- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Ah, okay, so the stuff from the last few rounds. That’s cool. Has your friend gotten much feedback about them? I remember you saying that people seemed to enjoy some of that smoke more than you did.


Been in FL myself from ‘85-‘04 and back since ‘19. Tornadoes and waterspouts have always been a thing here. Just not crazy ones like in the Midwest. But, it’s not some new thing that wasn’t happening when you were here. Haha


This specific friend is not ultra reliable when it comes to nuances of different strains. More or less has the opinion that anything I give them is going to be high quality - that sort of person. Not crazy like us haha…

This friend did mention that he really liked the smell and effects of the Pinesoul flower that I gave him.

I haven’t encountered anyone yet locally who has grown LJ and has been impressed with it beyond the smell and looks. Have gotten at least a few reports back indicating after some time they agree with my take on it.

Everyone seems to like Triple Sunshine that’s grown and / or / smoked it. A couple people have commented on liking it more than TK and finding it more potent. I don’t necessarily agree with that take, for me the TK gets me where I want to be in less inhalations. Both are good though and I’m keeping cuts of TK/TS still…

Bubba I received a few negative comments about the growth traits compared to the more “sativa” stuff. haven’t heard much about the effects or flower from what I remember though.

Only a few people got IRENE clones as there weren’t that many in excess.

No clue about the people he gave clones and seeds to, I don’t know any of them haha.


Hmm… I don’t remember anything about tornadoes, but I’ll take your word for it haha.


Man, that’s so disappointing. I know I’ve already said it, but I really liked the sample I was sent.

That’s cool. And interesting haha.


If you don’t remember, then it must not be true. Thats the gist of most of your posts, so makes sense. Haha


Mandela Effect :eyes: :joy_cat:

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Where in that post am I implying that I think it’s not true?

Did you ever watch How To With John Wilson? It was only on for two seasons, I LOVED that show. HBO didn’t pick it up for a third season last year (dumbasses… haha). The first episode was about the Mandela Effect. I mean, it started out one way, but it ended up with him looking into that and going to, like, a Mandela Effect Gathering or something haha.

It’s a funny show.


Not only that, but I remember when I saw on the news like fifteen years ago that some tornadoes had torn up some town in north Florida and I was like,”Tornadoes in Florida? What the fuck?” Called my mom, who lived in Florida since like 1962, Pensacola first, then Gainesville for college, Orlando and then Tampa since, like, 1970 and she was like,”Yeah, tornadoes, I dunno. It’s very strange.” She’d never heard about them happening in Florida.

I also just texted a friend of mine who’s in Tampa as we speak and asked her if she remembered ever hearing about tornadoes when we were growing up. She replied,”Never. The first one I ever saw was when I was in Kansas.”

So, basically,

Fuck you. Haha…


Dude. Florida has the highest frequency of tornados in the entire country. Literally the number 1 state for tornados.

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“Has” being the operative word there. It’s a new thing. They’ve happened in the past, yes (I know this because I googled it haha), but not with any kind of regularity at all. They were incredibly rare.

Honestly, I’m done with this conversation. I’ve texted four other friends of mine who still live in Tampa and none of them remember tornadoes being a thing when we were growing up. And none of them are Drug People (like me haha) whose memories might be a little foggy or whatever, either.

What even is the point of your post? To “prove” that I’m wrong and you’re right?

I’m getting closer, @HolyAngel, to bouncing just like the people I mentioned in your thread yesterday haha…



#3 apparently :thinking:

I always heard of water spouts down there but never tornados myself. Seriously tho, fuck Florida :joy:


Always have that other spot too, tho I know you post the journals in the hopes more than ~10 people might have the chance to read it :joy:


Haha, I was just kidding, I’m not gonna bounce.

Still, though… It’s like people telling you it’s not raining when you’re soaking wet. Or whatever that saying is haha. Tornadoes weren’t a thing when I was growing up in Florida. Why is anybody trying to prove me wrong? I lived there, they didn’t happen, what’s the problem?



Dickheads? Your the one being a dick and your wrong. Tornados dont just start happening out of nowhere. Use your little google search and look it up. Tornados have been documented in florida for the last 70 years or more. LMFAO.

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Wrong thread, wrong people, pal. Take it somewhere else.


I was recently reading a few threads including one about a popular poster here who turned out to be a scammer. I think this was actually the only person on the site that messaged me asking for seeds that I did not send any to since my time joining here.

That got me thinking about how people’s BS meters aren’t calibrated properly and that led to thinking about the heated discussions in the Bodhi thread sparked by @minitiger . Seems to me a lot of what he was saying proved to be on point and would have saved some aggravation. Basically, be weary of people with 1000s of posts and only minimal amounts of actual grow-related content was the message as I recall it. It seems like many threads on this site are either artificially stimulated by doing lame RNG giveaways or they sort of stagnate due to lack of discussions because plants only grow so fast.

Anyways, this isn’t directly related to the tornado discussion that I don’t care about or even have anything of value to add; But I get the impression minitiger doesn’t really either and was just shooting the shit in order to be interactive and keep this thread moving a bit. They (tornadoes) do happen here in NE Ohio occasionally.

Here are some random pictures from today - not as many cocoons on the hornworms as yours DST

Also gave a Trip Sun cutting to a local farm to play around with so interested to see what comes of that.


I think a big missing part of the debate is the latest tech for tracking Tornados and everyone having a phone that doubles as a camera. 30years ago even if a Tornado went by , you couldn’t just jump online and tell everyone.


Sorry for bringing that to your thread @syzygy. I forgot I had taken everyone off of ignore and forgot how that dude knows everything. I ignored him after my last post and have zero interest in what he posted afterwards. All of that info about tornadoes in FL is wrong obviously. I don’t work as a lit adjuster for a property insurance company in FL. Why would anyone else know better than him? He always knows better. Probably the smartest server at every restaurant he works at. Haha


1958 was the first year people started tracking tornadoes with radar. We’re much more aware of the warnings now with our phones, but Bay News 9 has been around for at least 25 years now with weather on the 9s in FL. The Weather Channel started in 1982.