- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Thanks for the link, that will probably give me some ideas as well. I’m still thinking of making a 34x34 table like my old one. Something like shelving wire suspended above pond liner. Maybe using a bulkhead I can connect some PVC to the pond liner, cap it off, and insert tubing into the cap. From there pump it into a 5G bucket. Having tubes connected to saucers seems like it’s asking for problems in my setup with how often I move things around. Having the ground just auto drain without saucers is the dream.

Quick MSpaint example :
under the slats there would be pondliner and in the center @ the low point I’d put a bulkhead / pvc.

Yeah , though I have had her a few times already now. I limit myself to 2-3 inhalations with her and that seems to get me to where I want to be right away. I like the euphoric, uplifting, focus boosting effects I get from specifically. Really have no complaints about the strain and it meshes really well with me. If I didn’t have a deep desire for variety I’d probably just monocrop TK, TS or both for my personal use.

Also appreciate the kind words but all your TK flowers have looked really good to me (I actually read your thread too!)

I’m kind of interested to see how all the traits compare if I’m able to pull off a salt/coco run with her.


Oh, bullSHIT, dude haha. I read your journal religiously (when you actually post, been a while…), but as long as I’ve “known” you, even from the thcfarmer days, you haven’t been growing in soil. I knew that you used to, but I never actually saw it haha. And I definitely never saw you make the transition from soil to coco, like I’ll get to watch here on syzygy’s journal.

As if I don’t read your journal… Gimme a break… haha!

Mhm, yeah, that looks about how people always say it should look, right? Looks like there’s at least five percent amber there, if not more, no?

I agree, looks real good.


It has been a while since any updates. Are you exploring any new stuff now? Was looking forward to reading the reports of the people on here growing out his SSDD too.

Yeah more than 5% for sure. Maybe too much amber - we’ll see…


I love this idea. Good stuff.


I’m also assuming I should be following the Jacks schedule for pure water. My combined CA / MG levels are around 26ppm according to a 2023 water quality report.

Total Dissolved Solids - 150
Total Chlorine (ppm) - 1.16
Fluoride - 1.0
Sodium - 10.2
Chloride - 20
Magnesium - 7.6
Calcium - 18.3
pH - 7 - 7.8, ave. 7.29
Hardness (as CaCO3) - 110-118, ave. 116

Some VN pictures before I leave for the day. Dark stems as usual with DJs stuff.

preflowers appear to be holding seeds


Got some decent tap water over there! Pretty low Mg/Ca numbers tho imo. Ratio isn’t too far off at least. You generally want mg to be 1/3 to 1/2 of calcium. I usually run around 160ppm of calcium from added nutrients alone, not even counting what my tap has.


You may want to check out shower pan liners. Some kits have glue-in corners, drain hook ups, even sloped to drain styro bases. Too much faffing for me, but for an energetic lad such as yourself :rofl:

My sarcastic nature doesn’t travel through the ether well, lol! And now I’ve got to do an update :rofl:

I’ve been mostly exploring new ways to kill my plants, and I’m getting pretty good at it! I’ll do an update, but there will be a test afterwards :rofl:


Seems pretty nice but a bit more expensive than pond liner. I already am debating whether or not I want to spend the 20-30$ for pond liner and then all the pvc pieces haha. Thanks for the tip though!

I got the table top ready and some 2x4 legs cut out of stuff I had laying around here. Haven’t decided how I want to do this yet fully - may skip the drain idea for this round and just have it dump into a container. We’ll see… I have the weekend to think about it at least.

A handful of the CSI stuff has rooted. I moved the moms into the flower tent (18-6 cycle right now) to gear up for next run. I’ll cull any of them where I have extras in coco and just run them in coco. I believe 5150 x TK #3 has 2 or 3 rooted plugs so that will be one of the moms that gets culled probably. TK x TS had a very high success rate but for all I know that one is a male. That too will get culled for sure when I have time.

