TestOfOath's Happy Place

You’ve got lots going on, brother. Those are downright bulbous looking leaves on the Tropicana Cherry!

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Damn bro you deff got it going on …
And almost everything is looking healthy!
Fuck yeah !
I know how it is to be off work for a bit deff get restless and fall into a pity depression …start writing to do list it makes yah feel like you accomplished something throughout the day !
Good luck brother


Dam you got the circus happening there . I thought I was bad for strains . Lol

Things are looking great :+1:


Thanks guys I’m really happy it’s finally greening up. Had a setback yesterday, the 500$ I spent on an Aeroflo 20 needs to get refunded cause stoners can’t run websites and list things as out of stock. So I decided I’ll build my own, gonna go to home depot when it’s not 7am and start getting supplies.

But on a positive note the ICC is finally over 12 inches which means its flip and spray time baby!

The ICHP and Sundae Smash are gonna have to grow on flower timing to make it in the run but they should have plenty of time before pollen starts flying

@Loggershands I’m just hoping the females are as incredible as I’m picturing them to be in my mind at this point. The low germ rates for us both is a big nono on this cultivar for me.

@MrGreenJeans that was a mutant Tropicana Cherry to start with but my medium/nutrient debaucle definitely has it looking even crazier! I’m so curious to see the differences in flower if any

@Rabeats2093 I appreciate it man, it definitely is hard and has been making me feel like I’m worthless and of no use cause I’m not bringing money in working 50+ hours a week. In my mind I told myself I’d still be working 8 hours a day even if it’s at home, but it wasn’t as easy to do or stay motivated as I thought. Constantly working on it though, I try to be better every day than the day before. I should get a to do list that’s outside of strictly career/finance related, that would probably help a ton and keep me moving, motivated, and focused


Maybe I’m overly excited cause I’m impatient but the deed is done! Sprayed ICC #5 plant goes into flower now and in 2 weeks we flip the rest.


That’s awesome man. Everything is looking great. Keep you chin up bud


Bubble hash from the other day drying in the fridge still. Definitely not dab quality but the terps are on point


I used to take a layoff every winter. Mostly cause work would get slow and alot of guys had kids so I’d work on the house and ice fish all winter. The work you do on the pad gains equity like crazy so actually you are working making money just in a different way. Keep at it bro you’ll be good.


Just keep you chin up and keep plugging away!


When I retired from computer programming you feel like you’re doing nothing and making no progress in life. Freelance is way different! I chunk up my downtime with microscope work. After a while you cycle back up, and take the slack up. The transition is jarring.


I’m going to just add to the chorus of support here. Your doing great!!! The transition to working for yourself from pay checks is going to be an adjustment for sure.
It’s awesome that you are going to build your own system. I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to see all the details.


This right here is why there are a few canna-businesses I won’t use anymore. Not only do they have problems with inventory, shipping, and communication, but they also have problems taking responsibility for their errors.


It’s why I stopped going to the local hydro store. Didn’t open on time , poor inventory and this belief that I had to spend my money with them at there convenience
The one part of legal weed I truly appreciate is that these business have to be a responsible business


So few things going on and updates, I built my version of the General Hydroponics Aeroflo, its got 12 sites, might need a couple more modifications before being 100% done, gotta see how 2 inch net pots fit in it. Sending the Paczkis and some other seeds I sprouted to my buddy who grows our smoking weed. Stupid soil mix was too hot for when I put all the seeds I popped last update in and none of em ever really came up. Decided to try sprouting in the rock wool cubes and had decent luck, gotta figure out a new system since I’m gonna be mostly hydro now. This Friday is the day to flip everything into flower for the ICC # 5 S2 + crosses seed run. The Superflow 20 is supposed to be shipping today, hoping so cause it took way longer than I expected.

Pressed some of that bubble hash, this bag went smooth but I over packed the next one and it blew out cause I didn’t double bag cause the first bag made me overly confident. Some phenomenal rosin though.

My little helper always wants to be in the grow room lol

Impatiently testing the hydro system, everything worked fantastically, thinking I need bigger holes for the cups but we’ll see

Photos of everything today before half of it got replanted and ready to go to buddy’s house.

@ELG Here’s your Kazakhs that survived, one far right is for sure male and gonna get culled but they’re for sure autos with how they’re flowering already

Had to shove everything together to fit the system under its own light, just had a thought that it might fit in the tent by itself, gonna have to measure it and see


It looks like you’ve been very busy, brother! Nice to have the assistance of a little helper. :slight_smile:

…So, this is just to get them started (or for clones, maybe), right? Those seem pretty small.


Nice work man! Keep on rocking it.


Keeping super busy I see. How hard was it to build the hydro system?


I’ve always thought about building something like that. I’m interested in seeing how it works out for you. I was worried about the roots plugging it up. If all goes good for you I will probably start building one lol


@MrGreenJeans Possibly I could go up to 3 if I need to but the roots spread out into the the troughs once they take off so the net pot size isn’t really that big of an issue. I did wonder the same thing but this is still an experiment at this point lol

@Emeraldgreen I mean I eyeballed and rednecked the whole thing together so it was a little difficult at first, trying to connect the rubber hose from the pump to the PVC manifold, but after buying a bunch of crap from home depot and it not fitting my current PVC elbows/tees I had the epiphany of completely rubber hosing it and cutting the PVC completely out of the equation. In lawn sprinkler work the easiest/laziest way to fix a broken line was to put a bunch of connectors down to half an inch and funny pipe whatever was wrong, so I applied that same solution to this. Drilled holes in the rubber tubes and on the ends are ball valves inside that I opened half way so there was more flowing water, it was stagnant near the end where the stand is. All in all I’d say I spent 4 hours making it? 200$ or so in materials, the 7 gallon bucket and water pump are the most expensive parts.

@Kushking902 Nothing some root pruning couldn’t fix I would think, if you really needed to, my flow is kind of adjustable so I could lower it if need be if it gets too thick in there. I’ll definitely keep everyone posted on how everything progresses, I’m just as interested as you guys lol

She’s up and running now though, don’t mind the water temp I was impatient lol
Everything is Pictured Rocks F1 (BOG Blue Moon Rocks x Pure Michigan F2) except the one actual plant, that’s @ELG last Kazakhstan auto, the other 2 were for sure females but this one was stunted and then topped itself and is still doing its thing, so if it turns out to be female I want it to have an incredible life


Keep them plants small In The troughs. You will be ok. The 6 footers I grew last in it had stalks so big they were bowing the top of the trough. It pushed the hydroton right through the basket into the troughs. The plant supported themselves. It was a royal pain in the butt to chop the stalks out of the trough and have to cut all the roots to pull them little by little out of the troughs. Gotta get them out through those holes. Lol