TestOfOath's Happy Place

Looking good. Solo cups are taking off pretty good definitely got your hands full. Lol :joy:


Where are your ice cream at that you gave me a clone? I just took it down tonight. Boy did it stink. The grandson walked up the stairs behind me. He said he though Snicker pooped or farted. I told him it was the plant. He said no there were two different smells. Yes one smell was like what I consider weed and the second was dog poop/diesel. I am not good with smells but this one…

:green_heart: :seedling:


I chopped the one mother I was flowering a while back, I got feminized pollinated clones of the mother that are S1 seeds finishing of it now


The leaves on mine look just like that second photo.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS Icc is definitely a good one. This particular cut has some nice genetics, very resilient, seems to be pest and mold resistant. definitely can take some abuse and come back and finish strong, I had a clone of it , ( the one in my journal).I have another clone of it for my Perma dream cross to make Dream Cake …should be a good one. @TestOfOath will definitely get a pile of seeds …lol :+1::+1::v:


7 more males showing that gotta go, all but one Snugglefunk and Princess Peach and a Maui Wowie (I think those are both gone), very last ancestral Skunk showing pistils


Nice to see ya got a female out of the ancestral skunk. I’m curious to try it out. Suck about the other males


Snapped a quick pic last night, they’re all drinking at different rates so I’m having a little trouble judging when to water some of them, sucks picking up 50 separate cups lol


I’ve been using a small electronic scale to measure the weight while watering, works great! :+1:



Anyone US based that wants to test out my feminized Ice Cream Cake #5 S1 seeds? Would really prefer if you’d be able to get to them soon, they’re nothing to sleep on and would be a real solid grow for most. Started collecting and need testers but am running out of stamps and have no international

Also have a small supply of feminized Supafreak F2 x Ice Cream Cake #5 from the not so freaky Supafreak so I’ve got no clue if it’d even express the freak genetic anymore (it got ravaged by aphids during transplant into 5 gal is why it’s so ugly). Super peculiar seeds like little real light tan round watermelons with stripes they roll all over the place they’re so round. Same applies about shipping for the time being unfortunately


I Got Mine Today TOA, In the cups in two weeks.


I was having the same water issue with many cups. Just curious if a fan might be drying some out sooner then the others? I added another fan to help with evap and get them all on a similar schedule. Just a thought…:grin::v::call_me_hand:


I have thought that @Bow4Buck, my 8 in carbon filter exhausts into my 2x4x5 tent and I have it aimed downward to the far side, the side drying out the fastest cause it gets the air flow, I added a small clip on fan but it’s not enough to counteract the big ass 8 inch. It’s something I’ll fix in time, exhaust should be somewhere outside too but I had to rig it up on the fly and haven’t gotten to fixing it


Glad they made it and DEEP thanks for popping them so quickly! I didn’t realize testers would be something I needed so bad lol


@TestOfOath, to be honest, I’ve never had 50 little ones going at the same time, but even half that number can be a hassle to deal with when it comes to feeding time…

I always put about an inch of perlite on the bottom of my cups and pots. If I have a bunch of little ones in cups like you, and if they’re all being fed the same thing, I place them in a tray and feed them by pouring their food into the bottom of the tray - enough nute solution or water to reach the top part of the perlite.

The plants that are most thirsty will take up what they need quicker, and the ones that aren’t very hungry won’t absorb as much or as quick. After about an hour, I move them to a dry tray. If you have more than one tray of plants to feed, you can place the next round into the leftover nute solution in the first tray.

Even if some of the plants have saturated soil, it will be the soil that’s closest to the perlite, and it will run off or wick upwards.


Thanks for the idea bud I might find some kind of tray to start employing that tomorrow, might be an idea to just leave them sitting on the tray so I can flood it when need be. I don’t have perlite on hand but I do think I have enough hydro clay rock thingies to have the same effect.

Side note here’s your Cookieland, gave em a heavy feeding a couple days ago


That Cookieland continues to impress. It looks like those ladybugs like 'em, too!

Something to consider: you should be able to pick up a bag of perlite at Home Depot or Lowes. If so, just put an inch or so in some new cups with drain holes. Then put your current cups in those cups and feed them as I described above. If you do it this way, you’ll be able to more easily re-use that perlite for this feeding method many, many times without much fuss.


I’ve done the cup trick works pretty good helps with water control and so much easier with multiple cups. :+1::+1::v:


@TestOfOath you know I’ll try anything you got. Lol. Soon to have a few of my own for you. Roughly 8 crosses and 2 versions of Mendo purps wreck. Plus Perma Dream and hopefully some of my Do si do if these last couple seeds I’ve got pop. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::+1::+1::v:


I already had just what I needed laying around it seems