TestOfOath's Happy Place

Had to pull a few more males, females are starting to show, should be able to tell everything over the next week. Think there’s 4 confirmed Pure Michigan males leaving 5 possible females.

Frozen coke clone in the big long box… Gonna reveg with the others once time comes. The 4 small seedlings are ICC #5 S1 a buddy is gonna take I was just testing germination.

Some early bud pics of white thunder, blue Moonrocks (apparently from BOG, Anesia used it to make Blackberry Moonrocks, was a freebie. Just hit the top nug and the couple sites below it with ice cream cake #5 fem pollen, Blue Moon Ice Cream for anyone who knows :smirk:), and the two Cookieland.

ICC #5 S1 fem seeded clones finishing up they’re about week 7 since pollination, wanna make sure they’re as mature as possible, I’ve harvested some really small inner branches and got the big vial so far, figure at worst it’s a bunch I can give away

Durban leaves kinda perked up the Nepalese is just gonna be ugly till harvest, around week 10 or something I think, I’ve got it on the white board

Had to get more ladybugs cause they died off, still had spider mites and just noticed aphids last night on the breeding project… I’m so fucking sick of bugs, really need to shut down and clean everything top to bottom, completely swap out dirt and everything, but that’s a bit away


That’s a tough break…
Something I have considered (but haven’t done yet) is using a solar cooker (cardboard boxes and aluminum foil) to sterilize batches of soil. Another option is a large pressure cooker…



one time I had fungus gnats bad, and I poured the soil into baking sheets and yep. I baked it at like 475 for about 20 min or so. Took care of that problem. Lol :+1::+1::v:


I should have done this for the same reason.
Just ended up tossing EVERYTHING and starting over from scratch.


Does no one still use molasses as pesticide?


I like visiting your Happy Place , man have you got alot going on since I was here last , & your killing it !


I hadn’t considered foliar spraying it before but @Hemp turned me on to molasses, I’ve been feeding 1/8 teaspoon every feeding or so. I’d only used liquid molasses outdoors as a microbe feeder but turns out ants eat your root ball and you’ve gotta transplant a whole plant lol

@Crazy1 thank you for the kind words, I’m in over my head flying by the seat of my pants as usual :grin:

@CADMAN every time I think things are under control I notice the little devil spawns gradually coming back, need to completely nuke the entire room, only solution left. With their size you wouldn’t think they’d be so mobile moving from soil to soil plant to plant but I guess if that’s all you’ve gotta worry about all day you could probably move around a lot.

@BIGJ @Gpaw I’ve heard of doing this I just can’t picture my wife being happy about the stove being used for it lol she already barely lets me do what I am (she’s never smoked and can’t stand the smell of plants or smoking). Although @Gpaw’s method would work without the stove… Just has to be summer time, could just prep for winter from now on


So you guys are saying Molasses as a foliar spray can deture or kill off incests like gnats ?
That’s very cool.

Ps. Coconut sugar, looks Tastes and smells like Molasses Or brown sugar granulars.


I ordered stamps yesterday and they’ll be here some time this week so I want to open this up globally if anyone was interested, would really love to see the ICC #5 S1 fems grown out to see how much like the parent it is, fem Supafreak cross should be really interesting too.

Enhanced pic for sexiness and camera flash/led lighting of dried nugs


I could grow this with my next round of growing along side the 2 seeds of;

Kush cake X Cherry Pit Strain = (Kush mints x Wedding cake By jbeez) X (Star pupil) X (Grape romulan x Huckleberry soda) X (Cherry Pit)

It’s a cross a friend made and I wanted to make more of these anyway, atleast yours have something in common with this one lol

No worries tho if you need urgency.


I’ve got that whole vial essentially to give out, be cool if I could get some growers soon but I know everything takes time, be happy to send ya some if you wanna shoot me your info


I’m working on it brother !

I have three lavender frosting regs im waiting to sext.once the sex is identified of each plant I shall cull any males and I’ll immediately drop a scoop for every male !!

They maybe only grown in small three gallon pot but granted I’m sure as hell giving the ice cream #5 a shot


Facts are there, they eat plants with it centric in there soil, die. Eat foliar residue, Die.
Ants eat it, Die. Anything with an exoskeleton eats it or gets it on its self, Die.
Die, Die, Die is why we only use organic unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses Liquid.


I use 3 gallon cheap nursery pots and I’ve had some 5- 6 footers no problem :wink:. @TestOfOath i will drop a couple now , see how they do. Might end up making with some extra Dream cake seeds. Lol. :+1::+1::v:


Appreciate the info my friend, I’m gonna have to try this out. Pretty sure I’ve got some in the cupboard. :+1::+1::v:


Not Grand Mas, Get Unsulphered organic


Got all males but Pure Michigan culled, waiting on two more PM to show sex but judging by the other males showing real hard already I’d say the last two are females giving me 5 females and 4 males of Pure Michigan F2 to open pollinate.

PancakeZ aren’t showing sex yet but they shouldn’t be far off.

4 ICC #5 S1 babies in the solo cups for a friend to have

Supafreak doing her thing

And last but not least frozen coke flowering harder than I’d like but it is what it is, it’s gonna get revegged with the others anywho.

Quick lazy update


You have ALOT going on. Very nice.


Why thank you very much :grin: I feel like I have a problem but also that I’m ok with it, whole tent pic, pics of the Cookieland, White Thunder, and Blue Moon Rocks, Highland Nepalese, and 73 Durban


Looks good. I see the lady bugs. I have a few in my garden. I didn’t put them there. Nice colors.