TestOfOath's Happy Place

I want to build one with 5 inch square troughs with a 4 inch netpot. 7 foot troughs , 6 foot grow area 1 foot overhang to reservoir, 3 plants per trough 2 foot spacing. 2 maybe 3 troughs … larger low profile reservoir for more headroom , I would also make the internal spray line also. , just gotta find the right reservoir :+1::+1::v:


Superflow 20 finally came in, although I’m so overgrown at this point I have nowhere to put it cause it’s way bigger than I was picturing. But it’ll be perfect to run by itself and fit under my whole lighting setup once this is done, just run every main grow out of it and have my small one in the tent doing veg or autos or what have you. They even made the manifold just like I did out of 1/2 line and elbows/tees and did away with the PVC. I’ll update mine eventually with better tubing and all that, but so far she’s running like a champ with no issues. Sprouted some extra Pictured Rocks just in case germinating in the troughs didn’t work but it seems to be for the most part.

Got female pollen sacs forming on the ICC # 5 that got reversed, flipped everything to flower last Friday, 2 weeks from spraying, so by next Friday we should be pretty well into the transition and pollen should be damn near flying. Everything’s going relatively well grow wise, I’m feeding straight water now that I finally ran through what I had in the resevoir.


Bro…you good !?


He’s probably busy. He’s got a seed thing going on now. He’s probably got a bunch of projects.


@Rabeats2093 Yes, he has been very busy. I talk to him seems like at least couple times a week , we chatted a bit Monday. lol.


Okay just checking in on a OG ! I know he gets busy !
Thanks bro


Wow you got quite a lot going on there from the last time I popped in! :stuck_out_tongue: Good Stuff!

P.s. love seeing little dude in the garden helping too! Start 'em young! :100: :pray:


Sorry to worry everyone lol I appreciate the thoughts and concerns though

I’ve been fine just out here surviving, that’s all. Thinking of everything I haven’t been able to do/been doing makes me kick my own ass a bunch n keeps me anxious, so I’ve just been trying to move forward where I can. Started a night job cleaning buildings and waxing floors and stuff and been working for my sister in law when she’s got it available, sold off portions of my 401k in things that were negative and a company that’s gonna screw my shares with their bankruptcy agreement, hopefully be doing snow removal for my buddy who grows our smoking weed if it ever snows this year, so I’ve got bills covered a bit at least. Trying to get my seeds at a physical location here in Whitmore Lake, MI near Grow Green MI so I’ve got a little more exposure, I’m gonna go hard with campaigning and ads when these fem seeds land, its pretty much what everyone’s been waiting for. Seems like no one wants regular seeds nowadays

Grow is doing good, f’ing soil ended up giving me bugs again, noticed spider mites on the Brawndo plants a couple weeks ago just before pollen started dropping so I got to spray the run twice with Plant Therapy but haven’t wanted to screw up the pollen flying so I’ve let it go for a week or whatever its been. Started seeing stuff flying in the tent and the plants in there really looking sad, figuring there’s something eating the roots so drenched the roots and sprayed those earlier today. I can’t wait to not have to worry about soil bringing bugs in, full hydro after this seed run! Everything is still in the same soil as when it was bitchy at the start of this run just getting fed straight water now so they look a bit better

My self built system is doing pretty well, had to lower the water levels at @BIGJ suggestion which helped a lot with algae buildup on the rockwool which I probably won’t be using anymore for that reason, dampens off seeds really badly too. Everything in it is really starting to take root and they’ve been growing pretty well.

Here’s the ICC #5 S1 throwing pollen for everyone

Tapi Tapi at like 6 ft tall, I know I should’ve cleaned em up at bit more they been a bit neglected, just wait till ya see the one tall Brawndo lol

All the ICC #5 S1’s getting pollinated to become S2’s


Tropicana Cherry already kinda stacking, you can see all the pistils curled up having all caught some pollen, I shook above everything like 3+ times to make sure even new pistils were catching pollen and will probably continue to do so on the plants with smaller nugs cause they’re still throwing pistils constantly

Also been trying to collect what Ice Cream Cake #5 pollen I can in between shakings, I’m really hoping the Pictured Rocks in the hydro system starts throwing pistils soon so they can be my first fem cross of my two major projects. The goal from here on out is gonna be to run each strain in my new hydro system and feminize them and document them as I (we) do it so I get to know each one better and people have the feminized seeds they want as well


This is just amazing to me… I guess now growers just pop feminized beans instead of learning to clone and getting a rotation schedule down. I guess it is alot easier …
Plants are looking great hope you get a good harvest of beans In… Good luck with your seed business


I still love regular seeds! Although I have a new appreciation for fems


Nut bud! lol
We know you’re busy. Thanks for saying hello.


Just checking in brother been a little bit !


Hey has anyone heard from my man? I’ve dmd him and nothing. Hope all is well my brother. Hoping you’re so damn busy making and packaging seeds you just can keep up. :+1:t2:


Yes, I talk with him. We used to work together. We keep in touch . It’s Been about a week. I’m due to messages him lol . Last we talked He said he had been busy , he was trying to wrap some things up and he would be back :v:.


Hey man thanks a lot. Been wondering. I seen his genetics for sale on a bank site now I can’t even remember which one but it made me think bout him. Good deal.


No problem brother :v: I had seen he hadn’t been in in a while and I hadn’t heard from him so I shot him a text. I know he’s been working on the business end of things with his seeds and some other stuff he has going on. I sent home a message to check in on him a little bit ago. Let him know his OG fam is missing him. lol. :v:


Could you please say hello for me also! I’m hoping his new endeavors are keeping him busy and are working out beyond his wildest expectations


I see you lurking !
Hope all is well bro !


@BIGJ @Rabeats2093 @Emeraldgreen @Boozer @Hemp @Mrgreenthumb I appreciate you guys checking in on me during my hiatus, it means a lot. I’ll be making a long post(s) on everything I been doing later this evening. I’ve kept up on pics and stuff, just haven’t had the energy to keep up on posting while having my mid winter crisis. Ended up getting a nice fat haul of seeds from this seed run even though I ran into bug problems yet again, more on that later. Running a new hydro system starting like 2 weeks ago to hopefully mitigate some of the bug issues that I’m assuming are coming from my dirt, that’s been doing great, my home built one is doing decent too.


Take youre time getting yourself together !
Just glad to hear your alive and well !