Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

I know that smell - the heavenly hashplant I grew had it too. Must be a katsu bubba thing… I can’t nail what it is, there’s this one spot I walk by that smells exactly like it… no clue what plant it is ha. It leaves that smell in the air after smoking… kind of like haze incense lingering after smoking.


Yeah it must be! I just broke up a little bit of that BK nug that I took a picture of last night, and there’s something else in there too, maybe fruity/berry, but it’s way in the back. Maybe @Greasy can chime in, he’s sampled the BK5, his descriptors are probably better than mine…


oh yeah i know what you mean, i love that smell/flavor when i get some really good kush from a dispensary it has it



I like how you described it. Lightly earthy, subtlety incense sweet. I think freshness too.
It was fantastic smoke and can really hold its own against the berger bubba cut. I hope one of us finds something in the f2s and can share it around. It truly had standout medicinal, indica effects.


Throwing up a quick Sunday update.

Hazy Tent - Day 66 Flowering
Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze F3 #10

SC Blue Dream - starting to fade out. Seeds look like they’re nicely formed too. Smells great and very crystal-y.

Super Silver Haze F3 #10 - less skunky/funky and more sharp astringent terpinolene smell. Not quite catpissy, leaning more towards that side, but mainly fruity/anise/jack smells.

Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 ‘Church’ - can’t wait to sample this one, smelling weirdly good.

Bandaid Haze 7 (right) next to her progeny, Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 ‘Church’ (left).

Bandaid Haze 7 - had to tie back some of her main colas. Turned down the light to 70% power, also changed scheduled to 10/14.

SIP Tent - Day 60 Flowering
Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31 - Bodhi

Lav Jack - I can’t stop taking pictures on this plant, it’s too pretty! Every time I brush against it releases so much odor. Probably about ready to chop… maybe 5 days though. Gotta find some room to hang her.

The Mother’s Milk 31 is looking really impressive too. I didn’t get any good photos this time, but will get some before she comes down. Swelling up nicely towards day 70 though, and smelling really potent and interesting. Possibly stronger than the Giesel and definitely better looking than the BunkTek Sour D… I’m gonna have to try another cut of Sour, this one has not impressed me at all.

and just cuz I was up there today… the most photographed tree in all of Oregon… a beautiful Japanese maple at the Portland Japanese Garden. :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :hearts:

Hope everyone has a great week coming up!


That Bandaid Haze 7 looks a lot like one of the BAH’s I grew:

At least those seeds are kinda consistent haha. I can’t wait to hear what you think of those two (and everything else, as well). I really liked those BAH’s, sittin’ here thinking I oughta plant more of them soon…

Anyway, looking good! haha.


Wow, everything looks awesome! Especially that Lavender Jack.

You’ve done a great job with the MM31 and Blue Dream. They both seem to be heavy eaters and fade too fast in my water-only setup. Really nice to see them at their full potential.


Yeah dude, I see her coming through in your’s, the crowning of the tops is a giveaway. I like those little trident looking foxtails. How long did you let that one flower?

Yeah I’ve heard the 3.0 was the most consistent, I haven’t seen much of the 2.0 to make any judgements.

Doo eeeiiitt! I have a pack too, I’ve been contemplating :thinking:

Thanks duder! Yeah the lav jack is a looker for sure. I’m hoping the smoke matches the look!

Yeah, they can eat up the food. The MM31 was very vigorous in her root system, tearing up whatever I threw down. She still produced pretty awesome though, despite being a little underfed, I can’t wait to try her. The creamy/funk combo is awesome on that one! Thanks for sharing!


Yeah, that’s exactly the best way to put it, for sure what they looked like. Tridents haha. I was thinking “devilish” but “trident” is probably more accurate haha.

It says 74 days on that pic, but I think I chopped them two days later, day 76. That was only because I got aphids that round, probably woulda let them go 12 weeks if not for that, but the “early” chop didn’t seem to affect the smoke at all. It was still super-stony and had a very long-lasting and extremely enjoyable high, too. Great weed.

I mean, if you wanna get off the “clone train” haha I don’t think you’d be disappointed with those seeds. I have like three packs left, really oughta plant some more. I just don’t know if I’m ready to take cuts and keep moms around and shit, which I feel like I should do the next time I run those BAH’s. And the Mexican Melons. And the C. Gold x Dragon Energy. And… and… and… haha.


Dude your posts are making me ache for new tents and setups. Beautiful work hermano!


Day 29F for Blueberry x T-1000


Hah, like a bunch of little pitchforks or something. She does that more toward the tops, I don’t think she likes the high light intensity. The buds further down are better shaped, they look easier to manage and trim.

