TestOfOath's Happy Place

@corey Merry Christmas to you to you weed Santa you


Finally had time to organize and take closeups of the breeding project, there’s a few more that still need to get pulled for growing funky. They’ve been under 12/12 for about a week in hopes I can keep em small during/after sexing for a while. Also just assume any pictures are only focusing on plants directly on the middle when identifying them

First is the 9 Pure Michigan F2 from 3rd Coast

PancakeZ F2 from Aficianado

Empire of the Sun fems from Kera

Snugglefunk from Bodhi (had 5, gave one to @NeverBullSeeds for taking some plants off my hands cause I have a problem lol)

Sour Diesel from Humboldt

GG4 RIL from Tony Greens Tortured Beans

Princess Peach from Alien Genetics

Dosibite (Dosidos x Sharkbite) from @NeverBullSeeds

Ancestral Skunk Sebring preservation (I’m fairly certain?)

Orange Goji from Sebring preservation

Heirloom Maui Wowie from Sebring seeds

MendoBreath S1s from Sebring Seeds


Wow what a line up great looking seedlings .


Whats your soil mix there TOA?
Looks Perfect!


Just Promix HP CC, been feeding like 20ml per gallon of Canna Start and 3ml of kelp me kelp you twice I think and mychorrizal innoculent (fucking spell check?) once and sprayed a couple times with a real real light mix of nutrients. I usually have a problem over feeding/watering seedlings and I’m doing my best to avoid that this time. They also have 240 watts of light with 120° lenses on each diode in the 2x4 tent so it pushes light real far down, zero stretching essentially

Really hoping things go semi-well for this, thanks for the encouragement and compliments so far!


I always overwater indoors, I’m fuckin stymied by my own actions indoors. But, learning from some of the best here…LITFA, Thanks To Reikox! I am getting those blu mats and running a bed this time, stoked. Thanks for the info, Peace


You happen to have a link to a Convo about the Blu mat watering systems? Seems interesting, I still water by tank/hand. Sucks in winter cause I can’t use hose to fill the tank and gotta carry 5 gallon buckets through the house to fill it, then fill by hand after that, be cool to cut one of those problems out.

Welcome on the info, always down to share mine and learn other’s


Reiko is using the spritzer type tips, I will find the pic.
Info in his thread starts here, his thread is one of the best reads here!


Anyone got advice on a budget dry sift system? Is this what I’m looking for? Cause I have no idea

E-ONSALE Aluminum Herbal Pollen Set of 3 Screen Size Stackable Sifter 66, 96, 120 Micron Hash Extractor Sifter Shaker (66, 96, 120) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014TMQTIG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_JS5EZW46GX2AM68RAT3E?psc=1


@TestOfOath it looks like those are only 6" wide. Your best bet is probably making your own, so you can make them as big as you like. I plan on building a set after the new year.


Hmm that’s very interesting, I hadn’t thought about making my own, hardest thing would be sourcing screens, it’s easy to get the wood and build the frames. You got any guides or pics you’re gonna be following?


Brother they sell micron size stainless mesh rolls on Amazon, your gonna definitely want bigger than a 6” screens. Lol


Decided to try a thing with a box I saved from work (the other half is a fan stand right now :joy:) and my frozen coke clone. Did a few layers of the dry amendments, wanna see if I can get away with only watering


Pre made, pre stretched screen printing screens is what you want.
Get aluminum framed ones and you can use Dry Ice.
Top Screen: 250 Micron / 60 Lines per inch. 2nd Screen: 165 Micron / 90 Lines per inch. 3rd Screen: 149 Micron / 110 Lines per inch. Bottom Screen: 75 Micron / 200 Lines per inch.

We use two for ours the 195 and 120


Who wants to be my first feminized Ice Cream Cake#5 S1 tester for Christmas? Figure I can’t get yelled at in my own thread, right? I got green beans fresh off the plant to crack and grow, so I’d say they’re viable.


Preggo clones


I would love to do some testing!


I have made screens, it takes quite a bit of doing to get them right.

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I always smile when i visit your Happy Place !
Merry Christmas friend ~


I’d be down to try them out. But it’s gonna be a few. Lol. Gotta finish up Perma Dream and another cross. Then I’m gonna run 4 crosses from @Instg8ter …BRUTAL PAW F2 ,DTHF x FULL MOON, BLACK WILLE x BRUTAL PAW and last but not least. MOWIE WOWIE x PLATINUM PINEAPPLE :+1::+1::v:


Apologies for taking so long, Christmas and all lol. Shoot me your address and I’ll get them out to ya Monday or something. I ordered a few different microns of silk or nylon screen rolls cause I feel like the metal would be too hard on the trichomes… Guess we’ll experiment and find out, if it doesn’t work I’ll go the route you suggested.

Thanks @Crazy1 I appreciate the company and kind words, Merry Christmas to you as well!!

@BIGJ you already know I’ll have a bunch for you when the plant finishes! These were just some early ones off a branch I cut down, figured they’d make a good Christmas present for someone. No chance of snow until after today so we’re golden huh. Merry Christmas bud!