TestOfOath's Happy Place

Does anyone remember doing a trade with me for Sour Diesel x Chem Dawg that’s from Canada? I got the letter returned saying “undeliverable as addressed, unable to forward”. Would really like to get them delivered cause it was a trade.

I’ll try and post an update soon I’m STILL battling root aphids… I really wanna complete this Pure Michigan F2 seed run but god damn has this been hard to deal with on top of my life problems… Here’s some quick pics of how bad things are lol. Acquired some clones from sct2020 and two lemon trees from @BIGJ, sprouted my first apple seed just by chance, it germinated on the countertop on its own, so plant count is way high even after it was already too high.

Supafreak x Pure Michigan F2 and small pheno Cookieland x Pure Michigan F2 got harvested I’ve been lazy and not shucking them… My 3 jars of mushrooms have been fully colonized for a long time but I’ve been too depressed to make the spawning tubs yet.

Been talking things out with the old lady so hopefully things look up soon, I can’t last like this much longer.

Sorry I haven’t been an active member of the community lately


Looking good despite the aphids, really want to get some pure Michigan beans to play around with!


You have. I been growing your seeds. Lol


You can last longer then you ever thought if you keep your head up soldier.
Never show signs of weakness !
Keep pushing


In worst case scenarios, I’ll perform a task…
I take clones of all my plants and move them to an uninfested zone in a rubbermaid. Then I go and clean up my entire grow, toss everything and then move the clones back in after the mess is all cleaned up. If you were to take clones and move them to an LED in the living room or something while they root, then go down there and scrub everything. Leave no survivors.


I just soaked my entire basement from a small pollen dump, had the same attitude :joy::v:t2:


you on the left. And one more. I do have your autos tagged.


Buddy I have like at least 5 of your icc crosses you made going right now plus the 2 that I made. Everything is cranking , first 2 troughs with the exception of one plant are all you. Not that you can tell the troughs apart. Roughly 6 weeks from seed and getting ready to flip see how they turn out

I use the plants as a distraction, love to just sit there looking at them burning one , keep my mind off other stuff, try to focus the negative into some positive, you gotta spend more time in your happy place. Lol.


Still looking for the dude I was doing the Sour Diesel x Chem Dawg trade with, address wasn’t right somehow and it got returned

I haven’t fully given up and am slowly gaining ambition as I get less depressed with life, root aphids seem to have subsided but I’m still gonna do a 3rd watering of Mammoth and then nematodes after a watering or two to rinse out the pesticides. Then I’ll be fairly confident they’re gone though I’m gonna shut down at spring outdoor transplants to sterilize the room finally. Still testing germ rates from the crosses I made, not sure if I’ll have time to sex to put outside but we’ll see maybe they’ll reveg out there who knows. Also moved the lights up from all the pink, to me it usually says sunburn and I hadn’t moved lights in a while. Could probably go a little higher but I’m getting greener top growth again as the roots heal from all the damage


Hey @TestOfOath, you can search your private messages using key words or phrases, like “Chem Dawg” and find any messages that contain it. That’ll greatly reduce the number of messages to search through.


Idk how I always missed that search messages button before now but that did the trick, deep thanks!


fist bump


Hey Dude!!!

1 Like

Hey brother how’s it hanging


Sorry about all the issues, but it’s the problematic grows that teach us the most. Not sure how much time you spend with your plants, both I’d be hitting those with a foliar spray of some type. Good luck, and happy to hear the aphids seem to be taken care of :v:t2:


@Reefer that’s always true, a lot of my pots were still wet from watering last weekend with plant therapy/green cleaner, checked on of the dryer pots and it had little white backed baby mite looking things that I’m fairly certain are freshly born aphids that haven’t gotten enough to eat yet to change colors, so I watered again with Mammoth, hoping it’ll suffocate what’s left. If I’m lucky I’ll squeeze in a watering or two to rinse the pots out and then water in the nematodes I’ve been saving till I made it down to mostly eggs. Lady bugs have been in full swing and green lacewings are supposed to be hatching though I haven’t seen any eggs of theirs yet, those ones are super fragile and I can’t spray though there’s no aphids old enough to be above the soil right now I’ve been fighting em too hard and they’re borderline not surviving, hopefully nematodes will finish off eggs and I’ll be in the clear.

Either way I need to get out of my rut, get this shit to where plants are doing well enough to flower and cull any that are lagging behind and get this over with, all the problems have led to this taking way longer than I ever expected. As long as the pure Michigan F3s come to fruition I’ll be happy anything over that is just a bonus, they seem to be among the stronger and happier plants through this shit show so that’s a plus.

Also just got a fresh shipment in from Hippie Cannabis Genetics, starting to get a pretty large stock pile of landraces I need to reproduce


Look at those boxes.


Very nice. Great to see some originals with all the new stuff around


Oooo, nice! I’m thinking about doing an all freaks run when this is over. I already have Frisian duck, some Frisian duck crosses, and getting some freak show. Now I saw 7 genetics little oddball ( can’t recall the name) and might pick that up. Also have ABC en route

Treating stuff like that is painful, but sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Did you work the Pure Michigan into F2 or was that a run here? I’ve been wanting to get some beans and just picked up some crosses with it simply because it was in there :joy:


I almost shit my pants. 24 TO 26 WEEKS FLOWER TIME?!? well I don’t have those skills but ill watch