TestOfOath's Happy Place

I have a couple of autos doing the same thing, looks like fox tailing. I have been moving them inside at night in my workshop and put a couple of lights on them. I couldn’t find any of my timers easily they were all on a box after moving. So I left the lights on all night, it seems you can almost re veg an auto after 2 weeks of 24 hour light lol.

I found the timers yesterday, as the plants are in the workshop 24/7 until they finish now, its getting to cold during the day as well as night. Hoping they will correct themselves and finish soon.


I moved my outdoor plant in about a month back after spending the summer outside.

She really improved in doing so she definitely got beastly spending all that time vegging. Hope yours turn out good.


Interestingly some babies are happy and some are not, I did mix each cup individually but I’m pretty certain they were close to being the same. Added 7 gallons or so to the reservoir and 3-12-12 and some other stuff that’s insignificant NPK wise, TDS is still around 650 but should be way less heavy on the nitrogen now. Been feeding at 6.3. Still riding along lol, whenever one of those ICC gets close to 12 inches I’m gonna transplant everything to 1 gallons and flip and spray and let her do her thing regardless of how it all looks as per usual :joy: :joy:

Has anyone ever managed to fix their seed addiction? I continually tell myself I’ve got enough and then trade for 10 more cultivars. Since my last post I received your seeds @DannyTerpintine @Loggershands @PeaceCoast @Tuned and stamps from @MrGreenJeans (I’m almost certain I’m forgetting to tag folks I received and I’m sorry if I forgot you)
Appreciate the hell out of you guys, every new cultivar I get gets me newly excited at all the possibilities, just statistically the sheer volume of my collection could make a wildly high number of crosses and there’s not much in it that that isn’t the plan for, we’ll see if I can mange it all in one lifetime :rofl: :rofl:


I have 26 mylar bags labelled A-Z. Then I store my seeds in there by name or by breeder. And I have a redundant excel spreadsheet to keep track of everything. Although I’m always trying to figure out better ways to organize it too lol.

… granted sometimes I just open the seed drawer in the fridge and toss them in. Now I have to wait until it’s colder outside of the fridge before I open it to reorganize everything lol.


Has anyone ever managed to fix their seed addiction?
It’s cool to see the seed exchange going on here. I have enough to keep my little tent going for a while. But you guys make it very tempting. Ja ja


Nice, glad they made it :+1:


I only have my physical copy so far but I’m working on filling out a spreadsheet as well… I’m up to 69 so far (lol) but I need to finish filling it out so I’ve got more than just the physical copy.


ADDICTION?! We are collectors sir. :tophat:


If I’m addicted, I guess my addiction is just getting started. I’m growing just for my family and friends, and my gear is pretty basic, so my needs are simple. At the rate I’m growing, I’ve probably already got enough seeds to keep me happy for the next decade. (I’ve bought most of them, been gifted some, and won a few too.)

Having said that, I can certainly appreciate the temptation… Seeds represent “hope.” They offer the potential for good things to come. They are little storage capsules, conveniently containing the “magic” of life. Just add water! (…And make sure not to screw up on anything else. Apply more LITFA than you’d expect to use.)


Who’s gonna watch my nervous goofy ass?



I’d definitely watch if I was on ig. If you post a YouTube video I’d love to watch

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When is this?

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You’re going to do just fine man!!!


I’ll second that! Your going to be great!


When he gets big time, he’s gonna have to have his own show. Then I’ll have to have special guest.Lol

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We’ll see if he still talks to us once he gets huge :joy:


9 pm EST is when I’m supposed to be on, its live now on instagram though


He has also been good to me.

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Bahahaha that’s incredibly high aspirations