- syzygy's journal - the clown show

The Lazy Lightning was, for sure, got a pack with one of my orders a couple years ago. I always feel compelled to grow the seeds I paid for first and don’t usually pay the freebies any mind, but looking at InTheWoods’ pics, I may have to plant some of those in the not-too-distant future haha.

I agree. It definitely never was “bedtime” stuff for me, anyway.

I remember one time I smoked a j of it on my day off and then got a call from one of the bartenders I worked with (literally as I was putting out the joint), asking me if I’d left my apartment yet. I’d completely forgotten that we had a meeting in thirty minutes, completely forgotten that I told her I’d give her a ride. So I picked her up, totally laughing with her and having a good time on the drive to the restaurant. But as soon as I walked inside, it was like,”I dunno if can handle this, maaaaaan!!!” High as fuck. “Maintain, maintain!”

During the meeting, the GM started talking about something, some new alcohol she wanted us to push or maybe it was the $75 Peking duck carved table-side or whatever, I don’t remember. I was totally just zoning out, counting the minutes until it would be over. But all of a sudden, I heard,”Minitiger! Get up here and show everybody how you’d sell this to one of your tables!” I looked up and she was beaming at me, smiling so huge, no maliciousness or anything, like she thought I’d really wanna do that.

I just vigorously shook my head “No,” couldn’t even get the word out. It totally took me by surprise, her asking me to do that. The thought of getting up in front of everybody and pretending to talk to a table… I dunno, I just was not prepared for that at all (honestly, I’m not sure I could’ve done it sober, either; I can’t pretend to do something). She looked sooooo disappointed when I wouldn’t do it, crestfallen, really (she had a big crush on me). I felt guilty afterwards, but there was no way I could’ve done it without at least a little time to get mentally prepared to stand in front of a large group of people and talk to a non-existent table of diners.

That’s Headband haha.


Been really slacking this year on gardening - both in and out. Probably spread a bit too thin…

I’m pretty confident at this point I will phase out the soil mothers in my set up for coco going forward. I can always go back, but I am liking it a lot more so far. Not sure about flower - interested to see how this next flower run turns out.

Trip Sun outside still looks huge to me. Stem is pretty big too now. I should have mulched the pot it’s in and still might later on.

and other dog / garden photo dumps


Yeah, I’m interested to read what you think about the coco-grown flower, too, and how it compares to your old organic soil-grown stuff. Some of the best weed I’ve ever smoked (dispensary weed, but back when you could get good weed from dispensaries) was surely grown, uh… Not in soil haha.

So it can be done… haha.


Yeah, the DWC I grew decades ago was incredible flower. I’m sure it has a lot to do with the amazing genetics I was gifted back then as well, but I’ve never felt like organically grown flower is inherently superior. I’m aware of all the claims as I’ve been immersed in it for some time now, but at the end of the day I think in a double blind comparison of well grown hydro and well grown organic flower I’d have the position “I like both samples…”. I think growing organically provides a lot more buffers and fail-safes that take the grower out of the equation - which is a huge positive. If I return to soil in my setup I imagine that will be a big part of the reason.

I’ve always felt the virtue signaling by the organic crowd was excessive, nauseating and screams inexperience. I’m never pushy about grow styles and think all are interesting personally. I don’t necessarily want to put in the effort to do them all - but to each their own. The preachy and zealous nature of some of the people who try to cement themselves as figureheads is puzzling and ineffective anyways. There are many benefits of organic gardening that I feel can give it an edge over synthetic / solubles for sure, and those selling points are usually more effective on their own without being preachy. At this point any time I see someone mention out of the blue that something is done in living soil, no till, knf, or any other buzzword I immediately denounce it internally as some kind of marketing, self-branding agenda or fashion statement.


Nice to see someone out there remembers when dispo/med club weed was actually good. I don’t live out there any longer and don’t mess with FL medical nonsense, so I have no clue how dispo weeds is these days, but it’s sad/crazy to see/hear how shitty it has supposedly become.


I eat all organic, stepdad owned an organic farm in the 80’s and early 90’s, blah blah blah. I’m super into keeping it organic and all for outside and big AG who have ruined the soil going that way. But, our little closet and tent grows are a heck of a lot easier with inert media/mediums and salts. I’d love to see a blind taste test amongst the snob growers and laugh at how they wouldn’t be able to discern the difference and probably end up picking some salt grown flower as their favorite. Haha


I completely agree. I take part in both organic and non-organic growing and they both have massive benefits over each other that also equal each other out. Depends how much money you want to spend and how much control you want. I like to spend the bare minimum and not make decisions on the plant feeding. That’s why my personal style is organic. I do really enjoy the speed of non-organic growing and my first ever grow was coco with Jack’s and still to this day I miss that flower.


Agreed! I’m usually not bothering with the preachy/overzealous organics-only crowd.

I think:
You can get the job done either way to the same quality if you know what you’re doing.

Certain plants will taste or smell better depending on hydro or soil, but it’s different for each plant and the tastes you prefer.

One is not inherently better than the other. However, hydro will give more yield of the same quality in the same amount of time as soil if you know what you’re doing.

I think technically soil of any kind is at a much higher risk of heavy metals and other things getting into the plant compared to most hydro media :thinking: definitely gotta be aware of your inputs regardless of the setup.