Thanks for the info… fuck aphids. I’ve seen people take the BH7 15-16-maybe 20 weeks? I may snip some samples around 14 weeks, it could be a personal preference thing… heard the sweet spot is 105-110 days though.

Man, I’m chained to the train! Haha, nah, after I run the Spell Caster, Cluster Funk, Pine Soul, Bubba Kush, Triangle Kush, Irene OG, Chem D and Chem 91, I’m gonna pop some seeds. Either Freeborn’s HPK x SkyCuddler DoubleKush or a Bodhi Wookie cross…

It’s gonna be real cool to run them after running the mom. Heard that about taking clones and keeping mothers though. It’s more fun to just plant seeds and grow them. I end up worrying about bugs getting on my mother plants, or now the virus shit. But it is fun to do some practice cloning here and there… you can just throw them outside like I do and see what happens. If they die… they die.

Thanks buddy! I’m itching to get out of the tents and into a room… but that’s just a pipe dream right now! Tents will have to do for now…

Looking great dude! Super healthy. Seeing a lot of T-1000 in this one. She hasn’t stretched too much, the petioles are really long like I remember seeing on T-1000. The buds on T-1000 were pretty dense, while much more loose and leafy on the BB. Is she smelling like dank kushy bud, more than fruity blueberries?


You got the pinesoul Gogi cut?!


Archive has it, I can’t personally confirm if it’s B’s cut, but I think it is.


Bad ass should be some killer stuff the pinesoul leaner of the old soul I just lost to spider mites is some of the most greasiest loud weed I’ve grown stoked to see that one grown out amongst the rest of that killer list :joy:


I’d love get a cut of Pine Soul, not much chance of that in UK though :laughing:

I’m a huge fan of Soul Mate, I think it’s been very underrated for years now.


My pinesoul old soul leaner builds up sticky greasy resin rings on the jar lids the weed

for sure a cut that I’d love to have :joy: @SonsOfAvery think those pinesoul crosses are underrated for sure


Yeah, the bottom two-thirds of that BAH plant I grew looked “normal”; it was just the top third that got all “devilish”-looking haha.

I mean, I think it just depends on the plant. Right? Of the four I grew, there was only one that I wished I coulda grown for 100+ days; the other three seemed pretty ready to chop when I chopped on day 76. But who knows? Maybe they woulda been even better if I’da let them go 16 weeks haha, I dunno. They were pretty gawddamn good as is.

Shouldn’t there be a decent amount of information about those specific cuts you’re growing? What did the people who selected them say about them?

You got a cut of that? Sweet. Have you mentioned that before? I think I missed that if you did, but I’m suuuuuper-stoked you got that. That’s one of my favorite Bodhi hybrids.

I know, I do, too. And really, it’s more just like sometimes I like not having to deal with plants and tents and temps and lights and shit every day. You miss it, then you don’t, then you do, then you don’t again haha… Keeping mothers around and shit, though… I dunno… It sounds like a pain in the ass haha. I like taking a month off every now and then.

Maybe I’m just lazy haha.


Oh definitely. The IX 3.0 seems to have faster finishing plants in the mix, the Church is supposed to be about 80-90 days. I mean, there’s probably no 50 day plants in there, but I think you could find some 75-80 day plants.

For sure, gotta get on that discord man… :wink:

Some info about the Church cut and others. There’s more info out there, just some examples of what I’ve been picking up.

Yeah, another OG member hooked me up with his cut. I was burnt on the 88g13hp crosses, but something about them just hits the spot, sooo I’m definitely looking forward to running that one.

Amen… I haven’t stopped for that long since I’ve started, except when I moved. I’m due for a break, but just can’t stop myself… haha! A friend recently asked if he could help out with stuff, and I realized that I’m so attached to my plants that it’s hard to let someone else in to take care of them, or even help with trimming or whatever. Once you know what you want, or what your standards are, it’s tough to convey that to another person, especially if they haven’t been around cannabis before. Anyways, everyone wants something different from the plant, I’m glad everyone gets to explore it in their own way…


ooh is that from Headies?

Sounds and looks like my assessment on this bandaid line may be correct then, that it’s basically an A5 BX1, with thai as the outcross. No C5 citrus/fruity stuff popping out of those? I get the same traits in my own haze line, Purple/maroon fade, huge yield, incense terps… If it is indeed a bx than it’d probably be best to make F2’s and search through those rather than run keepers from the IX… I’d think there’d be even better plants hiding inside there :thinking: Regardless, excitedly waiting on reports from you and the day I can finish these up myself too ^^