TestOfOath's Happy Place

7 days and we’ve got some decent activity going on. Plain well water and two 4 inch air stones, clones dipped in rooting gel, scuffed all the stems when I cut the clones.

The land races getting big, still not showing sex cause I’m not 100% it’s dark enough with the 15w cloner light even with the blockade in-between.


I have to nitpick for a second…it’s kinda important to distinguish 1 teaspoon of what is about 7 grams. By continuing reading, I was able to infer you meant RAW nutrients, but that definitely doesn’t hold true for everything. Water, for example, can be estimated at 5g/tsp. Gypsum can be estimated at 4g/tsp.


Should also state it was the dry one of the A/B that weighed that, the opposite of the two is a wet compound and probably weighs that much more… Solid point and thanks for bringing it to my attention


How old are they? Are those Columbian Gold?


The one obvious sativa leaning one is 1970 Colombian gold :grin:, they’re about a month old, rest are highland Nepalese, 1973, and Pakistani Chitral Kush


These are the 2 gold I am growing. They were a little over 4 weeks in that picture. Now a little over 5 weeks, ones is 22 inches the other is 16.


Not often I say this but I want that Pakistani chitral kush lol :joy:

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Actually I think those might’ve gotten sent to @wherethefriesat for her personal stuff and I’m mistaking them for another one…


Hey that’s super awesome and really appreciated there a place to get pollen for it to but I just don’t exactly know how to shop with Bitcoin and all good either way definitely looking forward to see how it turns out


I’m kinda butthurt at myself for getting your hopes up I’d of happily traded. If mine turns out male I’ll have pollen for you or if you’d like I’ve got about 2k in cryptocurrency it takes me 5 seconds to convert into Bitcoin, could help ya get the pollen you mentioned


It would be awesome if you could make an attempt at teaching me I’m pretty decent on a pc as I game a lot my biggest issue is where to start and what place lets you actually use it to make purchases like I know PayPal you can buy crypto but I’m not to sure if you can make purchases with it through them


Also don’t feel bad things happen :grin:

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Coinbase is the wallet you’ll wanna use for purchases, user-friendly and good for sending/receiving relatively small amounts. Pretty quick verification usually too. Its pretty straightforward to sign up and use the app, let me know if you need a hand. Verification gonna be the longest part of setup


Thank you I’ll give it go


Naw. I sent you seeb in a thank you card with a vial IN a coin flip.
Best of luck figuring this mystery out!


Even if I don’t get to run this in the solo cup challenge I swear I’m gonna grow SOMETHING in it


No balls :crazy_face:


I’ve been looking for a good app to use but am so skeptical it freaks me out, I’m gonna take your advice from :point_up_2:t2:and get Coinbase as I’ve looked at it 25 times at least. :pray:t2: Grow is looking great btw! Man EVERYTIME I look here I contemplate a greenhouse purchase. Seriously I can’t wait to see that all filled up!


Started chopping down the first White Walker, any branches that were above the scrog in a triple harvest attempt to fatten up the bottom most branches, not that they really need it I just want my monies worth or whatever.

Next up Dosi Walker, fucked up the nutes and is probably why the funky bud structure but it’s kinda neat either way, nice size nugs so far

Dosi Cut, frostiest and most uniform and resilient of the bunch, handled all the stress better than the other two.

And Dosi Kush who’s still got a nice and tight bud structure and node spacing, decently frosty but probably the angriest of the bunch about my fuck ups.

The two ATF were stretching too much being on the ground, had to support em and balance on the scrog net… Real scary circus act

73 Red Durban and 2016 Pakistani Chitral Kush are both females, can’t tell on the other two yet

70 Colombian gold and 2017 highland Nepalese not showing yet, unless I can’t tell early males well enough

Girl scout cookies auto top (minus main cola)

And 90% or so of the clones rooted, any idea why all the leaves are curling and they seem unhappy up top? Too humid now that they have roots? Nutrients I’m misting with occasionally too strong?


I’d say a little bit or a lot of both depending. I stop spraying instantly once I see the little root nodules, and once rooted humidity much lower. I actually just use clonex but extremely minimal like 1/4 of rec dose.

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