Yeah, makes the most sense for sure.

In my controlled environment / micro setup without a lot of vertical space it seems like less of a headache if I can grow in smaller pots for a longer period of time w/ salts.

Yeah, I really wouldn’t be surprised at all if they did.

For sure. Your garden is one of my favorites that I’ve seen here on OG - love how you’re able to juggle so much at once. The outdoor setup w/ DIY hoop house is really cool as well. If I had more vertical space inside and square footage outside I imagine I’d be attempting something similar.

I don’t have the experience w/ testing to speak to this but I do think it’s an interesting point worthy of discussion (by those who know more than I).

I think that’s true in a sense, but I think certain styles and strategies are better suited for certain environments - ie microgrow setups. But ya, judging on strictly flower quality a well grown plant is a well grown plant.


7/23 - flipped the CSI moms - Tomorrow is day 1 of 12/12

TK S1 & 5150 x TK

other photo dumps


Awesome pics of everything!!! :green_heart:

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Very nice bro, love the flower shots :slight_smile: u got some serious camera skills


:notes:Naturrrrrre!!!:notes: haha.

Gorgeous pics. It really bums me out that I had to basically kill all of our pollinator-attractor flowers because the pup is so allergic to bee stings.

Are those in coco? Or they’re the old ones that’re still in soil? It looks like soil haha.


Are those quarter or half gallon?

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The Clethra (pink flower) always has tons of bees on it. My Dutch Shepherd sticks her head directly into the canopy and snaps at any bees that go near her. She’s yet to be stung but it makes me really nervous when I see her do that haha…

They are the rootbound moms in soil and will probably get pruned a bit and or culled (if the coco cuttings catch). I’d rather run the plants from cutting if possible, but if nothing else these will at least give a preview of the flowers in a sense.

Neither, they are in 1 GAL Hydrofarm 7x7x9" pots.

Here are some coco plants in approx 1/4 GAL 5.25" pots

And soil - guess I should document the plant structure on these

5150 x TK 1

5150 x TK 2

5150 x TK 3

TK S1 2

TK S1 3

Didn’t feel like taking out the TK x TS - will be more interested when the gender is known on that one…


I mean, if she isn’t allergic it should be fine. Every boxer we’ve ever owned wasn’t, but the new girl is very anaphylactic (are there degrees? Haha). Our old dogs would eat them off the ground and sniff the flowers with bees buzzing around all day, not a problem, but the new pup… Jesus… When she got stung, it was a whole deal. Overnight-stay at the vet, racing there before she died, three grand, all that stuff.

As much as I love encouraging bee populations, it was just like,”Yeah, fuck the flowers. The bees can find something else to pollinate.”

If you’re unsure, though, don’t risk it. Seriously, when the new pup got stung, she collapsed and then shit and puked all over the backseat of the car while I raced her to the 24 hour vet, it was crazy haha.

Not something I wanna do again.

Right. I understand. I like that, with the just,”I’m growing these how I’m gonna grow them and extrapolate from what I post what you will…” haha.


Yeah, I understand and would do the same thing if I knew my dogs were allergic.

Having lots of flowering plants can also be a double edge sword with pests - I saw a few winged aphids crawling around near the (outdoors) TK after it rained today, and I’m sure they came from the Honeysuckle, just like the leaf hoppers & clouded plant bugs. Haven’t seen any on the plant yet, but will keep an eye out. Hopefully there are enough beneficials around to keep them in check because I won’t be spraying if it does become an issue.


Also @iamyou_youareme posted a review of the Triple Sunshine A mom in his thread yesterday in case anyone missed it - figured I’d mention as it may be of interest to anyone growing out fgens of the mom.


To continue the line of thought @minitiger , I was taking pictures of the Triple Sunshine plant outside and looked over at my dutch smelling the Clethra. Few seconds later she just plucks a bee out of the air that went near her and started chewing on it… Didn’t get a live shot as I was too focused on telling her to drop it. That’s always really comforting to see…

drop it

more garden photos

TK S1 #5 still a runt that hasn’t grown at all.

Triple Sunshine


Cukes - I did a pathetic job (IE I didn’t do anything at all) routing the branches on this crop. Lots of overlapping branches that will be a problem in a few weeks-month.


Yeah, that’s what all of our dogs have done. Or they just lick them up off of the ground. Bowie had a very specific bark for crawling bees; every time I heard it, I knew exactly what he was barking at before I even looked. “He’s just barking at a bee…”

As long as your girl doesn’t swell up or anything, though, you gotta figure she’s all good. That was the thing with the new pup the first (and only) time she ate a bee, was her lips started swelling big-time. And then she collapsed haha. That was when we realized,”Oh, she must be allergic to bees…” haha!

Maybe she’s just not getting enough sunlight? Or maybe she’s just a straggler. Still… It’s not like she’s taking up room or anything, right? May as well see what happens haha…


Excellent shots. That triple sunshine outside looks fantastic. And I’m impressed with where the vn has come too! Really fun plant to look at.

I’m sure you’d notice if it were to happen, but my dog ended up with a stinger in his lip after doing the same thing with a bee the other week. I didn’t realize it was stuck in there until I noticed him pawing at it an hour or two later. It was probably scarier for me picking it out with tweezers than him, but still.