TestOfOath's Happy Place

Yeah, you really get to understand what high cleanliness and sterilization is really about with mushrooms. It makes me wonder how they ever survive in the wild lol.


@TestOfOath Dear friend!! Passing by to just say a thousand thanks!!
The ICC has landed!! Appreciate it!!


@Abbbian glad they made it safe!

Pure Michigan F2 project is just about where I’m comfortable going through and cleaning up/lollipopping everything. Still some hiccups with the soil amendments I think but they’re still growing along

Frozen Coke is revegging finally, got to harvest all the seeds and they all matured just like a flowering plant and I’ll be able to hit it again I guess lol. Calling the Frozen Coke x Pure Michigan F2 cross Faygo Cola

Been harvesting the seeded tent, Blue Moon Rocks x Pure Michigan F2 is being called Pictures Rocks and has real nice healthy tan seeds and the nugs are dense enough there’s still weed to smoke after harvesting seeds.

Cookieland x Pure Michigan F2 is being called Bridgman after my grandparents, tall pheno is Bruce short is Estelle cause he was short and she was tall, lots of seeds didn’t get to mature enough on the tall cause it got pollinated so late but they germinate and grow so it is what it is, some grays lots of whites, trying to not keep anything without striping. Estelle is still growing cause the seeds were real immature on the top nug I cut off, still has life in it so fuck it.

White Thunder x Pure Michigan F2 made some of the darkest seeds I’ve ever seen, they look almost black in person and I wanna call it Black Ass cause of how high and cause they’re black ass seeds but my buddy says that’s too offensive so might change it. These and the pictured rocks had super super viable seeds when testing germination

Should’ve taken pics while germinating but there’s always next time… gonna need testers for everything.

There’s also 4 White Cherry Truffle in solo cups, one African Ice Cream, and 2 ice cream cake #5 that’ll become part of the breeding


“Black ass” shitt better be “phat””:crazy_face:


Looking good brother! Let me know if you have any pure Michigan or moonrocks to trade :v:t2:


Looks like a pretty nice little seed run, once again. :slight_smile: Congrats!

If you want, you can tell him I’m offended by his thinking that the name is offensive, that way it cancels out… :stuck_out_tongue: It’s incredibly easy to find people to be offended by pretty much anything nowadays. I saw a link the other day to an article explaining how theories of alien intervention in building the pyramids were racist… as if people have trouble understanding how they were built without machines because the people who built them were brown? Wtf. :man_shrugging:


My vote is Black Booty :man_shrugging: I don’t think it’s offensive, but I could ask a bunch of black people :joy:


Looks fat. Nice. @TestOfOath what up buddy. Looking good. Spring is in the air.


You could always go with “black body” It’s a scientific term for an object that absorbs radiation.


@Reefer @Rabeats2093 @TestOfOath


I remember just dying with laughter the first time I saw that scene real high, I’ve got a few buddies I’m close with that I greet that way every time I see em and they can’t help but laugh too :grin:

@Reefer idk if the seeds would do that name justice they’d better make some giant ass plants to compliment the name lol

@JoeCrowe that sounds like a solid alternative if I do get any PC push back lol everyone’s awful sensitive nowadays

@Cormoran thanks it all happened on accident but I’m actually pretty happy about it, should be some real real solid babies that come out of it. Either way I don’t think the name is overly offensive and anyone smoking weed should be chill enough to appreciate it… Or smoke more weed till they are :joy:

@Hemp hey bud sorry I been kinda MIA just been kinda slow around here. There’s always so much work to do and not enough motivation to manage to do it lately lol. I got 3 full size plants I still gotta shuck and 2 more to chop down and shuck… Ordered a 5 micron screen I’m hoping I can turn into a kinda seed sifter where plant material falls through and seeds stay in the screen. We’ll see if it works or not. I gotta get the tent cleaned after and start my outdoor seeds. Sex everything and get it revegged to put out in spring. Let me know if any of these genetics I make catch your eye and I can get some out your way :grin:


Honestly if anyone finds any of the genetics I made interesting just let me know and I’ll send a pack out, I been going way too hard making things and it’ll take me years just to test em all myself so I’d be happy to get them out into the world


Very nice bro! A couple of those crosses sound real killer! Only ever heard great things about pure Michigan. Keep up the great work


Been trying to get my butt in gear, shucked 3 plants over the last couple days. Big Cookieland x Pure Michigan F2 ripened up a tiny bit more and is packed away, White Thunder x PM and Blue Moon Rocks x PM were both fully ripened and have some real nice seeds. Just chopped the Supafreak x PM and the small Cookieland x PM is still finishing ripening. Seed testing was 8-10/10 on everything except the Faygo Cola that ripened into reveg so that’s good news. Smoking on the seeded White Thunder and Blue Moon Rocks

Gotta start pulling everything for haircuts to pretty then up but they’re all doing fine revegging now… Got some real bad canoeing and curling going on I can’t pin down if anyone wants to input, been feeding straight water last two feedings to make sure amendments aren’t overfeeding them, slightly worried this batch of promix wasn’t the best too but we’ll see…

Random jumbles of pics to follow


Nice big seeds. Looking good.


Apparently these are still a fucking problem, honestly think they’re just coming in my promix at this point. Those are all dead from root drenching 20ml plant therapy and 20ml green cleaner mixed per gallon. Did just under half the plants bet they perk up within the next couple days, waiting on Amazon to deliver more Green Cleaner and Mammoth CannControl and to see how these first plants react and gonna end up doing them all, then spraying, waiting 3-4 days and then root drenching and spraying again. Should kill all eggs along with adults and larvae and end this nightmare… Should


Rough, sorry brother, keep up the good fight.


You could do a test where you grow a plant in isolation somewhere else with the promix and see if the root aphids infest, then you’ll know. Or at least know for sure, the infestation has definitely transferred to the current bag you have open.


Ladybugs, green lacewings, and nematodes are on the way… Everything but ladybugs is gonna have to hold off till all pesticides are rinsed out, hopefully have this under control before it becomes a real problem again.

I could test some time later on there’s 40 plants already in basically their final containers for the time being, really thinking I just need to move away from premade mixes… Cooking em isn’t really an option right now


It’s late. I was talking to much. You will get it. I pulled 6 didn’t get much. So I have problems also. I hate to say it on the bugs man but we’re all pulling for you. I’m sure there’s a lot of eyes on you right now.