TestOfOath's Happy Place

ATF has a really good stretch going on so figured I’d transplant just cause, they’ll stay in the 1 gallons till I’m done seeding them


I just always have so much going on that when I do clean up what I’m doing it just kinda gets thrown on my grow room table till I feel like cleaning THAT up. Between my buddies that come over and the people I help, kids, my own lazy ass, seems like the mess never ends from outside to inside lol.

We’ve also only had our house for a few years now and keep acquiring shit we have no place to store, we need more shelves and totes and all that to be able to organize stuff. Working on it over the next year or two, as always the problem is the wife and I finding time and energy lol. Put up a pool, landscaped it, built a treehouse for the kids with Rockwall and slide and climbing net thing, got the greenhouse and garden (we failed the garden 2nd year in a row, it’s so god damn big to have to weed), acre of lawn to take care of. My house was a fix and flip so I’ve been having to ACTUALLY fix all the stuff they covered up and just made look nice

Fucking list never ends lol, I drink so much coffee :joy:


Reminds me of this:

I find “GOOD gardens” are usually the result of years of working the same plot. Our veggie garden is 8 years old this year, and we totally redid the fencing this year (groundhogs and rabbits, ugh!). But my soil has been tilled and worked for years. THAT helps with the weed seeds. We also usually mulched our paths with triple ground mulch, so when we till the garden that gets worked in. This year with the changeup, we decided to use “straw mulch” or “hay mulch”. basically a lower grade bale of hay thats no longer suitable for feed. It looked like it could be really seedy / weedy from the outside, but I gotta admit, it surprised me. Its kept most weeds down, and didn’t bring in new weed seeds! A little concern about the moisture it holds as I find slugs when I lift up the edges of it (kinda goes down like a mat), but not much slug damage in the garden. Spreading coffee grinds around now for the slugs, dont wanna give em my beer just yet…

Dude… What they don’t tell you when you buy a home… “You will create a list of 100 projects in the house to do. By the time you finish that list, at least 20 items on that list will need updates / attending to”. Basically… its a never-ending honey-do list!


I was incredibly fortunate to decide to get my home when I did, pandemic hit 1-2 years in, interest rates plummeted to keep the economy up so I refinanced at a lower rate than my 750-800+ credit score parents, while gaining 70k in home equity because of the housing market. So I decided now would be an ideal time to get a 35k home equity loan while I have the opportunity. So that virtually paid off all of our petty debts, I now own my ZR2 outright and both of my vehicles I own gained mass value because of the used car market. I put over 80k on my car driving 120 miles round trip to work daily and could sell it right now for what I bought it for :joy:

Point is I’ve been surprised by the mass amounts of upkeep and investment cause it was a house someone fixed and flipped and I got screwed but it turned out in the end, really really well.

Wild fucking times we live in man, just wild. I’m just trying to hang on and come out on top, seize opportunity while it’s here


Be wary of quick jumps right now though, I literally had a realtor at my house last year a month before pandemic hit, was considering moving permanently to Mexico. They gave me a value of $220-230k, and likely accept an offer in the $210k-220k range they said, there were 3x the houses on the market compared to demand, a total buyers market. This past winter, that same realtor called me to “check in”. BEGGED me to list at $330k, said I might get a bidding war and could go to $350k. Sadly, Mexico fell thru, and I’m not selling now. But executives from NYC were scrambling to get out of the city, and I’m not far from the city, but definitely in the country with 100 acres of woods behind the house (not mine, but you get the idea). I do wanna get outta here, taxes and shit are WAY high, and I can’t force myself to commute into NYC for the big $$… Did that for a year, and said F THAT. spend 6-8 hours a day in traffic, for whats otherwise 45 mins 1 way? I wasn’t born to sit in a car for 1/3 of my day…

That being said, my house is the one I was raised in. Inherited it 13 years ago, paid off the rest of the mortgage (funny how my parents bought it for $40k in 1979, and yet in 2007 I still had to pay off $70k… Goddamn high interest rates of the 80s!) As far as I can remember, they never took out any home equity loans, etc, and that puzzled me. Paying on a house for almost 30 years and yet still have almost double the initial loan to pay off… WTF? At least its now paid off. But my monthly taxes are the same as 2 bedroom apartments monthly rent in many places… Still… I have done a LOT of work here, and living here for 40 years, kinda know all the good and bad about the house by now. New roof (down to the rafters) last summer, and interior renovations in 2010. Outside gardens are years of work, flower beds, ornamental trees / bushes, stuff that just takes time to grow and fill in. Koi pond thats ecologically balanced as it needs nothing other than a good spring cleaning each year, and its clear, and healthy fish. THOSE things make it hard to want to sell… There’s no way I can instantly replace that, and I wouldn’t want to buy a house with it all, already done, know what I mean?

what to do, what to do, what to do? still on the fence, but really do need to get out of here…

Hopefully before this bubble pops, and my house goes back down to $230k (and realtor does estimate this bubble will only last a year or two, depending on covid really). The catch-22 there though is… anything I then buy will also likely be at top dollar. Unless I rent till the bubble pops, then buy again… That might be the path for me…

Vehicles are another wild ride now, as are most electronics. Never in my life did I see a vehicle shortage, and because certain computer chips are in short supply, its affecting SO many things, I would never have thought the used car market would go up like it has.

