see how they perform with Jacks. I have a baseline with both of them in 1 GAL pots of my soil-less mix so it will be nice to compare. Maybe I could even do 1 of each in soil to side by side. Outdoors growing in a biologically active soil makes all the sense in the world, but I think there are better ways to pull off micro-grows in a sea of green style.

I have dabbled a bit in a few different hydro styles in the past but absolutely would not call myself an expert. I expect I’ll fumble a lot with this but that will provide an opportunity to learn and up my skills in that area.

My main hangup with anything hydroponic / soluble related is the reservoir or drainage integration. I’m already limited on height and trying to incorporate a short table into my setup will only box me in more with what I can do. I’m thinking I’ll attempt a coco run with hand watering - though I have concerns about runoff. I used to have a 6" tall screen table in my tent with pond liner under it that drained into a shallow container that I manually dumped out. Maybe I’ll try something like that again.

Interested in any thoughts or ideas if anyone has any.


I hear that. I’m really digging this octo-pot style setup for my already vetted keepers though. 4 plants in a 4x4 is good enough there to keep things stocked. Still not getting rid of my flood table though and will still do ~1/4 gallon pots to hunt and sift through packs. I like the added stress for herm check too.


I was looking at tables and I think I’d have to actually build something to make that work. The outside measurements on the 3x3 tables are like 42" or something, so none of the pre-made stuff will fit in my 3x3 (34"x34" inside the poles). I just need to figure out a way to drain the tables without compromising too much height. That seems like the path though if I stick with it long term.

Octos look great but as you said .25 GAL pots seem more ideal for pheno hunting.

Also good call on the Apera PH meter, have been using that for a month now and calibrating it once a week - seems to be holding the reading as it should be when it goes into the calibration solution.


ah. Yeah the biggest table from botanicare that would fit is the 2x2 table(23.5inches square) so you’d be losing like 11 inches on top/side :confused: I actually have one I’ve used in my 2.5 x 2.5 veg tent. Obscenely expensive though for what they are. Probably better off with the DIY…

That size table I just sat on top of a HDX tote that was the reservoir. Dropped a pump in the bottom on a digital timer with battery backup and called it a day. Lose a bit of height too that way but not trying to get real big plants either. The 4x4 table was too big to be supported by just one tote so I got a stand for it, but two or a few totes might work :thinking:

Hell yeah on the Apera! Glad you’re liking it as much as I have been :slight_smile:


It’s just because of the seasons here. If I start a bunch of new stuff on August 15, I can flip by October 15, at which point it should be cool enough that I can just open a window. And it’ll definitely be cool enough by November 15, a month into flower.

Believe me, I’m like that, too, but I’ve flowered in the new house for enough summers now to know that it’s more of a PITA than anything else. Better to just shut it down and wait… and wait… and wait… haha.

Re the hydro switch: it makes sense if you wanna grow a bunch of stuff in a small area. My biggest issue with it has always been the idea that each cultivar is gonna have different “needs” and trying to figure out what those needs are, on the fly, but I know that that Jack’s is supposed to be as “all-purpose” as you can get. I like soil because everything’s already in it and the plants can pick and choose what they want when they need it. Or whatever haha. I don’t really have to think about anything, don’t have to spend time measuring shit and pH’ing and everything else. I can just go in there and water.

That, plus the fact that money’s always a weird issue with me haha. Even when I’m flush and have thousands and thousands of dollars in the bank, I always know that it isn’t gonna last. Like, four years ago I had 170 grand in my checking account; as of this morning I have six bucks haha! I wouldn’t wanna get caught flat-footed in the middle of a grow or not be able to start one just because I’m in one of my “no money years” and can’t afford to buy nutrients and shit.

But I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that you’re much more responsible than I am haha…

It sounds like a good idea for you and your setup, is my point. One-gallon pots with coco sounds like it’ll work. You’ll probably see better results than the one-gallon soil grows.

I can’t help you with ideas for the drain table and whatever, though haha, no experience with that whatsoever.


I’m the same way for sure and has always been a great selling point on organics.

On the other hand I also don’t like mixing soil, measuring amendments and then storing it. Keep in mind that I don’t recycle my soil indoors so I’m constantly making fresh soil in my set up. I usually find myself having to do it during both ends of weather extremes as well (100F or ~ around 20F).

It may be an acceptable trade off, we’ll see. This is what I could see being the make or break point for me. I’m so used to doing nothing but filling up a jug of water out of the tap and pouring it on. Maybe if I just mix up 5Gal at a time or something like that to carry me through the week that will help. Not sure how PH will drift or any of that though so we’ll have to see.

