TestOfOath's Happy Place

I smash it up in the freezer, and actually just take it out to dab some hash! I have a spoon in the freezer for smashing things. Wow that’s quite the color! Did you try and wash the color out after you made the hash?


I washed the ever living s**t out of every bag this time cause I’m usually too lax on my rinsing, that’s the collective of the 90, 73, and 45 bags if I’m not mistaken, the 25 bag was garbage and had lots of waste, green vs the purple of the other bags. I drilled a hole in the bottom of my drain bucket this time so I could constantly rinse everything to the bottom of each bag and then keep rinsing the hell out of it and it never got full to where I had to go dump or it whatever. Saved me a bunch of time and I just did it in the wash tub.


I was just reading about your win! I know I’m super late but congratulations :champagne::tada::balloon:
Holes on the bottom is definitely the way to go :grin:


Thanks! I’m dabbing prize winning hash out of the trophy right now lol!


I’d expect nothing else :joy:. Guessing the hot knives are in a museum now


I just wanna be like @JoeCrowe! This wasn’t at all for science just wanted to have the hash from that TC cause of the terps but the bonus of it being purple is pretty sweet. Next year’s outdoor harvest though (assuming I don’t screw it up again) you watch, I’m gonna be all up in your wealth of knowledge so I can get that much further in my hash game.

The trophy came in the form of a dab rig? Can we see? That’s gotta be a sick feeling brother, congratulations


It’s a sick piece! He got all the bells and whistles once he educated himself also.
I particularly loved reading about the pained express on his buddy’s face when told the prize wining hash was being consumed with hot knives :joy:


hah hah the unicorn is living in a world of haze.
Oh it was priceless I told him I was using hot knives on my rosin it was like I slapped him. You’re destroying good product!! He exclaimed.


I just was reading about this last night! I had great visuals thanks to your descriptions. Good….pretty sure the word is great product. Murdered the competition :joy:


@JoeCrowe that’s hilarious to think about on many levels, the fact you are making such phenomenal product and don’t have at least a Hunibadger or Puffco Plus or something to dab with is awesome lol. Glad you finally got a rig though! Do you enjoy the hash that much more now that you can theoretically control temps for flavor and stuff?

All the plants immediately look happier after switching the grow room around. With the extra lights on temps jumped to mid 80s and I shut the dehumidifier off so VPD is closer to what it needs to be. Keep these growth rates up and I’m gonna be spraying these ICC #5 before we know it! Transplant will be coming soon, before the spray, as well. Gotta go grab more coco, vermiculite, manure, and a couple top dressings I’m running low on. Don’t really have the money for it right now cause I haven’t been working but also don’t really have the opportunity to wait either, so credit cards it goes on


I’ve got a proxy and a terp slurper, now. When I go places, I take the proxy, but at home, it’s always the slurper! The flavor is way better than the knives. I was probably inhaling lots of formaldehyde from thermal decomp at 600C with those stupid things. I hit it at 305C, like I learned from the pros.


Did some more rearranging, ph went from 6.3 to like 7.5 overnight so I readjusted it, see if it bounces that hard again. The new 1 gallon and fabric pot are the two ICC that were whiny this whole time, did one with the new soil, chicken, and cow manure, and dolomite lime and langbeinite and the fabric pot without the lime and langbeinite. Gonna get this organic shiz down, you watch. Everything’s looking happier at least, temps really jumped though and I don’t wanna have to turn AC on in almost November, heat wave needs to gtfo

Last night on the two ICC for reference day to day

Today ICC

One of my lights was blinking, so I had to swap it out and rewired with my trimming scissors cause I’m a redneck deep down. Controller isn’t working anymore, its glitched at a specific time and has like this waviness to the pixels on the screen like its getting too much power or something

Moved everything out of the tent and turned the other light on, getting 10k lux at the tops on the table and tried to tone down to 15-20k on the bigger plants, less wattage means less heat and less stress, as long as they’re no stretching we’ll be good. TC is the 2 on the end, everything else except the seedling is ICC #5

The 3 Brawndo

What I thought was 2 Rick James but I’m wondering if is 1 Rick James 1 ICC at this point, will continue to monitor and keep tagged when shucking.

And the two Tapi Tapi

Tent mother box

Paczkis F1 regs I’m sprouting with @Loggershands cause I wanted to test germ rates and make sure they’re not bunk seeds, 5 or 6 out of 10 so far, definitely slower sprouting and potentially lower germ rates than any of the others crosses so far

And the whole work in progress lol


@ELG your Kazakhstan landrace autos arrived today! Looks like they had a rough journey but the ever apologetic Canadians took care of the package nicely! Excited as ever about the prospects of Ice Cream Cake #5 autos!


