TestOfOath's Happy Place

Shit mise we’ll throw some in my flip :sweat_smile:

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I might have enough to make that happen! I pulled 22 off the tiny lowest branch when I cut it so there should be enough to split between you two. Merry Christmas or whatever holiday works best for you!


Aluminum Frames, Silk screen monofilament cloth.


Culled first two males that were showing, both Ancestral Skunk

Chopped the beat to shit not so freaky Supafreak down that got pollinated with ICC#5 fem pollen and testing some of the white seeds cause the Supafreak was pure white seeds, there’s a ton of dark ones so I threw one of those in too but I assume they’re all mature and healthy while the white ones need to be tested more.

Also pulled 5 seeds off of the 73 Durban and Highland Nepalese that got hit with the ICC#5 fem pollen to test.


Fucking aye brother if all goes well in a month or greater I shall have some black dick cream autos in return !!:sweat_smile:


Am I allowed to say I’m excited for those? :joy: What’s the other half? I got 7 envelopes, yours included, ready to go out tomorrow

And hey @JoeCrowe you’re a hashthusiast, I got a really limited number of Pakistani Chitral Kush x ICC#5 both real heavy producers (Pakistani Chitral Kush will be preserved by itself down the road, next breeding projects are open pollination of that and then Greek Kalamata Red afterwards for OG). Anywho I’d be honored if you’d take some for a hash grow one day, if you thought it’d be worthy? They’re feminized so they’d be great for just a normal quick grow


Excellent. Just as I was about to go looking for ladybug porn, and here it is on a silver platter… :wink: Congrats on a successful seed run, btw! Hopefully she smokes as good as she looks.


Thanks for the kind words and encouragement :grin: the PCK is a new favorite of mine, just smoked the last of it cause I was Christmas Santa and made wax so didn’t end up with much for myself but it got me more ripped than anything else I had in my stocks of 15+ cultivars. The ice cream cake wasn’t far behind though so I’m really excited bout that cross, should be some real nice stuff


Certainly sounds nice… I just had ice cream cake a few weeks ago actually, my friend brought some over from the dispensary and packed my bowl with it rather than my jar of OG Kush while I wasn’t looking. It did the job well enough that I didn’t even realize it wasn’t OG itself, just mentioned that it tasted better and thanked him for cleaning the bowl. He hadn’t, of course; it just tastes better and hits nearly as hard. :stuck_out_tongue: I haven’t had the opportunity to try the PCK yet, but I’ve read enough to be intrigued anyway.


Sick man I appreciate! Depends on how you feel about it sure “no homo” would help haha Moby dick mom x black cream pollen will send more deets when available!
Have a good one


Try and shoot me a reminder after I harvest the ICC #5 S1s and I’ll send some your way, I’m giving it a few more weeks to make sure they all mature as much as possible. I bought another pack of the PCK so I can do a run for everyone down the road (I gave a pack away for preservation so maybe there will be lots? Maybe it’ll be just me)


I can get behind that project for sure :smiley: I’m always willing to try new genetics for hash productivity!


@JoeCrowe That’d be awesome bud and it’d be great having you of all people be the one to tell me exactly how they were to grow and use for hash. I’d say there’s maybe 50-100 and if they turned out right I could do an S1 run with them and we could have a bunch.

Shoot me an address and I’ll add ya to the stack going out tomorrow


Absolutely amazing color presentations here!!!


Some plant pics and my first Green Dragon tincture made with my Ken’s GDP outdoor, supposed to have good terps for sleep so gonna try n help some people with some actual legit medicine :grin:

@Purple-N-Hairy the Cookieland is coming along really really nice. Two left side green plants (lol) I topped the bigger one a week or so ago so the smaller could catch up

And some proof the Durban and Highland Nepalese aren’t quite as ugly as they look from far away… Sucks fucking something up with a 14-18 week flowering time


Which photos, @TestOfOath?


Apologies, i been lazy with photos lately and just snap em occasionally when I remember


Oh, those are looking really good! Suuuuuper happy and healthy. And the fan leaves are massive! Thanks for the update…it’s like watching my grandchildren grow up!


I over did the nutrients when I top dressed but they recovered after a couple waterings and like you said are happy as shit, real impressed with em and their resilience. I’m as excited as you to watch em grow, got a feeling they’re gonna end up some phenomenal smoke


Once you start to get a terp profile, I’ll be better able to tell you if they take after their mother or father. Let’s hope it’s their mom!