I agree with you fully on the organic approach of letting the plant decide what to take up. Requires less inputs on my end which is for the better. Even if I could accurately “read” the plants to make adjustments I don’t think that’s something I’m going to want to do constantly. I’ll just stick with a recommended dose and see how it turns out.

When I did hydro in the past I’ve never had issues using a default feed schedule, so hopefully jacks is similar. I’ve used GH liquid, GH powder, and Peters (jacks parent company) in the past - all without any issues. I never had to PH in the past with those 3 either…

It seems most of the costs and expenses are stuff you have to buy up front and then it’s pretty cheap - maybe even cheaper than organic inputs (if you’re buying them that is). I already have everything on hand from doing the coco tests so I really don’t even have to buy anything.

The salts should keep for a long time in an airtight container, and I already have the PH meter , ph up / down etc. One risk would be failure in automation but if I’m hand watering that definitely won’t be a concern. The only actual risk I see is wasting a run or 2 (electricity, time) and I’m fine with that. Will be interesting to compare quality as well - if there’s any noticeable difference even.


Oh, that’s right, I forgot you don’t recycle. Yeah, that’s gotta be a total pain in the ass haha.

Right, that sounds like the best way, at least to start. I think everybody who uses Jack’s kind of does it like that, at least from the few hydro grows that I’ve followed. Unless they just weren’t mentioning the super-secret nutrients they were adding haha.

Same with soil, really. I just like the fact that I can use it over and over, but again, if you’re not recycling, what difference does it really make if you’re growing in soil or coco or whatever?

Yeah, I’m not buying any haha. Usually if I have extra money, I’ll go and get, like, a five-pound box of kelp, just to have, because I know I’m not gonna have any money at some point. But then the kelp just sits there haha. I still have unopened boxes of amendments that I bought like a year and two years ago, still have freeze dried aloe and coconut that I bought like four years ago…

Anyway, yeah, sounds like a plan! This’ll be cool to watch, not sure I’ve ever seen anybody switch from organic soil to coco etc, usually it’s the other way around haha.


Now I know no one reads my journal, haha!

@syzygy sounds like we have similar situations.

I muddled around in mud for way too long, given my poor results. Actually, I always had good weed, the plants just always looked ugly. All the inputs and storage, then having to take care of a bunch of plants in 1/2 gallon bags and 1 gallon pots wore thin… especially if there were any pest or nutrient problems, oi!

Coco changed a lot of that for me. I grow a lot fewer plants with way more yield. Not as much variety as before, but way better tended and better looking (when I don’t fuck up), so I’m a lot happier as a gardener. A good flush usually turns any of my screwups around pretty quickly.

I have headroom limitations, but they are easily dealt with by a stern corrections officer. Salts and coco blocks are so easy to store, and a whole lot less expensive than bagged mediums and inputs.
I use 2 gallon airpots for bloomers, solos,1qt cups ,and 1 gallon airpots for veggers, and have to water/feed once a day. Suck up runoff with a wet/dry shop vac and dump that on outdoor flowers. YMMV if you use smaller pots.

I don’t use Jack’s, but a lot of folks here do.

Seems like you just need the vac and an ec meter. Apera makes an ok one.

I’m probably getting senile, but coco really turned indoor gardening from a chore to entertainment, lol!


Looking lovely and ripe mate. Fantastic work.


I actually did remember that you said you used to grow in soil! I don’t know that I’ve had the same experience - I think my plants look OK for how small of a pot they are grown in, but that may just be my own bias. I do definitely share the other frustrations though. I don’t like the necrotic leaves post senescence mostly because it’s annoying come trim time.

Yeah that’s really been bothering me lately. I know even if I wanted to keep a 4cu ft bag of perlite & uncompressed coco around it would still take up substantially less space.

Not bad idea - It may end up being the simplest solution too. Wonder if I could somehow centralize the runoff to a pvc pipe that I connect to a wet vac.


I harvested the last TK tonight - here are some pictures

Amber trichomes @minitiger


I’ve always known I haven’t grown her to her potential. But you’ve just proven it to me some more. She’s glistening in the sun and knobby as can be for her size. Well done. Smoke report later?


I’ll be following along now. :wink:

It’s a little more involved, but the system recommended here is a really good automated setup. I used this for about three years before I broke my pump. I still use the basic setup but I’ve been manually vacuuming recently.