Definitely looking a lot better brother. Nice to see you a little more enthusiastic about your plants. Lol. :+1::+1::v:


Gotta love our neighbors to the north. :two_hearts:


@TestOfOath seen some of your stuff on ILGM. Pure michigan.


What’s good everyone, back with an update of all the pics I’ve been taking but have been too lazy/depressed to post. Not working can really make you feel like you’ve lost your worth. But I’m working on it all and not giving up, just gotta get highly motivated again now that things are falling into place.

There’s gonna be a ton of photos and I suck with the grid option thingy so I’ll write here and label everything as well, guess its more for me to be able to keep track lol but it’ll make it easier to read either way.

So I dropped some of those Kazakhstan @ELG sent, he’d warned about lower germ rates and I’m excited to see a Kazakh landrace either way so I figured I’d toss 10 in and let any females that come live, if they can survive my super soil medium experiment. I think I had 6 Paczkis sprout but 1 didn’t survive the transplant, so 60% germ rate and 1 not really plantable after sitting in worm castings all weekend, hopefully they’re super nice flowers I guess @Loggershands. So the Paczkis got transplanted and then the Kazakh autos got tossed in, the 4 that sprouted got laid in there and the rest that hadn’t popped got slightly pushed in for extra moisture but to no avail, I could’ve cracked them but it was just an experiment to learn what I can about them. Mixed up some more super soil and added dolomite lime and langbeneite, feeding at 6.5-7, probably needed more perlite but plants grow outside in tighter packed dirt so f it right, as long as they’re growing. Cause they’re still unhappy lol but at least growing faster and greener now. I bought a General Hydroponics Aeroflo 20 aeroponics system like the one @BIGJ has as my first business purchase cause I need that reliable explosive growth for breeding, gonna keep my timing on track every time so I can really crank things out.

Kazakh like naturally magnetically stuck together when tossed in

Paczkis after a weekend sitting on/in worm castings, any that didn’t crack got pushed in the tiniest bit

Kazakh after sitting on the meanwell driver for the weekend, I think 4 sprouted total

Paczkis transplant, 1 more pops up, the 2 had tiny tiny tails even after the others had grown like 3-4 inch tap roots, one didn’t come above the dirt.

Kazakh in worm castings

Full tent shot, I turned the lights down to about 75w each, 150w total in the tent

Had these cool little root spirals on a couple plants during transplanting

Made a batch of ice hash with this year’s trim from my brother in law, its in the fridge drying and getting squished into sandy dust

Whole tent photo few days later, Paczkis are up and growing and Kazakh is transplanted

After Ice Cream Cake, Tropicana Cherry, and Mountain Cream got transplanted into 1 and 3 gallon pots

Everything else struggling to green up, but doing it


And that brings us up to today, last night I started sprouting a couple cultivars for my buddy’s grow as he’s working towards finishing flower on what I gave him, this is the most recent photo I have cause he sucks at keeping up with pictures, I really gotta go take some cause his whole tent is research on what I’ve bred. Lent him 2 of my opticled’s to really pack some light into the tent, he was worried his wasn’t enough. Got a decent amount cracked/tails coming out within 24 hours, there’s Strawberry Akeil x Black Candyland and Purple Romulan x Black Candyland which I’m pretty sure are up in this thread somewhere, they were both incredible strains and the last black candyland cross I grew was that big ridiculous nugged plant so I have really high hopes for both. Then some Rick James fems cause of @BIGJ’s father in law story about freaky ice cream and Pictured Rocks to top it off, I wanna see about that Blue Moon Rocks x Pure Michigan F2 pain relief, could be a real medicinal strain. Also did Ice Cream Hashplant fems (PCK x ICC #5) and Sundae Smash fems (ICC #5 x Purple Mendowreck) from @BIGJ cause they can both be backcrossed with the ICC #5 fem pollen that’ll be flying, but I’m gonna wash and trim roots on the 1 gallons, put those in the hydro, and the new fem seeds as well, I wanna shove as many plants in that hydro as I can, probably sex the Paczkis and throw the females in there to be hit with ICC too

Photos of everything today

Paczkis @Loggershands

Kazakh @ELG I think it’s only gonna be the 3 that make it, sorry I can’t do them more justice at the moment

6x ICC # 5

2x Tropicana Cherry

Mountain Cream

Tapi Tapi

2x Rick James or 1 rick james 1 icc? The leaf structure is similar but not enough that I think its both RJ yet, still suspicious

3x Brawndo

Worm castings ready to drop the rest of these seeds in


Looking great brother. Always enjoy your updates. Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Looking good! Nice wide leaves already! Ive got 3 going now, it was 4 but one wasn’t developing so they got trashed. 3 will work for getting one nice female to flower. Not much to see now but I’ll post some pics soon :grin: