TestOfOath's Happy Place

Started growing mushrooms… The lazy way where I buy premade BRF jars cause who needs to do things the hard way? Doing white button and portobello from spores I found on Amazon. Inoculated them yesterday and the day before so hopefully all goes well. Also did some agar dishes for the kids… Could’ve inoculated those but figured one less step to possibly fuck things up would be safer

Wouldn’t be against trading for some trippy spores to try my hand at should anyone have some to spare.

Any advice would be appreciated… I haven’t made spawn tubs yet but I got time till they take over the jars


I just started to try my hand at it also. I will be watching. I just bought Lions Mane in a grow back to see if I can at least grow one of those.

Did you make your lids or buy them?

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS I’m doing everything I can to resist… Too much going on already. I’m going to be trimming for weeks :joy:


I do cubes sometimes. I’ve been making my own prints for a couple years. If your interested I’ll send you a print to play with.


I’d be exceedingly happy to try your print out bud :grin: though like I said I’m brand new so I’m gonna have to re-look up how to use a spore print. Could send you some seeds for the effort if you like?


It’s not that hard and there’s lots of inter web resources to source it out. If your unclear on anything I can help steer you in the right direction. I kinda do it my own way. No mono tub, more like a straw log that fruits everywhere. Privnote me an address in pM and I’ll send a print over. I gotta mail out a bunch of beans today so it’s good timing!:+1::grin:


Quick update…

Seed testing is going fine but I’m gonna have a hard time killing anything off… Just can’t bring myself to do it lol hopefully some buddies can take some.

Well into reveg now that everything is healthier, the stunting is starting to wear off and got some good new growth


Plants are looking nice. I made up some agar petri dishes yesterday. I use a home made SAB just doing my first mono tub after a couple of runs doing BRF cakes.

Same process but after releasing and soaking the cake I break it up and sprinkle it on coco coir and then cover it up a little. Keep the oxygen low so it starts to take over the coco and pin up, when it looks like the whole tub is ready allow more oxegen in and mist the pins and then it’s just wait.

Philly golden teacher on YouTube is an excellent resource.



I had a system going in the late 90’s involving an ultrasonic humidifier going through 4 different water bottles as condensers to scrub the humidity down to perfect mushroom levels. This array ended in a light proof tub with a plexiglass “sun roof” cut and glued into the lid. While mushrooms “don’t” need light to grow, giving them light from the top makes them GROW TOWARDS IT. So you end up with really nicely formed mushrooms that grow out and up from the cake vs all over.

Also helps with them NOT touching anything in the chamber which can promote condensation points resulting in rot or mold.

I exclusively grew amazonian cubensis for divination purposes in brown rice flour cakes; made by pasteurizing the media in 250ml jars with a layer of vermiculite on the top as a protective layer.

Spores were acquired in mail via a “spore trading mailing list” i was apart of (similar to OG’s seed love), and I’d make up the spores all masked and gloved with sterilized syringes and distilled water on the open door of the oven with it on warm so there was always upwards airflow taking away any falling dust.

These got injected along 4 spots along the walls so I could see either heathy mycelium or TOSS IT IMMEDIATELY. Once they were solid white and pulled from the walls of the jar it was time to turn them over into the sprouting chamber.

All the fruit collected ended up in an air tight container that had a mesh screen over-top of a another mesh layer containing calcium chloride as a desiccant; all the moisture would drip and collect below and be drained out daily.

Eventually i’d have cracker dry sticks of magic that I’d grind into dust, mix with honey and then smear on some black-rye bread and then have a conversation with the Gods.


That’s awesome @Pigeonman ! Totally different mindset than when growing cannabis. I use a home made still air box to make my own spore syringes, do ager work, as well as to inoculate prepared wild bird seed. Then I bulk up on straw fruiting blocks which go to fruiting chamber once fully colonized. Multiple blocks in each chamber kinda like a bee keeper. Fruits everywhere, no worries about side and under pinning.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


And another point: SAME RESULTS!

I do miss it but with all the finagling I’m doing with my CannaGardening I can’t let myself get distracted with spore fun :smiley:


My last run I did mazzies, took it to mono and got 6 flushes out of my last tub.
Kept a dish of it in the fridge but I doubt it’s still viable at this point :frowning:
Prob a good 2 years old now
They do keep popping up all around my backyard every year though :wink:


These were the first cube I grew. Actually the last one too. Lol
To be clear I grew others in between. Lol


Especially now that I’m doing no-till with IMO etc.


Thanks for the insights and reminiscing of mycology everyone, I’ve always been super fascinated by it especially being a psychonaut and knowing I can grow my own medicine (kinda the same enthusiasm I have for cannabis) so it’s super cool to me to be dipping my toes in finally


That’s what I’m talking about that’s how I like to see them.


When I first started doing it it was a little bit more difficult now it is nothing to it whatsoever. Whenever I got a hold of the bags they were so simple.


I’d like to try growing but know absolutely nothing on schroom farming and I’m probably not sanitary enough to pull it off .


Try without expectations and you may be surprised. Things are a lot easier now with pre-made oven bags you simply inoculate with syringe and chill back and watch the show.

Another note; the cleanliness required will translate to your cannabis growing which is a solid bonus :smiley:


It’s not hard. Great work @TestOfOath