Blue container is holding the 2 remaining TK s1s. #4 and #1 never really recovered from being root pruned. I believe I have 1 rooted cutting of the #1 though as a backup.

Bottom container has the TK x TS E/H in the top left and the other 3 are 5150x TK.

From now on I’m going to drop the A from TS / Triple Sunshine when referring to it. The A identifier is no longer needed as it’s the only pheno that I kept and there are no seeds left in the pack. If I pop any F2s or crosses in the future it will be easy enough to label those…

Outdoor Triple Sunshine is outgrowing the tomato cage. Knew it wouldn’t last but I don’t really have a followup plan - We’ll see how it looks in a month and if it’s worth investing any effort into.

Other TS plant staying single stemmed. Wonder how tall it’s going to get.


field trip day 23 starting to stack up and get some frost no signs of intersex so far :crossed_fingers:


Nice, hopefully it turns out OK. I’m still inexperienced when it comes to cookies stuff. That’ll likely be the cross I try when I finally give one a try. Looking forward to seeing how that one finishes up!

The TK stuff from CSI is transplanted and looking OK. I figure in a week or 2 it should be safe to flip. Hopefully by then I’ll have a temporary table ready to use.

Rooting results so far :

Triangle Kush S1
#1 - 0 - likely going to cull
#2 - 3
#3 - 1
#4 - 0 - culled

5150 x TK
#1 - 3
#2 - 1
#3 - 3

So this will allow me to attempt a coco run of : 5150 x TK #1 , #3, and Triangle Kush S1 #2. I’ll also have some TK and TS in coco going. I’ll leave the TK S1 #3 in soil to flower as well as the 5150 x TK #2. The rest will get culled sometime this weekend.


Triangle Kush S1 #5 is still a runt outside - some progress has made but it’s still pathetic.

Legs on this table are just temporary while I play around with ideas for how to direct the drainage to a container


Nice!! Excited to watch the 5150 x TK. I wish I had those and TK stuff in my tent right now instead. Stupid of me not to. Haha. Will be cool to see your shots of them for sure and your thoughts as well. Thanks for sharing!!

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Why do you say that? I think it looks pretty good and healthy.


I agree, I think the #5 looks nice and healthy. I’m sure it’ll get some legs soon.

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Definitely looks healthy and a TK S1 to boot. I hate even mentioning it, because I like CSI, had great results with plenty of packs, would buy from him again and all. But, I had bad luck with my 5150 x TK and S1’s. Just single packs and all.

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Ya the review posted tonight in the CSI thread sounds and looks really nice. The veg traits look like the FarmerJoe TK mom as well.

Because it was germinated late April and is less than 6" tall. All the other plants from that round have had multiple cuttings taken from them and were root pruned back into a 1 GAL pot already. Doesn’t look unhealthy - just growing extremely slow. May actually be OK in the small pot it’s in at least - I don’t see it outgrowing it any time soon.

I’m not sure I want to take cuttings and risk bringing it in if it does recover. I took some cuttings of the VN in straight perlite a week or so ago and already talked myself out of keeping them. Not bringing any outdoor stuff inside.


Totally understand not bringing cuts from outside in, I am to scared of bringing pests inside. Had two spotted mites a few years ago, never again, knock on wood.


you’re doing a great job with this grow.


Appreciate the kind words :blush:


You could probably find a clean pan :slight_smile:


Yeah, but without buying one it would be hard to find the correct fit. I think I found one that would fit my tent but it was like 140$ or around there. I was thinking of using those generic concrete tubs from home depot but will still need to have a catch in the sides to redirect liquid into it. Last time I made a table I believe I emptied into a window flower box without drainage holes and that worked out well. I found a small strip of rubber liner here as well as some really thick poly.

Still procrastinating though and decided to shuck seeds instead.

Triple Sunhine F2s - 33~ grams approx with a small amount of plant matter present

Triangle Kush x Triple Sunshine - 16 grams with a bit more plant matter

A bit more comfortable with the idea of letting the Trip Sun E male go now. Assume there will at least be a few hundred mature seeds there.