As for the amount invested in a fixed / flipped house, thats a crapshoot. Lots of people flipping houses, and LOTS of them don’t know the first thing about building codes, or just don’t wanna spend the money to do it right when they can hide it with sheetrock and let the buyer deal later. A friend of mine flips houses, honestly, most of the work done is cosmetic, meanwhile it hides age or future issues, but is ok “right now”. Not my gig, I like to do shit right, and would probably lose my shirt on a flip… Eventually though, the house is YOURS, you know all its quirks, whats good, whats bad, and what needs attention… Best part? Doing what you want with it / in it :slight_smile:


All incredibly solid points bud, always amazes me how much stoners like us used to be looked down upon as just dumb and lazy :joy: truly funny when ya think about it.

Unfortunate about the Mexico fall through, I work with a lot of seasonal immigrants from Oaxaca (it’s a MUST FIND on my seed list because of this) and they’re some of the most solid l, hard working motherfuckers I’ve ever met. I’ll outwork anyone and these guys keep up with and even put me to shame sometimes. Fucked up my knee trying to keep up with them :joy: I’m only 30! Handful of them are pretty good buddies of mine now, been to my house to help trim in Croptober, invited me to theirs if I ever visit Mexico. Fascinating place and culture, I’m super jealous they HAVE culture, as Americans we don’t quite get that in the way they do, we’re only a few hundred years old as a culture vs thousands or tens of thousands like the mixteca and Zapoteca and all the ancients in Mexico.

I understand the bubble that’s why I took advantage of the parts of it that I could while I could, I don’t plan on moving for about 6-10 more years, get my worth out of the house and fix it right before I sell it. The upgrades I did already got me 20k equity before the 50k housing market boost, gotta focus on making it something the next person will genuinely want.

Also understand the nostalgia of a childhood home like that, my grandmother’s is that for me. Though we built it and it’s been paid off for some time, just summer and winter taxes in rural Michigan which aren’t much at all. 20ish acres and 2 story house in the woods, I’ll NEVER let that home leave my lineage, my kids are going to cherish it just as much as I do… Well I hope so anyways. The happiest moments of my life with the people that made me the happiest happened there and 4 of the 5 are dead now, short of my mother. It’s a very VERY lonely existence and I have to find happiness where I can (sorry for the sad, the walls have cracks sometimes)

I’d hold on to what you’ve got while you’ve got the opportunity, enjoy it and then when the time is ripe and you know things will work out you can say goodbye and have closure in a sense. Like you said even if we did sell for a shit ton more, we’d be in those exact bidding wars trying to buy a house while we’re out of one


I do laugh at that. For a daily smoker, I’ve done more than many of my “clean” friends. I own my home outright, never sold so much as a dime of weed either, thats just plain and simple job / work ethics. Own my vehicles, had / have an assortment of toys from ATVs / jet ski / buggy to a 3d printer farm. Raced atv’s at a national level (GNCC and ATVA nationals) and even placed 3rd in the ATVA nationals season overall. Became a certified scuba diver, then became a certified dive instructor, and I have a college degree too. Hmmm… Lazy stoner just doesn’t seem to fit…

That hit hard… Lost a good friend in that battle, worked with him over the last 5 years building a dive operation, just bought our 2nd boat then pandemic hit. Was doing really well in Cozumel, and I went down 1 week before pandemic hit last year and then stayed there till almost June. Went back for Oct - Feb, and left then because of money issues. I don’t like paying for fuel out of my pocket when we have full boats of paying customers, and chasing that, plus some basic safety issues (waiting 3 1/2 weeks for an oxygen tank to be refilled? if I lost a diver because my O2 tank is empty, in the US its a civil suit, in Mexico, >I< go to jail until financial compensation is figured out). Yup. No Mexican jails for me! It sucks, but its a life lesson, and was still a wild ride. Living out of the country for extended periods of time opens your eyes to the other cultures so much more I believe. The ages-old culture is amazing, Cozumel is Mayan territory, so Chichen Itza, ruins at tulum, san gervasio, etc… Yucatan peninsula area… Some amazing history when you see ruins like Chichen Itza in person. Like THAT was built with no machines? wow!

