TestOfOath's Happy Place

@Hemp he’s got these itty bitty glass vials I really like too lol I enjoy his packaging a lot for whatever reason

@BIGJ fuck yeah bud we’ll bring back old school shit even if we gotta do it ourselves

@Reefer I wanna say you’ve been inquiring since you found out I was doing it and I’ve just been incredibly disappointingly slow at getting it completed cause of all the problems… I bought F2s from 3rd coast for 180$, supposed to be their favorite cut of Pure Michigan crossed with whatever other Pure Michigan they chose to make F2s, I just want to make F3s to spread around cause it’s my home state where I was born and raised. Now, while these are still waiting to finish, I DID manage to make 5 crosses accidentally with plants I had flowering, Pure Michigan F2 x Cookieland (short and tall pheno, it’s Girl Scout Cookies Extreme - {icmag?}x Black Candyland - JOTI genetics) (names are Bruce and Estelle Bridgman F1) after my grandparents, one was tall and one was short and their house was always Cookieland, Pure Michigan F2 x White Thunder - Kera Genetics (name Black Ass F1), Pure Michigan F2 x Blue Moon Rocks - BOG Genetics (name Pictured Rocks F1) and finally Pure Michigan F2 x Frozen Coke (also from 3rd coast generics) to make Faygo Cola F1.

If you wanted to try any of those out for me I’d be more than happy, I got a few trays of seedlings I’m gonna sex for outdoors but I need all this stuff tested in full grows. And of course I’ll keep you in mind when I finally get this run to come to fruition, gonna work hard on getting it ready to flip real soon. Size is right just waiting on them to get healthy again, might end up using this AzaMax I have and get systemic on the little fucking demons even though I hate going that far for health reasons

@Boozer I couldn’t even make it the 15-18 weeks the 73 Durban needed when I actually had it flowering… It was at the very beginning of this aphid/mite bullshit like 6 months ago or so and they got beat up early in flower, made it 14 weeks and chopped, I can’t imagine 24-26 weeks lol that’s definitely gonna be a dedication test


@TestOfOath heres an updat on your ice cream #5 testers. Before the pic I have to tell you I did my stressing job very well😖. My mechanical timer had one trigger pressed in and that has been the entire flowering process. Wtf.

that being said holy shit! Here’s what a sunset sherbet did next to your girl
All the single leafs and the buds are stringy. Guaranteed it’s gonna herm. Now that fire you gave me

Look at the node spacing on lateral branches!

no signs of any stress really. It’s unreal. The only other plant not to show any stress was a Tonygreen strain. Not bad company hey? Well done sir. Well done. Sorry to bomb your thread. :sunglasses:


I had that happen. I set the pins then plug it in and figure I must hit it pushing the timer in.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I have had the same issue!

I switched all of my timers to this style with a clear cover that protects the trigger buttons.

Haven’t has an issue since.


Oh damn. That’s perfect


Oof almost been a month, I’m finally getting out of my funk, relationship has gotten better and I’ve been growing as a person, getting my motivation back and starting to fully take care of things again. Lost the Maui Wowie but did get 50-100 seeds from the flowers that’d formed during sexing so it’s not completely lost. Everything else is making a pretty good comeback though I’ve got some more cleaning and whatnot to do, still getting baby aphids every week or so like I can’t completely kill them but they’re about as controlled as you can get without using bifenthrin or something.

Happy about everything surviving and greening up so much, they got fed last night after I finally topped the pots off fully with soil… After like 4 months… If they keep recovering at this good pace I’ll probably switch to flower next Friday or something and FINALLY GET THIS SEED RUN DONE after like 5-6 months. Holy shit has this been a giant process.

Also have the veg tent full of WCT in the back, a bunch of my crosses in the front and middle (I’d have to look at my white board to name em accurately), Mountain Top Mints and Frozen Coke far right

I just gotta hang in a bit longer and this grow and chapter of my life will be behind me


Glad you are feeling better and getting back on top of the plants :+1:


What’s up brother glad to see your heads on straight :crazy_face:

Icc #5 is finishing up looking beautiful got some baby dosi cuts going on and some wtc in line for the pool

Aphid……smaphid …see what they eat try getting along with them they might just leaf you plant alone and go for your offerings :crazy_face:


Yea!!! Got the green. Looks great

1 Like

You’ll do all right this time. We all have our bad runs. Good luck. The 2 autos I have going are looking great. Nice seeds. Thanks again. They are almost ready.


Thanks for the happy words and growing my seeds guys, makes ME real happy knowing they’re treating you guys well!

@Rabeats2093 appreciate the advice, might go that route next time if I have to but they’re not in a stage where they can openly travel really just the little beetle looking stage in the roots occasionally till I kill that batch. After researching though Nasturtium Flowers and Sunflowers are great trap plants that’ll lure aphids away from your more precious plants so that’s something I’ll keep in mind for sure :blush:


No problem bro
“The circle of life”
Keep up the good work !


This is one of the autos seeds you sent me. Happy 420. I didn’t think it would work out. But I like it. Smells great.


@Hemp Dude that thing looks fantastic! Love the fade it’s getting too, good ass job on it as always


Last run was goat food. Lol. The weather got me. But I’m happy with it. It does have a nice fade. The other one is not as tall but fat. In two gallon containers. I have one auto that not a foot tall. It started hairs from the start. Still not finish. Almost 90 days I do believe. The ones I got for you didn’t show signs until after the flip I think. Not sure I’ll look and see what strain it is. I have a t tag on it for your plants. The autos.


This spring will get your out door stuff going. You will . Lol tired. Long day. The older you get if you put something off you waited to long. Peace


Glad to hear that. I have SD so perk up when we start getting light.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’ll take some more pics in the grow room when I’m in there later… Soooo much work and no freaking time to get any of it done lol. Started putting up the greenhouse around 9AM and called it quits at like 715PM after getting 75% of the structure up. Whole day was riddled with bullshit, chainsaw took a shit after 3 trees and had to go buy a new one, first was warrantied but I already had 3 down and a few more to go. So that was our warmup then hammering in the 4ft stakes and taking them out and readjusting them which probably still needs to be done a little. And puting in the giant top pieces and taking them out and readjusting and putting in. I’m so fuckin’ sore lol we either needed a lot more mathematical building knowledge or like 2 more people lol. We both got the same wound like idiots from the post protector thing that’s just a big piece of metal to hammer on. Rain on and off every 30-60 mins after the picture perfect day we had yesterday.

Anywho rant over… For now lol


So I had too much work to do pulling each plant individually and cleaning leaves and pulling what seeds I could find and spraying roots and shit to feel like taking pictures.

But hey @TopShelfTrees1 I found the first 4 lonely ole Pure Michigan F3S MY GUY!!! If you wanna bother with only 4 ahoot me your address one more time and I’ll get them out (probably Tuesday morning at this point cause I’m overly busy as all fuck) to you soon


Going to be a nice greenhouse once your done and got plants in it. Hell of a lot of work but well worth it.