Testers Needed - Puck HP BC3 Series

There looks to be a lot of Puck HP influence in them! What I have liked so far with the other Puck HP crosses that C&C has done is how it lets the other strain come through while passing along some nice Puch HP traits too.


Update time.
I gave all of them a food bump, with some various Down To Earth goodies.
I add either 1 or 2 tbls. langbeinite, fish meal, acid mix, neem meal, feather meal, oyster shell.
I think I’m using another outfits Bat Guano, the little Puckers got a portion of that to.
Giving each 1 g pot a decent tablespoon or so, trying to read each plants needs.
Then a nice heavy drench of Cap’s/ Bio War Nute Pack.
I leave them with full saucers, and 1 hour later it’s all wicked up!
Very soon to be, be up potted into 3 g’s, and into the 18/6 tent they will go, waiting for flower area space to open up. If their sexuality pops, clones will be taken. It always shows up in flower, LOL so I may take cuts then also.
Yeah so we’re in the 55-60 days or so, yeah right on schedule, for my weird perpetual set up.

Getting close to halftime!! I love up potting season! Means sweet dreams coming soon!
Loving them!


Looking good! I’m looking forward to seeing them in flower.

It’s been a few days since I up potted the Puck Lights.
I’m running low on pots, so I had to visit the Pile Of Faded Dreams, to see what I could conjure up.
I dug out some 4 g’s, 5 g’s, and a few square 3 g’s, had to then clean them up, in some bleach water.
They then went into the 18/6 tent, to wait for some flower area spots to open up.
So, step by step, we will get to run these ASAP!!

Damn excited to see these in flower!!


Apologies for the lack of updates… it’s been such a crap year… I’ve been having to remove some rot here and there off a few plants, but they’re still out there doing their thing. Looks like the weather is really going to go to shit again at the end of the week, so we’ll see how much longer I can hold out.

I’ve been so focused on the damp and badness I haven’t done a proper one over for male parts recently, but I definitely haven’t noticed anything.


@webeblzr plants are looking great. Looking forward to flower too!

@yardgrazer maybe the pot gods will bring some nice indian summer weather for them to finish. Back in the very old days when I ran a few things outside this time of year and for the next four weeks was always stressful wondering what the weather might be.


Ok, last evening, I pulled the 5 - Puck Lights (part 1) from the transition tent (18/6) and into a flower are that still has a few ladies ripening off to the side. A bit snug, for now, but in a week or so, the eviction notices will be enforced, and those ladies executed, dismembered, and her naughty bits placed in jars, the other off fall, goes to indoor composting buckets.
I’ll be up potting the Puck Lights part 2 beans or the second half of the gripe of beans Comacus gifted me.
I’d been holding them in veg, as I had poorly planned my area with to much growing on.
I cut back food, raise the LED’s, to slow their metabolism down, the crazy little wild beasts they are!
I also had to re-mix up about 70 gallons of reused medium, added DTE goodies, large chunk perlite/Sunshine #4/coco husks, then with a hoe and snow shovel, mixed it all up, and filled my 2 -35 gallon Rubber Maid trash cans, and gave them a couple gallons of tea.
Puck Lights part 1, 5 plants to me, all lovely!

OK, will be taking clones when the sex report shows up.
Shit gets real now!! I’ll be back!


Beautiful job!


Just to be open, I did not forget the part 2 of the seed gripe, they are still wallowing around in 4" nursery pots. Buying me some time, and space, to race to the final flowering frontier.
Not much to see but being transparent as a tester. Thanks again Comacus!


So far my testers have been pretty solid. I did have a single male flower on a Casey Jones IX1 cross which is not completely unexpected. I went ahead and chopped that one since I had so many going. This weekend I noticed a single male flower on the Tuna Kush cross. I cut off that bud and will monitor. The Tuna Kush also had a single male flower but once I chopped it off there were no more so we’ll see.

They are at 4 weeks of flower so the next few weeks should tell a lot if the male with a few female flowers passed along any higher risk of intersex.

I just can not go without making seeds if I have pollen. I had (3) female Purest Indica and (1) male so dusted a few lowers on the three Purest Indica and the NL2 from Authentic Genetics.

I also dusted a few lowers on the Puck HP BC3 Testers with the Puck HP BC3 #4 male to essentially make a first BC with the Puck HP BC3 Testers. I dusted some of what where my favorites from the Puck run including Red Skelly, Puck Mints, Love Puck, Puck OG18, Wrecked Skelly, and Tuna Puck.

Here are a few shots from week 4 of 12/12.


Damn beautiful ladies Comacus!!

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Fingers crossed no more male parts pop up on you!! Best of luck with them!!

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Just to stay on track, and be transparent during the run, I did find 2 males in the flower area the other night. The other 4 showed their lady parts, 3 larger sized plants are dead on identical, and one smaller lady, and since I’m a size does not matter grower, she is most welcome!
First male.

Second mal.

These are good to grow.

My pic of the shorty sucked real bad, I’ll get some later on of her.


Your plants are looking great. Males are OK. We just hope no females with male flowers. So far my testers have been pretty good but I am also entering week 5 of flower so if something odd is going to pop up I expect it in the next couple weeks.


Speaking of full-transparency… two photos. First shows three of the Petrolia Pucks… after taking photos I noticed more rot on the one in front in the first photo and had to toss two big colas. This has been a truly terrible year for anything with any density at all… so not a great shock. Second photo is a close-up of the plant left-rear of the first photo… not quite as dense so might do a little better.

I think I might have cuts from the one in front that I’m hoping to flower out indoors if I can manage to winterize the space they’re in. TBH after this year… I love my own outdoor flower… but I think I may put more focus on indoor next year. Last year was great weather-wise, this year has been the absolute pits.

ETA: Now that I look again I’m only seeing two Petrolia Pucks in the first photo… maybe the other one is hiding behind the one in front, I dunno… could swear there were three in that photo.


I hope you are able to get some nice buds from them. They sure look nice in the pictures!


What did you think of the purest indica? Was thinking about grabbing some of those.

These are the first three I am running on the purest indica I am running. So far they look very unique and are starting to get resiny. Will check them for smells tomorrow when I am looking everything over.


DAMN, I did not take my camera along last night, but these Puck Lights, I recently poked into a flower area, look to be stacking early buds up like crazy, in these first couple of weeks! I did not expect to see anything much at all!
I’ll NOT make that mistake again, tonight, I’ll snap the preflower plants, and the Part 2 plants, also.


Puck Lights part 2 still in veg area, all sturdy and stout, and bulking up!!

The first batch are in flower now, my plant was to enter these into flower about a month apart, that may work still, but part 2’s may go into flower after the the first batch is done.
I love the wee beasts!!