I had co-workers from Puebla when I was in the pond industry. And I agree, they outworked any American kid we hired. And they were smart. I really hate the stereotypes, because I’d take 1 solid Mexican vs 3 “kids” who twirl shovels like batons while the Mexican actually shovels… (true story btw)

If you have the opportunity to keep something like that in the family for generations, thats truly awesome! My pops was from Colombia, and I have yet to visit down there, but there was no property or anything down there anyway. Mom was from Weehawken, and again, no property, and all my grandparents died when I was younger. Wish my family had a place like that. Closest to that is we have a “family” place down the shore, near Seaside Heights (yeah yeah yeah, Jersey Shore is NOT about the jersey shore so much as its about Long Island clubrats that came to Seaside). Great uncle bought it when it was $2000 for the lot, $2000 for the bungalow back in the 40s. Been in the family since and cannot be sold, MUST be willed to the next generation. Great perpetual will thing my uncle did, and its now on its 3rd generation since then. We can all use it, assuming there’s room (couches pull out, etc can fit like 23 people in a tiny bungalow), just gotta contribute to yearly upgrades. My cousin owns it, and cannot refuse family if there’s room, or he loses it and it goes to the next in line. Thankfully, its always been a peaceful place, no drama, no BS… Love the shore house. Wish it was mine, but its just as good as mine. (and dang it went up in value. $4k invested in the 40’s., Worth $850k today). Lagoon frontage w/ 4 slips on Barnegat Bay…

I’ll likely stick around here for another year or two. I’d love to return to Utila, Honduras someday, spent 4 months there and got heavily involved in beach cleanups there while I did my instructor certifications for scuba. Don’t think my time there is done yet, but its not a place I can go to, work and make money to retire sadly… But you CAN retire there, just not work to live as its hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck due to the fact there’s an abundance of freshly graduated instructors looking for work (Utila is one of the 2 biggest places worldwide to become a scuba instructor). Still… I love that tiny island…

This video gives ya a good idea of the island… Most of it was filmed AT the dive center I did my instructor cert at. Gotta say… the lyrics describe the island. The “Three Lies” are very true…Dr. John is very real… And the weed is total shit, but cheap as hell (QP for $25 if you know locals). First time I was there I saw 3 cops total in 3 months… Now I think they have a half dozen on the island. Was really strange the first time I lit up a joint at a table in a restaurant, but people just looked the other way for the most part. I understand thats changed a bit in the last year though :frowning:

ok, back to your Happy Place, enough of this banter, Post more pics~!!


Thank you for making my morning awesome bud, genuinely!


As requested :joy:

Dosi Kush (don’t mind the deficiencies I’m learning hydro the hard way)

Dosi Cut getting frostyyyy, good ole Ethos genetics

Dosi Walker long n tall but got some gnarly size nugs already and growing daily, also a tiny bit deficient


Well your happy place has been an interesting read this morning , I understand about the house rehab very much so . I have always lived in older houses all my life & it’s always something to fix or repair . The last 25 yrs my family & I lived in a 100 yr old farm house .

We decided when I was 50+ to build a new home , just me & wife …no contractors ! It was almost the best idea i’ve ever had ! Except we waited 10 yrs to late to start . Long story is it’s taken us 5 yrs but we got no mortgage & I know every inch of it was done correctly so it should last our lifetime .

If I could get the younger generation to listen to this ole fart I would say " Start while your young so you will be able to enjoy it when your old "



Thanks a million for the beans :heart:


How’d the envelope hold up out of curiosity? Still in solid condition?


Thank you for reading, makes me very happy to share! Also I agree with your advice and admire what you n your wife were able to do, thanks for checking my place out!


Yup! I even saved it for the Beth sticker lol


That’s was good read unfortunately my family is well barely a family grew up with my Grandma her and my aunt bought a house together where pretty much most of us have stayed want to talk about wild lol 10 plus people in a 4 bedroom

Past all that I up and left at 19 been working ever since halfway through buying my first car and have bought all my grow stuff with the exception of the dab press my gf got that for me

Proud to say I’ve worked to get where I am lol now that I’ve been here for a while starting to feel the clutter lol :joy: between all the grow stuff my stuff gf stuff there’s a lot of stuff lol

My gf and I put currently starting to save to buy our own place were just not sure where we would like to where we currently we have zero relatives on either side we’re basically live where we do cause there’s work everywhere

Anyways that’s my little ramble for the day you inspired lol now I need to smoke only smoked one bowl this morning so far


@wherethefriesat you actually almost got the sex robot by chance but I thought it was inappropriate lol Beth is much more badass :grin:


Appreciate you sharing :grin: I built everything I have by myself as well and it makes for a damn good feeling of being proud of it all.

A lot of my motivation throughout my life was to make it in spite of what everyone thought or said or wanted to tell me was possible, I say “fuck that, watch me do it” every single time.

And when I do finally get up, get to where my family is set and I’ve got extra money on top of it I’ll be damned if I’m not bringing everyone with me that supported me along the way.

I already make more than my single mom of 2 ever did raising us, 30 years old and only have my GED and no college making 40-50k a year a paper, slightly more by supplementing my income in various ways. I want to be able to make her have 0 fear of retirement, she just flat out knows she’s gravy cause that’s what she deserves for the ungodly hard life she’s had to endure, partially at my expense.

I’ll make it all happen though and you guys can even strap in for the ride too :grin:


Are those spider mites in your grow room? Or outside?

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In the grow room unfortunately

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That’s the mark of a man right there. Nothing can stand in your way on the path to greatness.