- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Out of likes. Dem I enjoyed the photos. :heart_eyes:
Look like from magazine. Berry nice!

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Thanks for the kind words guys.

No, that’s a small hacked back IRENE mom that went into the TS-E pot. I noticed there’s a big beam of light pollution from my neighbors backyard onto the plants last night so we’ll see how that affects flowering here.


Everything looks great brother, can’t wait to see that triple sunshine in a few weeks, she’s gonna be a looker


That’s why I’ve never tried to really, truly grow outside, just because we have all those string lights around the entire backyard, but elgalloblanco had string lights basically hanging directly over all of his outdoor plants and he didn’t have any issues.

So, yeah, that will be interesting to see how yours work out haha. If it does, I might try out a little something outdoors at some point.


Yeah, I’m just doing it for the novelty factor anyways - I almost DON’T want them to flower to completion. That would just be one more thing to trim that I’m not going to consume haha…

I took a few of the CSI plants in soil outside where I had coco plants in the same tent. Was getting very crowded in there and the soil stuff looked a bit stressed. Pruned the excess branches out of the soil plants that remained. Everything looks very much like TK so far in terms of stretchy branching structure.

TK x TS-E/H is a female so it will stay.

Going to have to start culling some outdoor plants probably. The last remaining TS-E is starting to flower and am still dragging my feet on cutting that one down. The TK S1 #5 runt is still doing nothing.

I’ve noticed also that the stems are noticeably weaker on all the plants in coco vs soil. +1 for Organics there. I imagine support is going to be a real problem if the coco plants make it through flower.

Going to get some pictures probably later if I have time but it’s been a bit tough lately to stay on top of things, still feel spread too thin. Future seed pops I’ll probably stick to my usual strategy of praying for a reveg and not keeping backup clones, but given the cost of these seeds I figured it would be worth it.


What’s your coco feed again? Might be lacking silica that your soil has :thinking:


I’m going off of memory when I mix it up (so it’s probably wrong), and am following Jack’s 3-2-1 values for “pure water”. I’ve been going with

3.79g of the part A
2.45g of Cal-Nit part B
.9g of Epsom Salts

I do have potassium silicate on hand but I’m not a fan of it.

Here are some pictures

5150 x TK # 1

5150 x TK # 2

5150 x TK # 3

Triangle Kush S1 # 2

Triangle Kush S1 # 3

Triangle Kush S1 # 2 & Triangle Kush x Triple Sunshine (tk x SSDD)

Triangle Kush x Triple Sunshine (tk x SSDD)

Triangle Kush (FJ)

Triple Sunshine (E)

Triple Sunshine



You could throw it into the freezer and promise to make hash out of it and then throw it all into the garbage a couple years later like I do haha. That’s always an option.

Although honestly, looking at your pics, I just love the way cannabis plants look when they’re grown outside. It feels “right” to me. Even if nothing comes of it, it’s gotta be kinda fun, no? I always enjoy putting a male or two out back for a few weeks before I kill them. Whenever I go outside to smoke a cigarette, I’ll find myself staring at them the whole time haha, getting up and taking a closer look, circling around them to check out every angle and whatever.

I use that as an emulsifier for my foliars, but I don’t do foliars every grow. I’ve read that as a drench, it can fuck with your soil pH (or something), might be “better” or more effective or whatever if you spray with it a couple times.

Wow, they do look very similar. That’s cool.


Absolutely. That’s really what it is for me. Ornamental & novelty. I’ve told a few people that locally and they just think I’m nuts when I say that I don’t care or want any more flower. Even to make hash with - I don’t want to tie up freezer space or process it!

I trimmed the Trip Sun today and had to get the ladder out to get into the canopy. Was kind of a cool first experience haha. I bet the outdoor cali growers have some cool scaffolding setups and all that…

Yeah, everything seems to look very similar this round - maybe unsurprisingly.


Maybe they’re new to growing and are doing what all people who are new do and just going nuts haha.

I literally chuckled out loud when I read that.

I follow a few outdoor logs here, it does seem like a lot of work, both pre- and post-chop. I’ve always figured that if I’m ever in a position to grow outside, I’ll just put the plants out really, really late in the season so that they don’t get too big haha.

There’s somebody on here, I think her screen name is “MeeshGrows” or “Meesh” something. She does annual grow logs and I followed the one I came across when I first joined OG in 2020. She and her dad were in the process of building this massive pvc scaffolding thing for her plants. And just in her backyard in friggin’ Anaheim, too! haha, it wasn’t even like she was out in the middle of nowhere. I could see her neighbors’ houses in the background of the pics, right on top of her backyard, no different than me and my neighbors.


Lots of power outages here recently - high winds and torrential rain. Winds hit around 80mph here and the amount of trees that have been uprooted is pretty nuts. I lost a few of the small plants outside but surprisingly the Triple Sunshine was unshakeable.


TK is leaning pretty hard but will recover fine from this as well.


Tornado warning? That’s pretty crazy. Is that common there? I thought that was mostly in, like, Oklahoma and Kansas or wherever.


I hope the tornado change its mind. Keep safe.


Sending some good vibez so this tornado misses it :wink:

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Glad you’re safe and most of the plants made it!! We have constant tornado warnings/watches in FL.


Thanks for the good thoughts guys, I was very fortunate to not have any real issues as a result of it. I’m still surprised the TS looks so good; probably wouldn’t if there were heavy buds on the ends of the branches though I’m guessing.

Also got a collection of thank you cards from a friend locally thanking me for clones & seeds - so extending that to the great mysterious higgins. Didn’t realize how many people (who I don’t even know) my friend was gifting clones and seeds to, that’s kind of awesome. Just wanted to relay that to higgins and anyone else who has shared clones on here in that spirit that the generous gift continues to spread happiness to people. Thanks again!

It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s also not really rare. The tornadoes aren’t on the scale of the other states you mentioned, still can do plenty of damage though.


80mph winds? That’s crazy, take care!


My god are you me? Two full grocery bags of fresh frozen tops in my freezer since last years harvest…I’ll get to it… maybe… maybe I’ll just pile more on from this year…


Yeah, that’s weird, isn’t it? I grew up there, moved away in ‘96 or ‘97, but I never, ever heard about tornadoes when I lived there. Hurricanes, sure (surf’s up! haha), but tornadoes were definitely not a thing that happened in FL when I lived there.


I felt an earthquake last night, don’t usually notice them at all, but the water in our pool sloshed around a little bit and the lights in the backyard started swaying, definitely felt the ground moving around, it was pretty easy to notice. Earthquakes freak me out a little bit, but not nearly as much as I think a tornado would. I’ve seen that movie Twister… haha. I actually have occasional nightmares about tornadoes, where I’m screaming to my girl that we’ve gotta get outta here, huge wind tunnels closing in and,”We’re gonna die! We have to get away!” I have idea what that’s about haha.

Which ones? Or do you not wanna specify?

That’s what I always do haha.


Basically I try to refresh my mothers by cycling in new clones usually and I’ll overshoot on the number of clones I need. Then I select the best looking 1 or 2 to keep as a mom and give the rest away. I think I gave him clones of everything from the winter grow and then he did the same thing.

Lots of :
Lav Jack
Triple Sunshine
Triangle Kush

At least a few :
Chem 91
Bubba Kush

Today he got some more Triple Sunshine, TK , VN, and excess clones from the csi stuff…