TestOfOath's Happy Place

How old is your house? I ask because “electrical planning” was a bit different years ago. My house was built in the 40’s. And lots of rooms shared circuits, bathroom + bedroom 1, kitchen + bedroom 2, living room + bedroom 3. Logic being: If you were in one room, you likely weren’t using electric in the other. Also, we had FAR fewer electrical devices back then, so 15a was plenty to run 2 lightbulbs and an alarm clock back in the day :rofl:

Lots of fun running new wires and separating circuits here!

Nice looking wax too!


Can I ask your opinion on the UV compared to not running it?


It’s an older house though I don’t remember what year if I’m being honest. When I had to switch rooms I changed the wiring to the panel a little, there were 4 wires going to the 15A fuse and took some of the load off and swapped it to other breakers with less load, fucked up thing is some of the wires did literally nothing when they got unplugged. I just try not to push over 1000w in the grow room lol that’s what usually pops it after a few minutes


Truthfully it’s hard for me to compare because I started the journey to “the perfect spectrum” years ago when I was still much worse at growing than I am now so it’s hard to compare because so many other variables have changed as well. I’m certain it’s helping trichome production but I’m not sure what effect it has on nug size and density or anything like that, maybe one day somewhere down the road I could do an experiment where I grow plants with just the 400 watts of the two LF2000, take clones and then flower the clones under the 540ish watts of the added UV and bloom booster bar

At the risk of breaking my arm jerking myself off I CAN say I grow the best weed of anyone in my life, most weed nowadays especially dispensary weed is just disappointing almost, idk maybe I’m just a snobby wine taster now lol


The good the bad and the ugly… 73 Durban red and Highland Nepalese still trucking along even if they’re uglier than sin from getting the shit kicked out of them. Durban has new white hairs after the severe browning of hairs from the last PM spraying

Gonna buy another batch of ladybugs soon so they can finish off this grow. Got PCK x ICC #5 fem seeds that sprouted 3/5 so far, put them in dirt to let sprout. Got a buddy who’s gonna take the Durban x nature essence and PCK x ICC #5 to test them for me so I don’t gotta waste them. Another buddy @NeverBullSeeds gonna hold the romulans and grape Romulan God, gonna give him the smaller frozen coke pheno clone and pollinate the bigger frozen coke clone with ICC #5 pollen both clones from sct2020.

The healthy looking green plants left side are Cookieland from @Purple-N-Hairy one tall one short pheno, right side is white thunder and blue Moonrocks from Kera. Icc#5 fem seeded clones on the wall with the boxes with a few weeks left.

Trying to germ some seeds from bottom buds that were green/semi mature, all but one sank when put in water so I don’t have high hopes yet just impatient lol.

Not so freaky Supafreak almost has fully matured ICC #5 crossed fem seeds so maybe a week or two more, real freaky Supafreak is full veg again and the tent just got flipped to sex everything so she’ll be flowering again soon.

Ran out of room for the very last Pancakez cup lol culled the one rose/tulip ancestral Skunk cause it wasn’t doing anything at all and one GG4 RIL that had real funky growth, well it kinda got culled I put it in an unused pot to see what happens to it.

OH! More good news; bought another pack of Pakistani Chitral Kush, Highland Nepalese, and a pack of Kalamata Red from Greece that’s probably been around longer than most if not all of us, supposed to be 7th rarest cultivar there is… Until we reproduce it :grin:


@ShitSeeds really took care of me for my birthday, some good people over there. Excited for the Texada outdoors and maybe I’ll give my buddy the Buddha’s for part of our next run of personal smoke


Looks like a great selection only one I can vouch for is the nurse peanut got a couple in flower at the moment and there looking good .


Do pucks count, I press rosin and dab.


You’re a part of the team now. We take care of our team on their BDays!


I used my pucks in the slow cooker with coconut oil, works real well to get what’s left out of the spent pucks!


I extract with everclear and evap it out


I’ve been meaning to pick everclear up to make some green dragon I hadn’t thought about making wax with it as well, another experiment for me to try :grin:


Just curious what ya do with it after? I’ve tried this a couple times. No offense intended but it tastes like :poop: havnt found a use i care for…


Oh tastes like shit, but usually I’ll give it to my wife to Roll in a joint or cap a bowl with it.


Quick breeding project update, stupid holidays and even stupider work got me so busy


49 seedling looking good .


You can’t buy the right strength in MI. You need to run down to Ohio.


There’s a step in the green dragon guide for less potent alcohol, I’ll probably just go that route. I didn’t realize Michigan sucked so much and also don’t think the liquor store will do refunds :joy: I don’t drink like that anymore so would have no use for it outside of this essentially, I’m sure I can make it work somehow. Got the next two days off paid and kids are with grandpa so I’m gonna experiment a bit while I’m home alone.

Semi funny story; yesterday on my way home from work is when I decided to go grab the two fifths, go up to that liquor store at the corner of Pierson and carpenter and ask the lady if they have everclear and she says over there and points… My high ass goes looking never having bought ever clear so don’t know what the label looks like in the moment of searching. She comes out from behind the counter and shows me so I grab the last two fifths and take em up and she says “whoaaaa someone’s having fun” I’m like no just making some concentrate stuff, she knows a bit about weed so asks me about it and I give her the I’m too stoned rundown of how it works. She ends up saying it’s 100$ (as a joke) and I’m too high to even notice so pull out a 100$ bill and hand it to her cause “well fuck that’s expensive but I already decided I’m making this” and she’s like I was just kidding… It’s 40 something and some change.

Boy what an experience :joy::joy::joy: I’m certain she knew how high I must’ve been


Lmfao :rofl: :joy::rofl::joy:, brother I can’t totally picture that whole conversation and how things went down at the liquor store…. You smoke that mystery strain again??? :+1::+1::v:


:joy::joy::joy: honestly idk man I think I was still in shock from Brian giving us two paid days off or something. I had to laugh at myself the rest of the way home though, it was too funny.

Icc#5 s1 seeds are coming along, pulled a tiny upper nug and like 11/20 seeds or so were mature. Few more weeks still, probably just gonna let it go till it looks like it’s dying though it kinda does right now from the aphids. Bout to spray again but really just need to get this old aphid infested dirt out of here… Aaaand probably clean…

Also I saw your neem oil post up there, I’m just not a huge fan of it there’s just too many mixed reviews on the health risks and you know how bad my lungs are already lol I don’t need any extra harshness or anything. I actually have a bottle of AzaMax if you want it, it’s basically the active ingredient of neem just concentrated, messes with things on a molecular level though and I don’t like doing all that