TestOfOath's Happy Place

Plant not touching other plants helps also. Try and spread them out some or put fan where the are blowing away from your walls. Get a vacuum working some way.

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I never bring anything into my bio secure area that hasn’t been thoroughly decontaminated. Anything plant related has to only originate in the room and not be brought in unless it faces decontamination first. Plant material will be the culprit, anything within 6 meters.


I do know that every place is different. Temp and Rh mixed with dry air in high altitude is bad. For food. Cooking and proper cooking temperatures will cause mold. Where I live homes have black mold bad. I can smell it. It makes my skin crawl. Beach will mess me up if to strong. I hope you get it. I know that all of us might not be helping 100%. @JoeCrowe nothing I can do about mine. It will just no time soon. I have been blessed that I haven’t had any thing like this. I have had problems yes. For me a change of a tent will work for me. I hate it’s when I see big grow space with problems. That’s why I don’t do much to mine. If I need to pull it a wash a plant for anything I can do it. And dry a few but I’m easy.


naw, powdery mildew is an obligate biotrophic ascomeycete. It’s the kind of thing you can exterminate in a weekend.


All the Pure Michigan F2s are peaking through along with the majority of what I put in the dirt, things are looking solid so far. Only 3/10 Durban x nature essence germinated so far so the rest are still in paper towel. See how things look over the next few days



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Nice. Arnold approves.

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@JoeCrowe is this safe to use during flower? And what plant would closest to base the measurements off of, if you happen to know?


They make some good products. Harris does also. I have never used that. But the fungicide I have.



I wouldn’t be using sulphur in flower had a bad experience around week 5 but I was burning it to kill mites.
All the buds tasted of sulphur.


Week 5 is late. Brush the if you can. I can’t believe peroxide isn’t helping you. You must have block walls.

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Organic is one reason I stop using it. Mold. I had major problems last year with it.

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That’s some high grade fungus death powder right there! I would never spray it on in flower. 1 tablespoon per liter or 4 per gallon. Spray on twice in veg, two weeks apart. Just drench the plants, never use an oil based product within 30 days of application, before or after. It can cause burns.


OMG I’m hearing that in Woodie Harrelson’s voice (Zombieland Double tap)
:rofl: :vulcan_salute:
Bad sativa!.. Bad!..



I had read in the instructions the bit about no citric acid or oil within a month of using the sulfur, what are the risks of using it in flower? The directions for strawberries say you can spray up until harvest, we’re not growing strawberries but I thought it may be similar? Thanks for your time and energy bud


no prob! It’ll taste like sulfur, and you might be smoking some sulfur which isn’t good. You could try a test patch and wash it off after and see if you can taste the sulfur. I usually just cut my losses and toss the bloom plants then sterilize the crop with sulfur. Once the colony is dead, just don’t bring in any plant material and it won’t re-infest.


Maybe I’ll get ambitious and label the pics for you guys this weekend lol the Burpee containers have letters and numbers I wrote on the whiteboard with everything. I wanna say maybe 10 or less ended up not popping but there’s a few more slowly pushing through too.

Only 4/10 of the 73 Durban x Nature Essence ended up germinating, maybe I cut the branch too prematurely? The 4 that germinated pushed up through the dirt in one day so they seem strong.
Anyone in the US that wants 10-20 to try out let me know, I don’t have international stamps right now unfortunately


Ancestral Skunk throwing some funk I’ve never seen before, conjoined leaves?


Must be female, the 2nd pic clearly shows an “inny” :laughing: