TestOfOath's Happy Place

What kind of pizza comes in those yellow boxes ? Hash looks good too.

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Hungry Howies’ pizza, I’d never thought about it just kinda figured the same chain pizza places were everywhere

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Nope no hungry howies around here must be a local thing .

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Bit of plant material but it looks pretty good. It was made from dried materials, not fresh frozen?

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Yessir, I haven’t had it in me to dedicated a whole plant to hash just yet, there’s all 4 grades in the pic. I filled the mesh zipper bag that comes with bubblebag dude gear almost all the way and that’s the return I got, just feels like I’m not getting the quantity I imagine I should every time with the amount of material I put in.

I’ll switch things up next time and not even use all that shit, see what happens then


I find the quantity of return depends solely on the plant and it’s trichome field. Of course if you put leaves in there, that’s not going to yield well. I like to put it under the microscope and see what it’s made of heh heh.


Would’ve been a mixture of about 20 plants trim from my TrimPal, whole fall harvest worth. Granted it’s not whole nugs or anything but you’d think a few ice cream pales worth would still yield a bit. Need to grow some hash plants for this specific purpose is what it comes down to, if I want the right results I gotta go about the process right, right? Lol


How long did you wash it and how any times? I usually wash about four times before yield or quality drops. First was 6 minutes, second was 12 minutes, third and fourth was 20 minutes. I don’t use a bag in the washer, think it works better without though it makes cleaning the washer harder.


@ReikoX Maybe the bag is my problem then, it does keep it really really confined vs it being able to move and be jostled by the water. If the timer is accurate it was 45 minutes total, 15, flip bag, 15, empty and refill, 15 and empty a 2nd time, then a final rinse with water from the tub sink


I put my buds in a dryer bag. That helps keep the washer cleaner but still allows it to be jostled around. Wish I had that hash right now, looks good.

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They are located in 22 States. FYI :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Hey there cuz. It’s looking like ‘hash making time’ lol Have you tried the ‘Dry ice method’? I used the Bubble Bag set for years, but once I tried the dry ice I haven’t looked back! Cleaner, better quality, easier, more product, faster, less mess/cleanup… hell it’s even a 2fer because after you’re done making the hash, you can put the bucket in the girl’s room at lights out, dump some water on the dry ice and viola! You’re giving them a nice dose of Carbon Dioxide!


Finally managed to redneck my way to having both of my UV bulbs from Lenofocus going, 285nm UV and 315nm UV on the tubes ( I think) and 365nm UV, 450nm blue and 730 IR from the optic led bloom enhancer and 3000k, 5000k,660nm red from the LF2000s


May I ask what are you using for eye protection?
Polarized sun glasses, or something else?



I don’t use anything if I’m being honest, the fluorescents are only 20W each and the Optic doesn’t have enough diodes to worry about in my opinion.

I could 100% be frying my eyeballs at the same time though… I hadn’t really thought about needing eye protection


PancakeZ doing their thing


Brother, you have me worried. If you don’t like wearing shades in there, maybe consider turning the grow lights off when you need to check on the plants and using a super bright led headlamp or portable work light.


Pure Michigan is slowly getting there along with all the others and Supafreak is getting freaky again finally after revegging


I goofed and gave most of my Pakistani Chitral Kush away being the weed Santa for everyone at work and some buddies I visited. Couldn’t help but give away pink tinted nugs to those eager to try em. Made wax out of the majority of what I had left though there’s still a couple nugs to enjoy. Thought I’d share the wax cause it’s the highest quality I’ve pressed in a while, low temps and pressure had it seeping almost white crumble out


Also took a shot of the UV bulbs when the lights were off to use the press (I can’t run my press with the lights on cause it’ll blow the 15 amp fuse that runs half of my house because of whatever dickheads who wired this place)